Ok so here's my next story.
This is a Teen titan's version of the movie Shrek. Now I am not following it one hundred percent, that's the point of making my own parody, but it will follow along that storyline. Enjoy!
I don't own Teen Titans, I wish I did though.
I also don't own the movie Shrek, but you knew that.
"Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Tameran there was a princess. Now this princess was dearly beloved. But the princess was terribly cursed. She could summon energy from her eyes and hands at will; she was also able to fly and had extraordinary strength. The King and Queen had the Gordanians transport her to a tower far away in a distant long forgotten kingdom. The princess was guarded by a fearsome creature that no one knows what it is. For no one ever saw it and lived to tell the tale.
No one that came to the castle ever escaped alive. The princess waited and waited in the tower looming over lava, with the padding of the creature's footsteps as her only companion. She awaited a knight so-bold as to rescue her. -Ha, like that's ever going to happen."
We see a hand close a storybook he had been reading as he exits his abode. He was a strange man. He was half metal and his home was a lab far away from civilization. He stretched as he walked along the trail and headed out to do the chores for the day. He made sure that the windmill was working and collected water for his soup he planned on making later.
He walked out in the woods for a nice walk. He enjoyed all of the solitude, after-all people labeled him a freak, and 'Cyborg' is what they called him. But he didn't need people to be happy, no! He was fine all by himself. He whistled a merry tune and continued on his way.
"WAH! No I won't go back" a shout rose from among the trees and Cyborg stopped abruptly. Suddenly a green boy leapt from behind the trees and almost ran into Cyborg. "Yo man what's your deal" Cyborg said to the cowering green boy. He also looked quite strange with his elfish ears and a fang poking out of his mouth. The green boy didn't reply but when the sound of footsteps came from behind the boy hide behind Cyborg's back.
Soldiers stepped into the clearing. "Alright you lot" a British sounding soldier with red hair started to say as he saw the green boy. "King's orders. Now my ducky why don't you come along quietly and we don't have to ruffle your feathers." "Hold up now, what's the problem" Cyborg asked the British soldier. "My name is Mod. I am an officer of the law and this peasant that stands behind you has been requested by the King to testify against his wrong-doings." Mod said. "Eh, you lot are just a bunch of trouble-makers. You live in this forest don't you? You're coming with me" Mod continued. "Oh yeah, you and what army" Cyborg taunted. Mod turned around just in time to see his entire squadron fleeing from the sight of the metal man. "Oy, you lot get back 'ere you yanks!" Mod yelled as he chased the battalion.
"Dude did you see them run" the green boy giggled. "Sure" Cyborg said as he walked off. "So my name's Beastboy, what's yours?" Beastboy asked curiously. "Just call me Cyborg" was his reply. "Cyborg? Cool" Beastboy said as he grinned at the man. "You mean you're not scared of me?" Cyborg questioned. "Nope" "really" "yes really." Cyborg stared at Beastboy then smiled. They continued to walk in silence and soon came upon his house. "Is this your home" Beastboy questioned. "Yeah" Cyborg replied.
Cyborg opened the door and saw a sight that made him scream. His house was a wreck and people of all kinds were tearing the small lab apart. All of the people looked at Cyborg as he yelled. "Who are you people? Why are you here! Get out of my lab!" The people looked at each other then back at him. "We can't" one said. "And why not" Cyborg asked already exasperated. "Lord Wayne sent us here" another said. "Lord Wayne, you mean the king?" Cyborg asked for clarification. "Yes, we have nowhere to go" a third said. "I guess we need to pay Lord Wayne a visit" Cyborg murmured to himself. "Does anyone know how to get to Wayne's castle?" He called out. "I do" Beastboy said. And with a grin the two were off on an adventure.
So how was that for a beginning? I guess I am going to come out and say it, but this is NOT a Cy/Star pairing. It is not a BB/Star pairing either. I am adding a twist to this so it's not the exact same story. Reviews are most appreciated and I love you all! All of that stuff that others say about reviews is true; they help empower writers like me to write faster. So even if it's just a 'hey, good job' it helps.
Read on!