All characters property of Isayama Hajime

Day 7 - Red

Levi was seeing red, both literally and figuratively.

Two days ago, he and his squad had managed to capture another live titan specimen for Hange to study. It was just a 4-meter class, but she had as usual been overjoyed to receive it – hugging Levi quite tightly in gratitude and exclaiming over how kind they all were to have gotten it for her and how she couldn't wait to begin experimenting on it.

He may or may not have continued getting her titans so she would have an excuse to hug him.

Also, the research that Shitty-glasses did with them was vitally important. There was that, too.

She named the horrid thing "Cleek", and had been running experiments on it almost continually since receiving it. Levi had only glimpsed her once in that time, coming out of her lab with an armful of supplies and scientific equipment. She probably hadn't slept at all in the past two days. Looked like he would have to go and check on her and make sure she rested, since Moblit was obviously doing a shitty job in that department. Yeah, sure, he knew Moblit was probably exhausted too, but that was no excuse. The fancy-faced idiot had one job – take care of Hange. Levi shouldn't have to be checking on his work to make sure it was done right…

With thoughts such as that running through his head, Levi had finished his dinner and made his way out to where the titan was being held.

Sure enough, there was Hange - elbows-deep in an attempted dissection on the left leg of her newest research subject. She had several torches set up to illuminate her work area, and Moblit was fussing around behind her handing her instruments as she called for them.

Suddenly, a spurt of blood hit Hange in the face, and Moblit dropped what he was doing to fish out a clean handkerchief and oh-so-tenderly clean it off of her (and her glasses). When he was done she thanked him, shooting her idiot attendant a quick, bright smile.

That was what had Levi seeing red.

First of all, the incompetent fool hadn't done a proper job cleaning off the blood – Levi could still see some spatters along Hange's hairline which he would have to take care of. (Also, cleaning Hange's glasses was his job, not Moblit's.)

Second of all, any sign of the scientist and her primary assistant being closer than was professionally necessary irritated Levi immensely.

Only, this time it was worse than usual, since Levi had just recently figured out why it bothered him so much.

Levi liked Hange.

As in, like liked.

As in, he found himself wanting more and more often to just have her all to himself and the rest of humanity (with a few exceptions) could go shit itself for all he cared, and wouldn't it be nice if the two of them could just go off somewhere safe together and he could do things with her and…

Damn, he had it bad.

And he had not quite figured out just how to tell her about it yet.

But that didn't matter right now since the priority for the moment was to get Hange to take a break so she wouldn't collapse from exhaustion.

"Oi, Shitty-glasses! Stop experimenting and get some sleep."

She was frowning in concentration at the moment and didn't even glance at him as she replied "Can't right now, Levi. At a critical stage."

Sighing, he pinched the bridge of his nose. Looked like this would require more effort. He turned to Moblit.


"Y-yes, Heichou!"

"Go get some rest. I'll take over here."

The overly-faithful assistant looked reluctant. "But Levi-heichou…"

"Just go. We'll be fine here. Or are you doubting me, Berner?"

"No, sir! Just, ah, I suppose you should have the notebook, then." Moblit handed Levi the notebook and pencil he had been holding, but still made no move to go after the exchange. Levi shot him a hard look. The brown-haired man looked distinctly uncomfortable. "I'll… just be going then…" And with that Moblit trotted off towards the barracks, though not without casting one last, worried glance over his shoulder. Hmph. That stupid, mawkish look on his face made it pathetically obvious that the worry-wart assistant was fond of his superior in a way that went beyond mere duty.

For the next hour and a half, Levi stood there in Moblit's place handing Hange whatever she needed, writing down observations she dictated to him, and ready to jerk her to safety at a moment's notice. Finally, Hange declared "Done!" and straightened up, lack of sleep showing plainly on her features. Levi seized his chance.

"Okay you, you're filthy and exhausted and you're going to clean yourself up and get some sleep now even if I have to drag you back to quarters, clean you up, and put you to bed myself."

She laughed and waved a hand at him. "Fine, fine Levi! You're right, much longer out here and I'll be falling asleep on top of Cleek – and I highly suspect that he wouldn't appreciate that."

Levi scoffed at that as he began to help Hange gather up her equipment to carry back to the lab. Really, her empathetic attitude towards these creatures was beyond odd. But, it was part of what made her who she was – and as such, he loved it. Not that he would ever tell her that.

The two made their weary way back into the compound and deposited their respective armloads of equipment in the lab. Then Hange departed for the washroom to clean herself up a bit, and Levi went to prepare some tea for the both of them. By the time he came back from the kitchens with it, Hange was in her room lying face-down on her bed – looking not much different than before.

Levi set their tea down on the end table, disturbed at the lack of evident change. "Shitty-glasses, did you only take a dump in there, or what?" As he said this he began to work off her boots which she had neglected to remove before collapsing.

Hange huffed in amusement and turned her head so that her response wouldn't be completely muffled by her pillow. "Calm down clean freak, I washed my face and arms too. Even changed my shirt. I'm just too tired to do anything else at the moment. It's hard work saving humanity with science, ya know."

"Hmm. You want some tea?" When Hange didn't respond he glanced at her face, only to discover she had already fallen asleep. Upon closer inspection he spotted some dried blood on her forehead which she had missed. With a sigh, he wet a clean handkerchief with some of the water he had brought for tea and cleaned the remaining gore off her face – gently brushing back her bangs so they wouldn't get in the way. After that he covered her with a blanket, removed her hair tie, and took her glasses so she would be more comfortable (and he could give them a proper cleaning).

As he set his own cup of tea to steep, Levi reflected once again on his…fondness…for the Survey Corps' lead scientist. Somehow or other he had to convey these feelings to her – let Hange know that somehow or other she had become a well-nigh essential part of his existence - and do it before someone else (Moblit) beat him to it. Of course, maybe she would prefer someone like Moblit anyway. After all, the man was the sort that most girls (as far as Levi knew) dreamed of marrying - tall, handsome, well-spoken, good background, gentle, faithful, and caring to the nth degree - mostly things that Levi was not.

Then again, Hange was not "most girls", and Levi liked to think that he understood her better than anyone else in the corps. Certainly there had been an undeniable connection between the two of them almost since the day they met, and for Levi at least, that connection had deepened until it became an…attachment…he could not do without.

He had to tell her, he would tell her, just as soon as he figured out how to say what needed to be said. And until he found the words for it, he could continue to express himself in actions, watching over her and cleaning her glasses while she slept.


Apologies for the bit of Moblit-hate. I like Moblit, personally - but this is Levi we're dealing with here, and a jealous Levi at that...