"Okay, what about this one?" Bruce Wayne looked up from the magazine he was scanning through to see his girlfriend of four years, Selina Kyle, emerge from the curtain of the dressing room. Her long brown hair was tied back in a messy bun, and she wore no makeup. She looks best like this, he thought, a small smile creeping onto his face. Bruce always thought she looked gorgeous, but her natural look was by far his favourite. "Uh, Bruce?" she asked, snapping him out of the small trance he fell in. "Is this dress okay?"

He didn't answer her right away; he never did. Bruce liked to put thought into his replies, which could sometimes take a while. But today was different. "You look hot." He felt the three words roll off his tongue without any ounce of thought given.

And it was the truth. That was the best part. Selina had dragged him all the way to her favourite clothing store, and Bruce thought he was in for an afternoon of boredom, but it turned out to be just the opposite. And seeing her stand in front of him in a black spaghetti-strap dress that barely fell to her mid-thighs, he knew just how wrong he had been. "I like it," he added, her expression showing that she was clearly unconvinced.

Selina rolled her eyes. Bruce chuckled. Damn, she's feisty, he thought for the fifth time that day. Being in a relationship with her was like trying to contain a lit explosive, but he wouldn't have it any other way. "Honey, you've said that about every other dress I put on." He couldn't help but notice the hint of self-consciousness in her voice. That was odd. No firecracker ever got worried about their appearance.

Perhaps she was just tired and needed a bit more love today. Acknowledging this and knowing just how to play it, Bruce put aside the magazine, rose to his feet, and took two short steps towards her. He wrapped one arm around her waistline, his fingers dangerously close to her arse. Bruce tugged her closer to him, and she let out a giggle. "I think," his voice was barely a whisper, and Selina let out another giggle as his breath tickled her neck. "that this one is my favourite." He leaned in, hopeful for a kiss, but she was too fast. Placing her small hands on his shoulders, she had enough grip to hold him back.

"Mr. Wayne," she purred, sliding her leg up his own at a tantalizingly slow pace. "You wouldn't want your reputation ruined because of kissing me in a public place now, would you?" Selina pouted her lips, and it never failed to put a smile on Bruce's face. God, she was perfect. The way she spoke with him, fitting in flirtatious remarks here and there. She knew just how to push his buttons, as did he hers. That was what made their relationship so powerful, so sexual.

"Well," he began, running his free hand down her side. "if we're in-" At this point, he lifted her off of the ground and swiftly disappeared behind the dressing room curtain before putting her down. "-here, then it's not public, is it?" Selina swung the red curtain shut, before turning around and pinning Bruce against the wall and pressing her lips against his.

Bruce's fingers played with the elastic in her hair before pulling it out as careful as possible without breaking their kiss. Selina slid off the jacket Bruce had thrown on overtop of his suit and begain tugging at his navy tie. With both her hands trying to remove his tie, Bruce took this as an opportunity and picked her up off the ground, spun around, and pressed her back against the wall. She wrapped her long legs around his waist.

"Bruce," she broke away suddenly. "We can't just make out in a change room, you know."

He frowned, but understood. Selina stood up, picking the dresses off of the ground. "Well," Bruce said, helping to scoop up the remaining. "What if we go somewhere else. . .tonight?"

Selina grinned from ear to ear. "I like that idea very much, Mr. Wayne." And with that, she leaned in once more and planted a kiss on his lips, but broke away just as fast. "May I ask where you'll be taking me?" Her tone oozed with seduction as she slithered out of the dress she was wearing and began to change into her blue T-shirt and black jeans. "Or is it a secret?"

Bruce shook his head. "Not a secret," he said. "There are no secrets. And what would you say to dinner, and then perhaps a night in a hotel? You know there's a spa there, and a hot tub, and we can even order room service in the morning. . ." his voice trailed off, because he was lost in Selina's sparkling blue eyes.

"Sounds great," Selina handed Bruce his jacket. "But I really do need to know which dress you like. I'm kind of torn between the red one, the purple one, and the black one." She held up all three, looking expectant and nervous all at the same time.

"I like this one." Bruce took the black one out of her hands. "It already has some, uh, good memories, and I think you should wear it tonight."

Selina kissed him on the cheek. He's so sweet, she thought happily, watching him pay for the dress at the cashier. They walked out of the shop hand in hand, and as soon as they both crawled into the limousine and were hidden from the eye, they began to make out once more. The two of them knew that both of them shared the same hunger, the same thirst for each other.

Can't wait for tonight, Bruce thought, smiling against Selina's lips.

Tonight's going to be amazing, Selina thought, running her fingers through his hair once more before the limo sped off.