A/N: I felt like the first chapter needed a little rounding...after all, Leo and Donnie are always involved, too. Short and simple, but I think it's more finished now. Hope you do, too.
Screw Ups
Part 2
Leo had been quiet ever since they'd finally gotten back to the farmhouse. He'd been their leader for years now, and was quite well adept at handling the many squabbles and difficulties of his younger brothers, but...without Master Splinter by his side; right then, Leo was suddenly feeling like he had no idea what to do to make anything better.
It was mid morning by now, Leo figured, as the sun began streaking over his stretched legs. He'd just finished helping Donnie patch the last of the walls from their fight with the frogs. At first, he made to vacuum the whole house, too, but about half-way through, his bad leg forced him to stop. He hated it, hated feeling weak. But truthfully, it gave him excuse to get some air. It had been a long couple of days, and the pungent scent of drying plaster wasn't doing anything for his mood.
So sitting on the porch, swinging heavily on the bench: it felt like exactly what he needed.
Too bad it wouldn't be so easy for Mikey.
Of course Leo noticed how hard Mikey had been trying to ignore the whole reason he'd run away two days ago. The whole trek home, the smallest turtle was bouncing with happy energy and stories of his newfound friend. But he'd been rambling, not letting anyone else get a word in edgewise...ever since Raph told him they were happy to have him back.
Growing up, Leo could never understand why Master Splinter had insisted on training him privately in the emotions of his brothers. Then, he figured everybody had the right to their own feelings, and it didn't really matter what they were unless they felt the need to say something about it. How different it was now. After so many years, so many lectures, Leo was finally starting to get it.
Splinter hadn't been training him to be just some ninja leader. He'd been training him to be a father, a guide, and a friend.
Now, even in his worst moments, there wasn't a single emotion, nervous tic, or rambled instinct that didn't escape Leo's notice. He knew Raph chewed on a toothpick when he was worried, Donnie yelled when he was scared, and Mikey...
Mikey rambled like a grinning madman when he was breaking down inside.
Sighing, Leo ran a hand over his face. He really should have handled himself better when Mikey trashed the living room. He just stood there, letting his frustrations take control, and worse, allowing Raph to to the same. All that, and all they had to show for it was a damaged baby brother who gave them nothing but kindness and love in place of voicing his tears.
When he lifted his head, Leo caught the faint wisp of smoke twirling above the horizon. Two days and his baby brother had had the adventure of a lifetime, unearthed an entire new race of mutants, and stopped a war that may well have killed them all. Now, not only did they have a literal army of allies, but Mikey found a friend. A real friend. Somebody who cared for him because of who he was, not simply because they were related or owed him a debt.
Leo was ashamed. Mikey deserved every friend in the world, but instead he was stuck with three big brothers and two adopted humans...none of whom treated him like they should.
"You thinkin' about it, too?" Raph's voice suddenly echoed from the doorframe.
Glancing over, Leo shook his head. "We keep forgetting he's our friend, too...not just our little brother."
Raph sighed and moved to sit next to Leo on the bench. He didn't have any trouble following his brother's train of thought. "I can't believe he actually ran away...I thought that was my gig," there was a little humor in Raph's voice, but they both knew it wasn't funny.
"We need to fix this, Raph."
Then, another voice from around the corner, outside of the house. "Yeah, but how?" Donnie had a paint brush in one hand, and a small bucket in the other. Silently, the genius of the family set down his tools and made for the porch; reaching to pull the front door closed before sitting. "He seems like everything's fine, but I feel like we really hurt him this time."
Leo nodded and closed his eyes. What would Splinter do? "We've been letting our frustrations out on him lately. It's gotta stop, on all our parts," his eyes slid open, making sure he still had Raph and Don's attention. He did. Times like these, they were more than happy to have someone to tell them what to do. "But right now, he needs to know that we were wrong. He needs to know that we love him, and that he is wanted here."
Donnie's eye ridge raised a little. "You know how he is, Leo. If we all go in there right now, he's not gonna open up. He'll just freak out, and think he somehow made things worse."
There was silence for a moment as the older brothers thought. Leo already knew what needed to happen, but he waited, keeping silence as he watched Raph out of he corner of his sapphire eyes.
It only took a few seconds really, but it made Leo proud all the same.
"I'll talk to him," Raph finally sighed. "It's my fault anyway...I'm the one who yelled."
Smiling, Leo put a warm hand on Raph's shell. "He'll listen to you, Raph. Just be patient...open him up."
With a deep breath, Raph uttered a short nod and stood. Hand on the front door, he murmured, "Uhg, I'm so bad at this..."
As he went inside, Donnie and Leo exchanged small, knowing smiles. There really was no option. Even Casey knew how much Raph meant to Mikey, and even Casey knew how much Mikey meant to Raph.
"Watch?" Donnie asked with a grin.
"Watch," Leo agreed, letting his little brother help him up and into the house.
Silently as the ninjas they were, both brothers peered around the living room's entryway, and waited for all to right itself.
Listening in on every word, they found themselves wrapping an arm around each other, sheer love and pride emanating from both. They watched as Raph gripped their baby brother's shoulders, as he gently lifted his chin, and as the smallest turtle suddenly ripped himself away.
For a moment, Leo grew afraid that they really had gone too far, and that the anger Master Splinter always feared had finally slipped through.
But then, Raph grabbed a hold of the boy's shoulders again, and spoke in words too soft for anyone else to hear.
Leo and Donnie traded a quick glance, but didn't have to wait long until the tension abruptly melted away and Mikey leapt into Raph's awaiting arms. "I love you, too!" they heard Mikey cheer, and saw Raph smiled that sweet, peaceful smile that he reserved only for their youngest brother.
Grinning from ear to ear, Leo's heart swelled. "'Atta boy, Raph."