Warning: Slight Hammer of Thor references. Nothing too revealing.

Percy and Annabeth are waiting near Sweet on American for the others to meet them. She was a bit surprised to get a raven delivered message from her cousin Magnus, but she was more than happy to arrange for this meeting. He needs her help and she's more than happy to give it. Since he indicated that he needs info on water demons, she decided to invite Sadie and Walt to join them as well. Percy is on his second pack of blueberry Sour Punch Straws by the time they spot a strange sight walking through the terminal from where the Brooklyn trains arrive.

"It's a crocodile," Percy says in surprise as the three Egyptians spot them and Sadie waves excitedly.

"I doubt anyone else can see him like that," Annabeth says then starts walking toward her friend.

"This is the biggest room I think I've ever seen," Sadie exclaims as she throws her arms around Annabeth's neck. "It puts Waterloo Station to shame."

"Thanks for coming guys," Percy says extending his hand to Walt.

The tall magician smiles. "We're happy for the opportunity to get away from the others," he admits.

"Do you know your tongue is blue?" Sadie adds giving Percy a strange look as she angles her head. The son of Poseidon grins and tilts the bag of candy towards the newcomers to offer them some. Sobek is the first to look inside.

"It is all blue," the Nile god says then smiles. "I like that." He pulls a package of blue Swedish Fish out for himself.

"What time does Magnus arrive?" Walt asks after getting some candy for himself.

Annabeth looks at the Ball Clock then says, "The train from New Haven arrives in fifteen minutes. You must be Lord Sobek."

"Excuse my manners," Anubis now says. "Annabeth, Percy this is my brother Sobek. Percy is the son of Poseidon and Annabeth the daughter of Athena."

Sobek flashes his wicked teeth again and takes Annabeth's hand. "It is lovely to meet you Daughter of Athena." He actually kisses the back of her hand.

Percy pulls a straw from his mouth and says, "Uh, she's taken bro."

"Shame," Sobek replies releasing her hand. "You would make a lovely mating specimen."

"Soooo not cool," Percy then says as he pull his girl a little closer.

"Don't make me regret bringing you," Anubis tells his brother.

Sadie gives the crocodile god a look that says, I will hurt you, then looks at Percy and says, "He doesn't get out much. We only brought him because he knows more about water demons than just about anybody."

After about twenty minutes, Annabeth spots her cousin and gives him a wave to get his attention. She expected that he would have Sam or maybe Blitz or Hearth with him, but instead it is a girl, at least she thinks it's a girl, in a pink t-shirt and green hair with black roots.

"He got a haircut. Who's that with him?" Sadie asks also spotting the son of Frey.

"No clue," Annabeth admits then walks over to greet her cousin.

When she reaches her younger cousin, she gives him a big hug then runs her hand through his hair. "Look at you," she says sweetly. "It looks good."

"Thanks, Blitzen had to cut it then Mallory fixed it up," he says hugging her back.

The daughter of Athena now brings her cousin and his friend back over to the others. "Most of you guys know Magnus," she says making introductions. "Magnus this is Lord Sobek, god of crocodiles. Sobek, my cousin Magnus."

Magnus hesitantly extends his hand. "Nice to meet you," he says nervously. He quickly turns his attention to the others. "Percy, Walt, Sadie it's great to see you guys again. This is a friend of mine, Alex Fierro. She's also einherjar and Sam's sister."

"So another dead person," Sadie says offering her hand. "Pleased to meet you."

"Are you dead too?" Alex asks as she shakes the girl's hand.

Walt is the one who answers as he too offers his hand to the newcomer. "Sadie wasn't, but I was," he says. "Walt Stone nice to meet you."

"I didn't know Greeks had einherjar," Alex says as she finishes her handshake with Walt.

"We're Egyptian, and we don't," Walt agrees. "I'd still be dead except that I am also Anubis."

"The dog headed guy?" she replies causing Sobek to chuckle.

"It's a jackal actually," he corrects, "But yes."

"Cool," Alex shrugs. "And I take it you're not wearing a costume," she continues now looking at Sobek.

Magnus rolls his eyes at his friend's bluntness.

"No costume," Sobek agrees.

"Oh, so you're not going to make a pass at her?" Sadie now barks at her boyfriend's brother.

"I prefer females," he answers casually.

Everyone looks at him like he's crazy. "She is a female," Sadie points out. "That is usually what SHE means."

"So," Magnus says trying to change the subject, "I really appreciate you guys taking to time to help. We have no idea what to expect out on the open seas."

"Why don't we head to Central Park," Annabeth suggests.

There isn't much talk between the kids as they walk along. Percy and Annabeth, holding hands, are in the lead. Magnus and Alex are right behind them followed by Walt and Sadie, also holding hands, then Sobek. The crocodile god seems content to bring up the rear as he makes lewd comments to every woman who walks by.

"Do you really have to do that?" Sadie finally asks her future brother-in-law.

"What?" the crocodile god says innocently.

"Over here," Percy says motioning for the others to follow. They find a picnic table close to a pond and all take a seat.

"So," Percy says looking at Alex. "How did you die?"

Without batting an eyelash, Alex says, "I fell from one of the towers on the Big Dig while trying to save a cat."

"Wow," Sadie gasps. "I would have thought it was something more impressive than that being an einherjar and all. Did the cat die too?" The tone of her voice clearly indicates that the later would be worse.

"It pays to have a Valkerie for a sister," Alex replies casually causing Magnus to laugh.

"She's BSing you guys. It was way more impressive than that," he finally says but does not elaborate on the details. "So how have things been going for you guys?" he now asks. "I was getting a little worried when I couldn't reach you by phone."

"My phone works just fine," Sadie says then looks at Annabeth and grins. "But you probably meant your cousin."

"We've got some…imperial issues we're dealing with," she says not wanting to go into details with Sobek sitting there. She has no reason to suspect him of anything, but Egypt was part of the Roman Empire, and Sobek has sided with the enemy in the past according to Sadie.

"You mean you're not getting along with Camp Jupiter?" Magnus asks with shock.

"It's not them," Percy assures him. "They're working with us. We're still trying to find out exactly what we're dealing with. What have you been up to?"

"Oh, we've just been working on some recovery missions lately." Magnus says prompting Alex to snort.

"Gods really need to keep better track of their stuff," she adds.

"No kidding," Percy agrees thinking of all the recovery missions he's been sent on by the Greeks. "What do you have to find in Sweden?"

Magnus looks at Alex then back to Percy. "We're not sure yet that Sweden is where we need to go. All we know for sure is Scandinavia."

"So Sweden," Percy repeats causing Annabeth to role her eyes.

"Denmark and Norway are part of Scandinavia too Seaweed Brain," she tells him.

Percy shakes his head like same diff. "So what do you have to find in Scan-di-nav-i-a?" he corrects.

"Loki," Alex says casually. Sobek is the one to speak next.

"Uh, if Loki is lost, why would you not just leave him like that?" the crocodile god questions.

"If only we could," Alex answers. "He has to be found and put back in his prison, or he'll start Ragnorok."

Annabeth looks at her cousin. "We really don't want that. How can we help?"

Magnus is the one who answers. "Sam says we have to sail there. It's the only way to enter that part of the Nine Worlds. We know very little about what type of sea creatures we might face. Since you just sailed to Athens…"

"We encountered our fair share," Percy admits. "I don't know how many of them you might actually run into. I think a lot of them are only in the Mediterranean. One thing I do know for sure though is that despite the movies, the Kraken is your monster not ours."

"Is that the giant squid?" Sadie asks curiously.

Sobek is the one who answers once again. "No. A giant squid is just a giant squid. You may encounter one, but it is not the Kraken."

"You've seen it? The Kraken I mean," Alex asks the god.

"He occasionally attends the annual conventions," Sobek replies in all seriousness.

Percy is dumbfounded. "Wait, you mean there's an annual convention of sea monsters? Why have I never heard about this?"

"Because he's kidding," Anubis tells him. Sobek grins big at the idea of making the son of Poseidon believe him.

"I have seen the Kraken however. It is more of a giant whale," the god explains.

"Like Moby Dick?" Alex asks.

"Similar," the crocodile says. "Moby Dick is fictional and does not have claws."

"Claws?" Magnus says taking his hand to his head like he wants to pull the rest of his hair out. Jack starts humming against his collar bone. "Ok," the son of Frey says then looks at Sobek. "My sword wants to come out and meet you."

Sobek raises an eyebrow, at least it seems like an eyebrow. "Your sword?"

Magnus pulls the rune from his neck and Jack elongates in his hand. "He's very impressive, señor."

"It talks, and is Spanish?" the crocodile god asks curiously.

"He's not Spanish, but yeah. He was my Dad's," Magnus answers.

"Until the no-good, sorry excuse…"

"Jack!" Magnus warns. "Watch what you say."

Jack glows red. "He gave me away!"

"I know, but you're in good hands now remember. You're supposed to be working on getting over it."

"You brought it up," Jack reminds him then tones his color down to a more cheerful yellow.

Sobek gives Jack a good once over. "I have always favored the khopesh, but this is quite impressive. May I?" he asks looking from Magnus to Jack.

"It's up to him," Magnus replies prompting Jack to fly into the god's hand.

Jack's runes glow green to match Sobek's hand. "Strong," the sword muses happily.

"Percy has an impressive sword too," Carter interjects looking at his good friend.

"Does it also speak?" Sobek asks while still admiring Jack.

Percy pulls Riptide from his pocket. "No, but we've been through a lot together, and it always returns to my pocket no matter what."

Alex gives Percy a look of confusion. "It's a pen," she exclaims like what's the big deal.

Percy removes the cap prompting Riptide to do its thing. When the sword is done transforming, Alex says, "That's…"

"Cool," Carter says with a grin.

"Not really where I was going," Alex says. "I mean, a pen? Couldn't you think of something more interesting?"

"That's what I thought," Jack says still glowing in Sobek's hand.

"That pen," Annabeth now tells them a little hotly, "Saved the world when Percy and I were stuck in Tartarus. Without Riptide, I couldn't have sent the message to Reyna that allowed her to return my mother's status and heal the relationship between the Greeks and Romans. What else can you do, Jack?"

"I looked smashing with Magnus's tuxedo," Jack brags.

Percy takes Annabeth's hand. "I didn't have anything to do with Riptide being a pen. It was like that when it was given to me, but it was made by a very dear friend of mine who gave her life to save Annabeth and Artemis."

"Now I feel bad," Jack says leaving Sobek's hand and hovering close to Riptide. "Maybe Blitzen could give it a makeover."

"Jack," Magnus scolds. "Percy's sword doesn't need a makeover. Now behave or I'll put you back on the chain."

The sword moves to his side then says, "Sorry señor."

"Ok," Annabeth now says. "When were you in a tuxedo? Do they have formal parties in Valhalla?"

"It wasn't a party. It was for Sam's wedding?" her cousin answers.

Sadie gushes, "Sam got married? I mean I know she has a boyfriend…"

"She didn't get married, I did," Alex explains.

"You're married?" Percy asks. "Aren't you a little young?"

"Don't worry. It didn't last. Irreconcilable differences," Alex assures him.

"So you're divorced?" Percy continues.

"Widowed actually."

"Meaning she garroted him right after the ceremony," Magnus laughs. "It's a long story."

Annabeth smiles then says, "So how long have the two of you been together?"

"Together?" Alex chokes. "We're not together."

Sadie laughs, "Denial. It's so cute."

"You're crazy. Seriously, we're not…"Magnus starts motioning between himself and Alex.

"I admit to being crazy, but I'm also an expert at spotting these things. Just ask my brother. I knew how he felt about Zia from the second we met her."

Magnus shakes his head vehemently. "We're just…"

"You're right," Alex interrupts. "He's got to hots for me." She gives her friend a grin. "At least most of the time."

Magnus just stares at her in stunned silence.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Percy asks. "At least most of the time. Annabeth and I argue, but we still love each other all the time."

"It doesn't mean anything. Alex and I are not an item," Magnus now repeats as the blush creeps across his face. "Can we get back to sea monsters?"

Annabeth watches her cousin for several more seconds then finally says, "Well we didn't actually run into any but there's the Cetus. Two of them were killed in ancient times, but we don't really know how many there were or if they've come back."

"Come back?" Alex questions.

"Monster's don't stay dead forever," the daughter of Athena explains.

"Nice," Alex says sarcastically.

Percy now speaks up. "Coach Hedge, Frank and I met Phorcys and Keto in Atlanta during our trip. I can only guess that since they're still together, they could still be having kids. I personally have met several of their children; Landon, The Gray sisters, Echidna…"

"The anteater?" Walt asks a bit confused.

"You don't want to point that out to her," Percy tells him with a grin. "I have also met all three Gorgons, but when it comes to sea creatures, the Shrimpzilla is the only one that comes to mind."

"Is that what it sounds like?" Alex asks.

"If what it sounds like is a humongous shrimp with hundreds of legs and tentacles, yeah, it's what it sounds like," he confirms.

Annabeth now reminds him, "Don't forget Scylla."

"But they won't run into that one as long as they stay out of the Bermuda Triangle," he points out to his girlfriend. "The Shrimpzilla was in the Atlantic."

"Last time I checked," Sadie points out, "The Bermuda Triangle is in the Atlantic."

Percy responds. "But it's tied to a certain spot in the Atlantic."

"For now," Annabeth adds.

"I would suggest you worry about your friend here's brother. The World Serpent," Sobek now warns. "When he wakes and takes that damned tail out of his mouth, he can be quite dangerous. He would also do anything for his father. Your father."

Magnus nods. "Been there done that," he admits. "Sam and I used him to get Ran's attention once. He's a beast alright."

The seven spend a couple of hours discussing their encounters and how to avoid and possibly overcome them. There is also talk of having Leo provide a state of the art sonar for their trip. Finally, Magnus asks his cousin for a few minutes in private. She agrees and they leave the others to talk while they walk through the park.

"Are you alright?" she asks noticing he seem nervous now.

They walk a few more feet before he replies. "I wanted to ask you about Alex."

"I think she's great," his cousin replies. "But if this is too new or…"

He interrupts. "Alex is a child of Loki," he says.

"You already told me that. So is Sam. Trust me when I say that I learned not to judge people by who their parents are a long time ago."

"It's not that. I completely trust both of them. It's just…Loki can change is form. He's actually Alex's mom not her dad."

"And that bothers you. Apollo has some kids with other guys. My friend Kayla…"

"Alex is sort of like that too," he blurts out.

Annabeth stops and looks at him for several seconds. "You're saying sometimes Alex is a guy?"

"She was actually born male. Sometimes he still is. Most of the time she's female though," he explains.

The older Chase reaches out and takes her cousin's hand. "Magnus, people love who they love. You know I have friends who are gay and lesbian. Apollo has been bi for eons. If Alex is the one for you, I totally support you…both of you. My question is, how do you feel about it? Does it bother you that sometimes she a guy? How do you relate with him then?"

"He's one of my best friends. Just like Blitz, Hearth, Sam, T.J., Mallory, and Halfborn. I would die to protect him."

"And when she's female?"

Magnus smiles. "I think she's amazing. Unlike Sam or Mallory and Halfborn, I never really thought I would have that type of relationship. After I died I mean. Now, I might have a chance."

"How does she feel about you?" Annabeth asks.

Magnus shrugs. "We kid each most of the time. You'd think we don't really like each other at all…"

"But there are still sparks," his cousin says.

"Yeah," he admits.

Annabeth pulls him into a hug. "Give it some time. It took Percy and me years to realize that what we felt was love. Of course, we were younger. If the possibility for love is there, you'll find it, and know that you have my complete support."

"Thank you, Annabeth. I love you. You can never know how much your support and understanding of this whole crazy death of mine means to me."

"I love you too Magnus."

On the train ride back to Boston Alex notices Magnus is being unusually quiet. "Your cousin and her friends are not bad. I mean it's crazy that their Greek and Egyptian, but…"

"When…when they were talking about us…being a thing, why did you say I have the hots for you?" he blurts out.

Alex looks at him for a few seconds before answering. "Because agreeing with them was the fastest way to shut them up," she finally says.

"So it wasn't because you think…"

"It's true," she finishes with a grin. "Is it?"

Magnus blushes. "I…" he looks into her eyes. Those orbs of different colors that tell her feelings so well. "How do you really feel about me?"

"Oh no you don't," Alex snorts. "You started this little confession session. I'm not going to put my feelings out there first."

"But you do have feelings?"

"Hate is a feeling," she laughs.

Magnus now grins. "I know your feelings are not that strong," he chides.

Alex, still grinning, says, "I don't hate you Maggie." Magnus starts to protest the use of the name when she continues. "Beantown," she corrects. "I'm just not your normal girl. I've never let myself have feelings like that before."

"You think I have?" he asks. "I've had a crush before, like in middle school, but nothing like this." He takes her hand in his and surprisingly she doesn't pull away.

"What about when I'm male?" she asks still looking into his gray eyes.

Magnus blushes again. "Annabeth asked me the same thing."

"You talked to your cousin about me? I'm sure that went over well."

"She likes you," he insists. "And she doesn't judge people on their sexual orientation."

"So what did you tell her?" she replies. "About when I'm a guy."

"I told her that you're still one of my best friends, and I would die to defend you."

Alex is a bit stunned. She doesn't say anything for several seconds.

"But you don't have feelings for me, not those kind of feelings," he says sounding disappointed.

"I didn't say that," she says blushing then diverting her eyes away from his face. After an uncomfortable silence, she grins and says, "So you had a crush on a girl. Did you ever kiss her?"

Now Magus blushes. "That's a bit personal," he insists.

"I was just wondering," she says defensively.

"Wondering if I had ever kissed a girl?"

"No," she say leaning in just a little. "I was wondering if this would be your first." With that she kisses him.