Hello peeps and peepettes! I've had the idea to do something like this for ages now, but haven't been able to get it off the ground because of real life. Here's a little excerpt of things to come - trust me, this is going to be one hell of a ride. Let me know what you think; I know this is short, but you should get the idea I'd imagine.

PS if anyone wants to be the guy I bounce ideas off of or thinks you've got a lot to offer, hit me up. I'm pretty busy with a small mountain of IT certification tests, so I'm not opposed in the slightest to some outside assistance. Been a while since I've written something other than 100000+ page-long research papers.

I don't own Fate series or Kingdom Hearts, because otherwise I'd be hella rich and living on a cliff in a crazy high-tech mansion somewhere.

~in the beginning there was light~

Shirou opened his eyes, realizing he could no longer sense that overwhelming brightness that had manifested not moments before. He didn't know where to go or what he was supposed to do, but one goal rang clearly in his mind; he needed to run. Run as fast as he could, run so that he could live to fight another day.

But the moment Shirou's eyes completely opened, the found his legs unwilling to listen to his frantic efforts to burst into motion. His muscles, tensed from the adrenaline running rampant through his veins, relaxed all at once of their own accord. For the sight before him was one all too wondrous and overwhelming to ignore.

A single form stood before him, facing the shattered doorway with her hands seemingly grasping at thin air.

She turned around and revealed unto the high school student a face nothing short of pure beauty, golden locks trailing along her cheeks and framing her face. Her silvery armor caught the moonlight and created an image nothing short of pure beauty.

"I am Servant Saber," She declared, the Japanese rolling off her tongue with a heavy accent of some English descent. Eyes every bit as beautiful and hard as emerald met Shirou's gaze, showing him a seriousness that seem misplaced in a girl so profoundly breathtaking. "Upon your summoning, I have come forth. I ask of you, are you my master?"

It was all Shirou could do to blink; even something as simple as breathing seemed impossible at that moment. He wedged his tongue out to break the seal between his chapped and bloodied lips, letting his mouth fall open for a moment.


"Hey now, who exactly do you think you are pretty lady?" a deep, masculine voice proclaimed from behind the prone redhead. Another bout of panic returned the strength to the boy's limbs, and Shirou quickly and oh-so gracefully flopped forward and whirled about to look at whomever had managed to sneak up on him.

The girl - or Saber, as she claimed her name to be – moved. Faster than Shirou could have even comprehended she closed the gap, seemingly appearing out of his air between him and that voice.

"Show yourself!" She declared, hands held before her as if they were wrapped around the hilt of some invisible weapon. A burst of laughter echoed out from behind the numerous crates littering the shed's back wall, trailing off to a weak chuckle of sorts after a few moments.

"You cannot be the servant Saber," the newcomer stated in a matter-of-fact tone as he stepped forth from the shadows. A long black jacket hid most of his figure from view, and the hood pulled over his head concealed most of his face from view. All Shirou could make out were few locks of chocolate brown hair and a boyish jawline that looked as if it could belong to one of his many classmates.

"Who are you to question my role?" she shot back, venom infecting her words.

The brunet raised his head and pulled back the hood, revealing a pair of sapphire eyes that seems to glow with their own luminosity. "Who am I?" He chuckled again, holding his open hand out to the side and flexing his fingers.

In a flash of light, a heavy tool materialized in his waiting palm. He flipped it upward and draped it across his shoulder, a smirk tugging at his lips as he took in the shocked expressions of the two onlookers.

"You can't tell me what to do lady, you don't have the command seals," he declared, his amused tone of voice replaced by one of naught but complete and utter confidence. "But last I checked, I am the heroic spirit he called forth for this little war of his."

He swung the weapon downward and drove its razor-sharp tip into the floorboard. His grip tightened around its hilt as he twisted it about, its silvery blade and golden crossguard flashing in the moonlight. "I'll be the one asking questions here. So - and excuse the lack of originality, by the way - who are you to question my role?"

~and in his hands resides a blade forged of dreams~