"Ha! I win again."

"Impossible! You cheated!"

"Rose darling jealously is very unbecoming on you." I joked with my cousin.

"Oh I'm not playing with you anymore." Rose said tossing her cards on the table. I let out a laugh just as our maid Trudy walking into the room

"Excuse me madams, but your uncle with like to speak with you Miss. Nina." She said with a smile

"That's okay Rose and I were done anyway." I said winking her, which she returned with a glare. I got up and followed Trudy to my uncle's study. When I got there the door was closed to I knocked

"Come in."

I walked in to see my uncle sitting behind his desk. He didn't look like he was having a good day. You see about six months ago he was diagnosed with cancer and was told by all the best doctors he only had roughly a year left. He's been getting worse, he does have good days but those too far and few in between and it seemed that today was not one of them. He looked really tired, he was a bit pale, and looked to be in pain. He quickly wiped the look off his face and replaced it with a smile when he saw me.

"Nina my dear, come have a seat." He said motioning to the chairs in front of his desk. I smiled back at him and quickly took a seat. He got up and walked around the desk taking the seat next to me.

"How are you feeling uncle?" I asked him

"I can't complain for an old man at least." He joked

"I'm sure you're wondering why I called you here. Well you know you're my favorite niece" He continued and I nodded

"I'm you're only niece." I told him with a small laugh

"I know. Before my brother, your father was killed in that terrible train accident along with your mother, I promised him that as long there was a breath left in body, I would see that you were very well looked after. Now these past twelve years I wouldn't change for the world, I love you just as you were my own daughter. You see I don't know how much time I got left."

"Oh no Uncle Albert don't you say such a thing."

"It's the truth Nina, and I've come to accept it. Which leads me to my point Nina I-"He was cut off by the door opening, and in walked my dreadful Aunt Ruth followed by a gentleman I recognized as John Jacob Astor. 'What is here doing here?' I thought. He was one of the richest men in the world, and a very eligible bachelor since his scandalous divorce about two years ago.

"John." My Uncle said as he tried to stand but was having a difficult time I quickly got up and helped him. I looked over at Aunt Ruth who just rolled her eyes then looked away. Once my Uncle was on his feet, he hobbled over to Mr. Astor and the shook hands

"How are you Albert?" Mr. Astor asked him

"Fine, fine. Please have a seat." He said to Mr. Astor

"I was just talking to Nina." Uncle Albert said

"You haven't told her?" Aunt Ruth snapped

"Hush woman! I was getting to it before you barged in."

"Told me what?" I spoke up, Uncle Albert turned to me taking my hand in his

"Well Nina my dear, I have some wonderful news. Mr. Astor has asked me for your hand…..and I accepted." He told and I felt the air leave my body. I looked at Uncle Albert who looked a little guilty. Then I eyes shifted to Aunt Ruth who looked like she'd rather be out shopping than here. Finally my eyes turned to my husband-to-be, who was looking at me nervously.

"Nina say something dear." Uncle Albert said

"What's there to say, but Mr. Astor I look forward to our wedding." I said softly

"So am I." Mr. Astor said kissing my hand

"Well John I hope you'll be joining us for dinner." Uncle Albert said quickly changing the subject

"I'd love to." He said nodding

"Well I guess I'll go see if dinner is almost done." Aunt Ruth said leaving the room.

We sat in silence for what felt like hours but was actually only about two minutes. When my uncle's phone rang

"Excuse me I must take this but Nina why don't you show John the house." He urged and I nodded. I stood and Mr. Astor followed my lead offering his arm, I briefly hesitated then looped my arm through his. We walked in awkward silence only speaking when I showed him room or certain things around the house.

"Last but not least the library." I said showing him my favorite room in the house

"So you like books." He stated and I looked at him surprised

"How did you know?"

"By the way your face lit up when entered the room." He said looking in my eyes, I looked down to hide my blush, he put a finger under my chin and lifted my head to look at him

"You should never hide your beautiful face." He said looking at me

"Mr. Astor-"

"John. We are to be married so please call me John."

"Okay John." I said

"Now tell me what do you like to read?" He asked

"Oh any and everything! Jane Austen is one of my favorites, and the poems of Emily Bronte are…..intoxicating. Oh and don't get me started on Charles Dickens I could read his works all day!" I said excitedly which got a laugh out of John. I suddenly remembered where I was and who I was with

"Oh I'm sorry. Please excuse me." I said

"No need."

"Yes there is Aunt Ruth says no man wants to hear a woman babble about nothing."

"It's not nothing, I want to know everything about you. I like to read a bit myself."

"You do?" I asked him

"Yes I'm pretty fond of that Shakespeare fellow." He told me

"Really?" I asked eyeing him, when he let out a laugh

"No not really." He said making me laugh

"Well I am, I've always wanted to see one of his plays." I said looking at him. He leaned forward and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. He cupped my cheek we stayed in this position until we heard someone clear their throat. We quickly stepped away from each other, and turn to see Trudy standing by the door with a small blush on her cheeks

"Excuse me, Mr. Astor, Miss. Nina but dinner is served." She said

"Already?" I asked

"Yes Miss, you two have been gone for almost two hours now." She said

"Well that goes to show time flies when you're having fun. Shall we?" John said holding out his arm that I instantly took this time.

He escorted me to the dining room that I showed him earlier.

"There you two are I thought you had gotten lost." Uncle Albert said as we walked into the dining room.

"Not at all Albert, you left me in the hands of a very capable guide." John said pulling my chair out for me

"Aw yes Nina and Rose know this house inside and out better than the architect himself." Uncle Albert joked.

Once the meal was served the men began talking about politics and thing. I was so bored when I felt Rose elbow me

"Ow! What was that?" I asked her

"Where have you been all day? And why is John Jacob Astor here?"

"I have something to tell you Rose I'm-"

"Girls have I not taught you it's rude to whisper." Aunt Ruth snapped from her end of the table

"Sorry." We said

"They act as if I raised them in a barn, please excuse them John." She said politely to him

"No harm done Ruth. Honestly I didn't even notice, but do excuse us for excluding you ladies from the conversation." John said with a smile

"I know a subject we can all discuss… The wedding." Aunt Ruth said with a smile. I rolled my eyes instantly knowing it would be a huge battle between her and I seeing as we hardly ever see eye to eye.

"Wedding? What wedding?" Rose asked looking confused

"Mr. Astor has asked for our Nina's hand." Uncle Albert told her, and she looked at me with hurt in her eyes. Then turned quickly back to her plate. I tried to get her attention when Aunt Ruth launched into wedding plans. Of course it was about what she liked, what colors she wanted. Until Uncle Albert shushed her

"Ruth its Nina's wedding it's up to her." He said

"The wedding is in a month, I'm just trying to help." Ruth snapped and I froze 'A month? That's too soon!' I thought taking a deep breath to calm myself

"Actually Ruth I already have an excellent party planner, he can take care of all the little things." John told her

"Really? He did plan your first wedding too?" Aunt Ruth spat. I couldn't believe she just said that

"Mother!" Rose said shocked

"Ruth! Apologize now!" Uncle Albert snapped

"No, no, no it's okay, but I must be going." John said standing I could see that he looked a little uncomfortable about her comment.

"Already?" I asked John just smiled and walked over to me and took my hand in his

"I will call on you tomorrow I promise." He said then kissed my hand

"I'm so sorry about all of this John let my walked you to the door." Uncle Albert said then stood and walked John out. It was silent until Uncle Albert walked back into the room with a furious look on his face

"What the hell has gotten into you Ruth?!" He said to her

"You can't really be considering marrying Nina to him can you?" She said brushing him off

"I'm not considering it anymore because it's done!"

"How could you bring such a scandal upon this family?" She said making scoff of course she would find a way to make this about her.

"John is a fine man and I know he'll treat her a hell of lot better than anyone you'd pick out! I'm not sure how much time I have left so I need to make sure that my girls are well looked after."

"Ha! Nina isn't even your daughter!" She said like I wasn't sitting there. I was used to it, it was a fact she reminded me of whenever she got the chance.

"She's as good as!"

"How could you put her engagement in front of your own daughter's." Ruth said ignoring what he just said

"Two reasons! First John approached me about Nina, and second Nina is older than Rose she should be married first!"


"Shut up! You need-"He was stopped by a really bad hacking cough.

"Uncle." I said moving to his side

"Daddy are you alright?" Rose asked standing up also

He just shook his head and continued to cough into his handkerchief

"Should we call your doctor?" I asked him he shook his head no. Soon his coughing stopped and he pulled the cloth away from his mouth and there was blood on it.

"Dad?" Rose said

"I'm fine I-I just need to rest." He said out of breath as he glared down the table at Ruth who was glaring right back.

After Uncle Albert got into bed and took his medication Rose and I headed towards our rooms. I walked into my room and Rose followed. I turned to look at her but she didn't say anything

"What is it?" I asked her

"You're getting married." She said and I sighed

"I know Rose."

"You can't."

"I don't have a choice Rose."

"How does Mr. Astor even know you?"

"We met him the other week at the Countess's luncheon remember?" I told her

"Well apparently he did. What did you do?"

"I didn't ask for this Rose! He found me, it's him who wants this! Do you think I'm excited about marrying a man I barely know? A man I don't know or love! A man who is twice my age and divorced!" I snapped at her as my vision burred with tears, I couldn't believe this was happening to me.

"Nina I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you." She said hugging me

"I'm so scared Rose, if I don't have anyone else during all of this I need you please." I said hugging her tighter

"I'm here, I'm here. We're sisters remember?" She said with a small smile.

"Yes sisters always."