So yeah, a bit of an apology is in store.

I'm so sorry for taking so long to write this! Stuff came up and I eventually lost my muse and had no intention of writing this story. When my muse did come back, it was for another story! I promised myself however I wouldn't drop this story at all! I know the whole 'Tadashi is alive' bandwagon is old and cliche, but when I started this story the fandom was relatively new so I thought this story was a pretty good idea. I still like it though, and I can tell from all the reviews/follows/fav's it's gotten that people love it too! Thanks again for all the wonderful comments/reviews you guys left!

In fact the Winter Soldier idea itself is an idea the whole fandom seems to enjoy. I've seen art for this AU since before I even started writing the fic (actually roughly an hour after I saw a piece of WS AU art I started writing this thing).

So yeah, hope you like this chapter!


Everything was a bit of a blur.

The Microbots had successfully shoved Hiro and Baymax, causing them to fall for only a few seconds until Baymax activated his rockets. As the robot tried to steady himself, Hiro watched as Tadashi leaped for him, microbots in the shape of a fist with spikes on the knuckles.

Baymax raised both arms to block the attack, making Hiro his first priority. "TADASHI!" Hiro shouted as the Microbots continued to slam against the robot's arms. "YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO ME!"

His brother gave no response. Hiro could only assume that his expression was the same as the mask he wore.

"HIRO!" Honey called from below.

Hiro didn't hear his friend call out for him, his attention focused solely on his brother. The second the swarm of microbots let up, Baymax dived for Tadashi, wrapping his large arms around him before he could command anymore robots to attack. They landed back where they had started, Hiro jumping off Baymax and running to his brother.

"Hold him there, Baymax!" Hiro commanded, the robot holding Tadashi's arms and chest down with his large hands. Though his legs thrashed, Tadashi wasn't going anywhere.

Now Hiro had the chance to take the mask off and stop those microbots. All that was left afterwards was to at least try to get his brother to listen to reason.

Tadashi stopped his thrashing when he saw his brother come closer, his hands reached out for the mask. He turned his head, trying to move as much as possible in the hopes that the boy wouldn't be able to get a good enough grip on his mask for just a few more seconds.

"Tadashi, stop!" Hiro exclaimed as he tried to calm his brother. "Trust me; I'm doing this for your own good."

As Hiro finished speaking, microbots appeared from both sides of Hiro and shot at the robot, knocking him off of Tadashi and continuing their assault until the robot had slammed against the ground, leaving a small crater of debris as a result. Injured, Baymax slowly tried to stand up, but soon found himself falling back down, his suit starting to fall apart bit by bit.

As Baymax fell, Tadashi backhanded Hiro away from him, the teen just within inches of the edge of the small platform they stood on. Despite the fact Hiro still has his helmet on, the smack still left him a little disoriented.

Tadashi shook his hand, sore from hitting the helmet, as he stood up, towering over the much younger boy. He stepped closer, knowing that Hiro could do virtually nothing to fight back without his robotic guardian around to help him. Hiro reached out slowly as he took steps away from his brother, knowing that he was fully capable of hurting him and suspected he wouldn't hesitate to throw him over the edge.

"T-Tadashi?" Hiro asked as he took cautious steps. "Tadashi, there's not any way you might just stop and listen to me for just a minute, would you? Huh, bro?"

Tadashi raised his hand to Hiro, fingers clenched, and called his microbots. The swarm of tiny machines soon appeared, forming a small ball covered with spikes in his hand. Before Hiro could respond, Tadashi threw the ball at Hiro's head.

Hiro ducked out of the way and turned to see the ball stop in its descent and move back to Tadashi's hand. The spiked ball spun slowly in Tadashi's hand, who glared at Hiro as if awaiting the boy's next move.

"I guess I'll take that as a 'no' then?" Hiro asked rhetorically.

Tadashi formed another ball in his other hand, and began throwing them at Hiro. The vigilante ran out of the way, both of the balls stopping in midair just a few feet behind Hiro and quickly returning to Tadashi's hand so quickly that there was almost no pause between the throws. Hiro rolled out of the way, landing on bended knees before running for his brother, dodging the weapons Tadashi threw at him. The only hit Tadashi managed to get was when one of the balls started to retract and made contact with Hiro's shoulder, knocking the boy off of his balance for just a quick moment.

As Hiro lunged for the taller man, Tadashi simply stepped out of the way, reached out, and grabbed the long ear on the side of Hiro's helmet. He tried to throw the boy back in front of him, but was only able to pull the helmet off of the boy's head. As he turned around to look at the boy, whose eyes seemed to grow wider as the fear started to consume him, Tadashi threw his helmet over the edge, Hiro's fear increasing as he watched the helmet fall.

Hiro looked back at his brother and began to take cautious steps away, beginning to really fear for his life at this point. "Tadashi, come on man, just hear me out on this, okay? Come on just think, think about the names. Tadashi. Hiro. Come on they have to sound a little familiar, right?" But Tadashi didn't let up, despite Hiro's efforts to keep him away.

Hiro soon found himself at the edge of the platform, waving his arms as he tried not to fall. Now there was nowhere for him to go.

Tadashi knew that he had the boy now. He wanted to end this. He just wanted to get all of this over with so he could go back to his normal life, if he could even call it that. What Callaghan said had to be true, but yet something about this boy kept eating at him, wanting to at least pause and listen to the boy. But he was speaking lies. He had to have been. He had to be rid of him.

As Hiro tried to balance himself, Tadashi grabbed him by the fabric underneath his armor, lifting Hiro up so that he was eye level with the masked man. Hiro grabbed Tadashi's arm, but let himself be lifted, knowing that if he was dropped he might fall. If he could reason with Tadashi, and coax him to put him down gently, then maybe he would listen. It was now or never.

"Your name is Tadashi Hamada. You live with me and Aunt Cass in her café."

"Be quiet," Tadashi finally spoke.

"We share a room. You helped me build those microbots!"

"I said," Tadashi smacked the side of Hiro's head, leaving a large red mark on the boy, "be quiet."

Hiro took deep breaths, trying to calm himself, sucking in his lips as he looked to his brother again. "You're a student at SFIT! Out parents died ten years ago!"

"Shut UP!" Tadashi turned and slammed Hiro on the platform, the boy's ear ringing upon the impact. Microbots covered Hiro's hands and ankles, securing him in place so he couldn't outrun Tadashi anymore. Tadashi stood over Hiro, watching the boy try to pull his wrists out of the microbots grasp to no avail. "You're lying."

"No I'm not! We, uh, we have a cat named Mochi?" Tadashi said nothing. "Your friends! Friends, you have friends! Wasabi, Honey Lemon, Gogo, Fred! They're all waiting for you!"

Tadashi then stomped on Hiro's stomach, the boy crying out in pain and holding back tears. "I'm your brother," Hiro continued with a hoarse voice. "Hiro Hamada."

"NO!" Tadashi screamed, lifting up his mask and revealing his scarred face to the boy before he got down on one knee and punched the boy's head. "You're not!"

Hiro said nothing then. He couldn't. His head was hurting too much. He couldn't even think of anything else to say, not that it would matter. He was beginning to believe that there was no saving Tadashi at this point. He was starting to believe that maybe, just maybe, his brother really was gone. It was as if he had died all over again.

Tadashi didn't want to listen to the boy's insane rambling. It was nonsense; all of it. There was no way this boy was making sense, and yet there he was acting as if he knew for a fact that he was speaking the truth. If this really was a lie then this boy was most certainly a fool for willing to die for it. He leaned closer to the boy, grabbing his hair and turning his head so he could see his eyes. "You're lying. And for what? What could you possibly get out of this? What's in this for you?"

Hiro squinted as he looked at his brother, the bright light form the sun plus the pain from having his hair pulled tight bringing him constant pain. He wasn't able to speak.

Tadashi was getting angrier, growling through clenched teeth as he dropped Hiro's head and punched him again, this time drawing blood. "Answer me!" Tadashi screamed. He had to have the answers. He absolutely needed to know why this boy, this young boy with a full life ahead of him, was willing to give his life just so he would believe him. Believe that his name wasn't Yokai, that Callaghan wasn't what he seemed, that he had another home and another family. Why would he die for this?

Hiro slowly turned to look at his brother, feeling the warm blood start to flow from his nose and down his forehead, the entire left side of his face sore from the beatings. "Because," he rasped out, "because…I want…I want my brother back."

Tadashi flinched in response. Even know the kid was willing to stick to his story.

"You don't want to kill me," Hiro spoke softly, mustering any strength he could to just talk to his brother, hoping that this small time he was taking to sit still and let him speak would be useful. "If you…if you could, you would have already done it. R-right?"

Tadashi raised his hand over Hiro's head, the microbots crawling over his arm and into his palm, forming a small rod that he surely intended to use to beat Hiro to the brink of death.

"Hey, hey hey wait! Wait!" Hiro's voice grew more alert, his heart rate increasing now more than ever. "Tada…Tadashi listen. You know me, I know you do."

Tadashi didn't know why he was waiting. The boy was obviously delusional, so why couldn't he finish the job?

"I used to go bot fighting. I made a small robot. Megabot. You found me," Hiro took a deep breath, unsure whether to look at the weapon or to look at his brother as he loomed over him, "you found me in that alley, remember? On your bike? You…you rescued me."

Tadashi's fist began to shake. His head was starting to hurt immensely and he had no idea why. He needed to finish this! Now!

"You used to call me names. Come on knucklehead, you gotta believe me."

Knucklehead? Why would he call him...?

Thing started to click.

Pieces of a puzzle were fitting together.

Tadashi dropped the weapon, which landed right beside Hiro's head, and stood up, backing away from Hiro and tripping over his own feet. Tadashi rolled over as he sat on his legs and grabbed his head, groaning through clenched teeth as his headache grew worse. Dear God it felt like his head was going to explode! Pictures started to appear in his mind. A bedroom. A hat. A school. A baby boy. A café. A girl with long blonde hair that held his hand. Tadashi almost screamed; everything frightened him. Nothing made sense anymore. He didn't know who to believe.

Through all of this, Hiro could see nothing. His head hurt too much to lift. He closed his eyes, knowing he wasn't going anywhere. All he could do was hear Tadashi cry out and hope that whatever he said to make him act like this, it was for the better. For a minute, Tadashi grew silent. Hiro honestly thought that he had been left there all alone. Baymax still hadn't come to his rescue and could only assume that he was still down there either still lying in the crater or fighting off the army of microbots. But then, Hiro heard footsteps dragging along the concrete.

"Hiro," he heard Tadashi say softly. Hiro opened his eyes and saw Tadashi standing over him, staring at him with a blank expression.

"Tadashi?" Hiro asked.

His brother said nothing, a pattern Hiro was almost getting accustomed to. Instead, his brother waved his hand over him and made the microbots move away from his wrists and ankles, Hiro instantly curling into a small ball and holding his aching and throbbing head. He wiped the blood off of his forehead, leaving a red smear on the back of his hand. He tried to stand but stumbled, only to have Tadashi grab his shoulder and help him up. Hiro used his thumb to wipe off some of the blood from his nose before looking at his brother.

"Tadashi?" he asked again.

"I don't know," he answered.


"I don't know. I don't know who I am, or who you are. But," Tadashi sighed before continuing, "you seem…you seem like you know things I don't. You seem…sure."

Hiro slowly nodded. "I do, I do."

"It's gonna take a lot more than your talk to convince me," Tadashi stated, his grip on Hiro's shoulder tightening.

"Okay. Okay! OKAY! I have, I have proof!" Hiro shouted, his fear of his own brother quickly returning as he squeezed his shoulder. "I-I-I have pictures! Aunt Cass! Uh, your friends! They'll vouch for me, I promise."

Tadashi removed his hand from Hiro and got down on one knee, having to look up just slightly to look his brother in the eye. "Callaghan. Is he…" Tadashi paused, not knowing how to word what he was thinking of his former master.

Hiro stepped in, answering Tadashi's unfinished question. "No. No, he's a liar. He set you up. He's," Hiro gulped, trying to swallow his pain, "he's not a good guy, Tadashi. He's lied to you and tried to get you to hurt me. To do all of this!" Hiro motioned towards the destruction the portal was causing.

Tadashi touched the scarred part of his face as he looked at the chaos. "Did, did he do this to me?" he asked.

Hiro nodded slowly. "In a way, yes. He-he started a fire and,"

Tadashi stood up and moved away from Hiro, looking over the debris that was being sucked into the portal. Standing near the edge of the platform, Tadashi took off his mask and watched as the portal flickered off and started to fall, the three pieces each separating as they plummeted to the ground. They crashed, destroying everything they landed on, which was mostly the rest of Krei's building.

Hiro limped over to the edge, waiting for the dust to settle. As he waited, Baymax appeared and hovered beside him, one of his rockets sputtering and having trouble staying on, thereby making Baymax's flight shaky and unstable. "Baymax!" Hiro exclaimed as the robot landed.

Before Hiro could say anything else, Baymax looked Hiro over and stated, "Hiro, you appear to have several abrasions, bruises, and cuts on your face and…arms and…chest. I recommend immediate medical attention."

"There's no time for that, buddy," Hiro responded as he turned to see Tadashi raise his arm back, ready to throw his mask. "Don't!" Hiro said, reaching out for Tadashi. "We might need it."

Tadashi looked at the mask before letting his arm fall to his side, biting his lip as he walked over to Baymax. "Can he give us a lift?"



Hiro nodded. "Yeah, yeah I think he can do that."

Instead of waiting for Hiro to climb onto his back, Baymax reached down and grabbed Hiro under his arms. Tadashi grabbed onto one of Baymax's arms and held tightly as the large robot carefully flew off of the platform and landed safely on the ground.

Almost immediately, Hiro was greeted by his friends who were all worried when they saw how bruised and beaten he was.

"Oh my God, dude, are you okay?" asked Wasabi.

"We need to get him to a hospital!" Honey said, hesitantly checking Hiro for any more cuts or bruises they might not be able to see.

Gogo looked at Tadashi with furious anger in her eyes, hissing through her teeth as she pointed at him. "You," she said as she walked closer to him. "You stupid, horrible, son of a bitch!" Gogo punched Tadashi's jaw hard, making the teen stumble for only a moment as he grabbed his jaw and moved it around, hoping he didn't lose any teeth.

Before Gogo could hit him again, Hiro moved away from his friends and hurryingly moved his hands between them, forcing a separation between the two before another fight was started. "Stop! Gogo, stop! He's alright! I got through to him!"

Gogo didn't listen to what Hiro had to say at first, but when she noticed that his mask was off and in his hand, and the fact he hadn't yet made any attempt to hit her back, she started to back off. She looked down to Hiro. "You sure?"

"He did this," Hiro pointed to the fallen portal, now in pieces. "Not me."

"Seriously?" Fred asked, the rest of the group slowly and warily making their way closer to Tadashi.

Hiro nodded. "Seriously."

Tadashi looked at the group, wondering what all they might have to say. "So, you guys are…who, exactly?"

"You don't remember us?" Wasabi asked.

"I'm having enough trouble buying the fact I have a brother named Hiro and that my name isn't Yokai, so you'll have to forgive me for not immediately knowing who any of you are," Tadashi snapped.

"It's okay," Hiro said, placing a comforting hand on Tadashi's arm. "It'll just, um, take some time." Hiro pointed to each member of the team. "That's Gogo," the girl waved when Hiro said her name, "Wasabi," the larger man nodded. Hiro went to point to Honey, but Tadashi stopped him and stepped forward, pointing at Honey as he spoke.


The girl looked between her friends, unsure of how to respond at first. "Uh, yes? H-how, how did you know?"

Tadashi shrugged, unsure really how he knew that right off the bat. "Lucky guess?"

Hiro could have sworn he saw Honey Lemon blush just a little, which he didn't understand at all given the circumstances they were in, "And this is Fred."

Fred gave his own little wave to Tadashi when Hiro mentioned him. Lifting up his mask, Fred smiled and said, "It's good to see you again, man."

"Wasabi? Gogo? Are those your actual names?"

"Nicknames, actually," Fred answered. "Courtesy of yours truly."

Tadashi stared at Fred with a blank expression for a moment. "Uh-huh," he replied with a nod. "Did, uh, did I have a nickname?"

Fred shook his head. "Not yet."

"Good. Let's keep it that way." To his surprise, the group gave a small chuckle. Even Gogo at least smirked and rolled her eyes.

"It's good to have you back," Wasabi said, patting Tadashi's shoulder.

"It's good to be back?" Tadashi answered, unsure of what to make of this entire situation.

"No," a voice called out from behind the vigilantes. "No, no, no, NO!"

They all turned to see Callaghan advancing for them, glaring only at Tadashi as he spoke. "What did you DO?"

"Stay back, Tadashi," Hiro said as he stood in front of his brother, the rest of his friends following.

"What did you DO!?" Callaghan repeated.

Honey Lemon was the first to step forward. "He did what he had to do! He stopped your machine and remembered who he was!"

Callaghan stopped just a couple feet from the group, at first saying nothing. But soon, he started to chuckle, wiping the sweat from his forehead. "Who he was? Who he WAS? Look at him! Look at who he is now! Yokai, you know better than this!"

Hiro turned around and looked to his brother. "Don't listen to him, Tadashi."

Tadashi looked at his brother, not knowing what to say or do. He just listened to what Callaghan was saying, despite the fact more and more of him was beginning to think that Hiro was right and Callaghan really was to blame for all of this.

"Tadashi this. Tadashi that. Listen to the boy, Yokai! He's clearly delusional! They all are! This is just some lie they've concocted to get you to listen to them! To think you're one of them so they can snatch you away from me! They don't believe in the good we're doing!"

"Good?" Tadashi asked, glaring back at Callaghan. "What good? Destroying this building, putting who knows how many people in danger? In fact, if what they say is true, then what else have you lied to me about?"

"Yokai!" It was the first time Tadashi had ever spoken out against Callaghan. He knew right then and there he was beginning to lose him, and if he didn't do something now, all of his hard work and planning would be for naught. "Just come with me, and I'll explain everything!"

"He's lying," Gogo said as she cracked her knuckles. "And I don't know about you guys, but I'm through listening to his bull."

"Oh for Pete's sake, enough of this!" Callaghan stared to advance again, but was soon blocked by Honey Lemon, stepping in front of the old man before he could take another step.

She folded her arms as she threatened the man, "I think it's time you leave. Better yet, you can just wait here until the police show up."

Callaghan wasn't going to tolerate any of this nonsense. "Out of my way, girl!" he said as he tried walking around her, only to have the girl step in front of him again and again. It was then that he lost his patience and smacked the girl's face before grabbing her shoulders and tossing her aside, the girl almost tripping over the debris. "Yokai, enough of this! We're leaving, now!"

Tadashi's mouth hung open slightly as he watched Honey rub the red mark on her cheek. Clenching his fists tight, he stepped through the group of friends protecting him and grabbed Callaghan by the throat. His grip tightened as he lifted the man off of his feet, breathing heavily as he watched the man gasp for air.

"Tadashi, no!" Hiro shouted as he ran for his brother, grabbing his arm and trying to pull it away from Callaghan's throat. Tadashi only grabbed the older man with his other hand, ignoring his brother's pleas. "Tadashi, stop! You can't do this! You can't kill him!"

Callaghan scratched at Tadashi's arms, his legs kicking violently as he tried to escape his former asset's grip.

"Tadashi!" Gogo called out. "You have to let him go!"

Wasabi stepped up and placed both hands on Tadashi's shoulders. "Don't do this man! You're better than this! Just let him go!"

Callaghan's legs were starting to stop shaking; his arms were beginning to fall limp. It wasn't until Tadashi sighed in defeat did he release the man who fell to his knees as he gasped loudly for air.

"Hey," Tadashi said, getting the man's attention. Callaghan looked up to see Tadashi stare right back at him. "Don't ever touch my friends again." With that, Tadashi punched Callaghan's head, the man falling limp and bothering the team no more.

Honey rushed to the man and knelt beside him, sighing in relief as she looked to her friends. "He's breathing," she assured as she stood up. "The police should be here soon. What do we do with him?"

"Well, hand him over of course!" Fred announced.

"But how do we explain Tadashi?" Gogo asked. "He's the one that did all of this."

"But they don't know that," spoke Tadashi, kneeling down beside Callaghan. Tadashi snapped the transmitter in two before placing the mask by Callaghan. He then took off his trench coat and laid it on top of Callaghan's unconscious body. "The reports will say a masked mad attacked this place. So that's what we'll give them."

"You think they'll believe that?" asked Hiro.

Tadashi nodded as he stood upright. "They have to. Everyone left so quickly, it's not like they were going to know who was under the mask anyways. Besides, Callaghan was going after Krei in the first place. Everything should resolve itself."

Honey snapped her fingers in realization. "Krei. What about Krei? What do we do with him?"

"I'm fine, by the way!" the man in question called out, the group turning around to see the man dusting off his suit. "Look, I don't know who the heck the guy in the mask is. I think I'd recognize a face like that."

Tadashi felt like spitting on the man's shoes.

"But," Krei continued, "I'll have no problem saying all of this was Krei's doing."

"Really?" asked Wasabi.

"Don't get me wrong though, I know why he went after me. I'm not an idiot. But I do know that this man put me, you, and everyone else here in danger. Not to mention all the damage he caused."

"Hiro," Baymax spoke, grabbing everyone's attention. "When I had fallen, my scanners were starting to malfunction. They said that there was someone inside the portal."

"What?" Hiro asked. "Who? Who? Did you get a good read on them?"

Baymax paused for a quick second, remembering what his scanners had picked up. "A young woman. Mid-twenties. She seemed to be unconscious."

Hiro turned to Krei. "Can we rebuild the portal?"


"The portal! Is it possible we can rebuild it? Maybe we can get that woman out of there!"

"Uuhh," Krei turned around to look at the destruction, shaking his head as he shrugged. "I mean, it's possible. But there's no way of knowing if she'll be alive by the time we reach her."

"Well, it's a portal, right?" Fred asked. "I mean, if its purpose was to transport something from one place to another, but you don't have another place for that thing to go to, then they should still just be sitting there in a timeless space, right? Like an in-between zone. Time doesn't work through transportation portals. So this girl, maybe she might still be alive but like, in a coma or something. Not aging or needing food or anything."

The rest of the group stared at Fred, wondering where this sudden burst of genius had come from. Tadashi on the other hand just looked at Fred as if he were crazy. Well, crazier than he had first thought.

"What?" Fred asked.

"You know," Krei said after having thought it over for a moment, "that might be possible. Theoretically, anyways. I mean the concept is that there really is nothing between one portal and another besides what you put there, so it sense to assume that time isn't a factor either."

"Where the hell did you come up with an idea like that?" Gogo asked Fred.

"Saw it a comic book once. 'The Spectacular Maroona'!"

"Oooooof course he did," Gogo said with an over-exaggerated nod.

"Were you really expecting any other kind of answer?" asked Wasabi.

"Alright," Hiro spoke, "now we just gotta rebuild that portal."

"No problem," Krei answered. "I did it before, I'm sure I can do it again."

The group went silent as they heard the oncoming sirens of police cars, ambulances, and fire truck's. "We need to get out of here," Honey told the group.

"Baymax, can you give us a lift, buddy?" Hiro asked.

Baymax looked at the group. "Yes. I think I will be able to give everyone a…lift. Where would you like to go?"

"Up there," Tadashi answered, pointing to a nearby building that was at least twenty stories high. "That rooftop. We can make sure they get Callaghan from there."

Wasabi nodded as he responded, "Yeah. Yeah good plan. Good plan."

"Good luck," Krei said as he ran towards the sirens.

"Come on, we need to get out of here," Tadashi told the group.

Baymax the carried the group away from the devastation and up to the rooftop, all seven of them watching as the police came and took Callaghan into custody. The group, save Tadashi, let out a sigh of relief, knowing that their job was done.

"Hey," Gogo said to Hiro, "you gonna be okay?" she waved her finger in a circle around Hiro's head.

The young teen only smiled as he carefully touched the sore part of his face. "Yeah, uh, I think I might need to go to a hospital? I can't have Aunt Cass finding out about all of this."

"Then how are you going to explain him?" Wasabi asked, pointing his thumb as Tadashi, who looked at the rest of the group now knowing what to say or even do at this point.

"Uh, I found him," Hiro answered unsure if it was really the best idea, "Yeah, he uh, was here at the site and….uh…,"

Tadashi scoffed as he rolled his eyes. He placed a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Look, if you don't want this…this, Aunt Cass?" Hiro nodded. "If you don't want Aunt Cass to know about this whole hero thing you've got going on, then just say you and the rest of your friends were passing through when all of this started. You saw me and coaxed me out of whatever mind thing Callaghan had me on."

"You think she'll believe that?" asked Hiro.

"If I'm really her nephew, and she think's I've been gone for the past few months, I don't really think she'll ask too many questions," Tadashi answered with a smirk.

Hiro smiled back. It was the first time he had seen Tadashi smile in a long time. Hesitantly, Hiro wrapped one arm around his brother before pulling himself closer and hugging his brother. Ignoring the pain he was feeling in his chest as he pulled Tadashi closer, Hiro smiled even more, feeling a tear start to form in his eye. "I've missed you," he admitted.

Tadashi didn't know how to respond and looked to the rest of the team for help, who all looked at Hiro and then back to Tadashi, silently telling him to at least hug his brother back. Tadashi hugged Hiro back with just one arm, not because he was told to, but because after a moment of thought, he realized he wanted to. He had to. More and more of his former self was coming back to him, but he couldn't quite yet tell what to make of all of it. What he could decipher however was that this young boy, this young teenager was his real family. And he had been gone for months, his brother thinking that he had died. He obviously cared about him a lot and part of Tadashi was slowly accepting the fact that whatever love this boy had for him, he felt the exact same way.

Tadashi leaned down just a little and held Hiro with his other arm. "It's okay," he said calmly. "I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

"I swear," Hiro went on, "I'll help you remember everything. I don't care how long it takes."

"We'll help too," Honey chimed in, the rest of Tadashi's friends nodding in agreement.

Tadashi gave them a small nod as he smiled. "Thanks. I, uh, I appreciate it." He turned his attention back to Hiro, who still wasn't letting his brother go.

"I love you, Tadashi," the younger brother said, sniffing as he blinked away one of his tears.

The rest of the team, even Baymax, said nothing, letting the two have their moment.

Tadashi removed the black fabric from his head and tossed it aside, letting his head rest on Hiro's. "I love you too, bonehead." He had no idea where that name came from, or why he was so quick to admit to the kid he loved him, but it felt not only right but also necessary. It almost hurt him to see the kid cry like this.

Hiro didn't care if his friends saw him act like this; like practically a child. He was just happy he had his brother back. That was all that mattered right now.

Tadashi was back.

So yeah, that was a thing. I wrote that thing. I hope you like the thing. Only one more chapter left!