Chapter 1

"Here, I wanted to give you something special." She said, smiling.

"You're my something special." He responded, causing her to blush.

"I won it at an auction, it was President Eisenhower's. There are only 48 stars on it, before Alaska and Hawaii were states." She went on to say. "Congratulations. I am so proud of you."

She hugged him goodbye and made her way out of the door.

"Hey, come back."

She turned around to face him.

"I love you and I love this." He ended the sentence, but his face looked as if he had more to say, so he waited.

"Since I could form complete sentences, I knew what my life would be. Ever since I was Teddy's age, I knew I was going to be a politican. A part of me thought I would end up here, but I never believed it. I never thought this would actually be happening. This is my life, and in forty-five minutes, I am going to become the next President of the United States of America." He took a moment to pause, collect his thoughts. "I could not, have made it here without you. You ran my campaign flawlessly. You are magnificent. You are so much more than I could have ever imagined you to be. And I am in love with you." He smiled that crooked smile of his, that made her heart melt.

"When your father tells you at the age of your that you are destined to be come the next President of America, you think of it. Truly, it never wowed me, but it interested me. When I thought of this day, I imagined the love of my life standing next to me. Liv, you are it." He whispered to her.

"Fitz-" She began to say, before he cut her off.

"You are it. You are the love of my life. I am never going to deny it, Liv. You are it for me. I am just sorry that you are not going to be the one standing next to me. It should be you, Liv."

"I love you, too. Now, please go get sworn in as the next President so that I can say the man I love is the President."

He kissed her once more. His hands gently grasped her head, full of passion. She slowly moved backwards, notioning the moment was over.

"Just one minute. Please." He whispered.

Without speaking, the two just stood there, in the Oval Office, staring into each other's eyes. He grabbed for hand, and gently kissed it.

"I love you." He said when the moment had ended.

"I know. Now go, become President. I'll be watching."

He slowly let go of her hand as he began to walk away, toward the Inauguration site.

"Fitz," She called out, and then he turned around, "you're my something special, too." He smiled her favorite smile, and then he was gone.

She was proud of him. She was proud of the man that he is, and the person he strives to be. She was proud of him, for making it this far, for having a goal and then reaching for it, never stopping short of it. She was proud of the way he held his head, up high, with confidence; almost as saying, I am Fitzgerald Grant III and I am the next President of the United States of America. And she loved him. She loved him with her whole heart.

She sat down next to Cyrus, Fitz's new Chief of Staff. His right hand man. She held his hand as Fitz's name was announced. She squeezed his hand when Mellie stood up to hold the bible for him.

"I know, dear. I know." Cyrus whispered in her ear, so low so only she would hear.

The minister spoke,

"Do you, Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III, do solemnly swear?"

"I, Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III do solemny swear,"

"That you will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States" the minister spoke again

"That I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States" With every word that Fitz recited, Olivia cried more.

"And will, to the best of my ability" The minister spoke once more.

"And will, to the best of my ability."

"Preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" Again, the minister spoke.

"Preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." Fitz recited.

"So help you God." The minister spoke.

"So help me God." Fitz recited, finishing the Presidential oath.

"Congratulations, Mr. President." He spoke, and the shook Fitz's hand.

I stood up first, wanting to be the first one to cheer Fitz on. He had done it. Fitz had achieved his goal. He was now the leader of the free world.

My boyfriend is the leader of the free world.

Secret boyfriend, but whatever.

Fitz and Mellie kissed, and my heart sank. Watching the two kiss, whether it was just show and tell, still hurt. No matter the pain it caused me, it did not overcome my happiness for him. Nothing could take that proudness away from him, nor me.

Cyrus and I faced each other, jumping up and down.

"He did it! He really did it!" He screamed to me.

"We did that, we put a man in office!" I screamed back.

"Look at our boy!" Cyrus shouted, hugging me.

Fitz faced the crowd, celebrating with him. After what seemed like years, he turned around.

I told him where I would be sitting, to look for me. And, he turned right towards me and smiled; making me queasy. He smiled that smile that I love so much.

Before turning back around to face the crowd, he winked at me.

It doesn't seem like much; but to me, it meant the world.

I was his something special; whether the world knew it or not.