For Thea :)

This is a work of Sheer Fantasy and is in no way a reflection on the real lives of the people I borrowed for this story. Jon Moxley does not belong to me, I wish he did... I just let him run loose in my story :)

It was early one Saturday night and Thea and her friends were bored silly. There was promise of entertainment later in the night, an Indy wrestling promotion with some up and coming talent was performing. Arriving at the venue early for good seats Thea and her three friends glanced at the evenings program that was posted on the wall of the run down warehouse. One name stood out to Thea.

"Jon Moxley is here!" She smiled.

"That obnoxious blond?" Thea glared at her friend.

"He's F**King Hot!" Taking their seats, the ladies watched the event with mixed reactions, Thea was edgy and waiting for Mox to come out, her friends were talking more and more about going to a bar on the next property.

They got down to the last match and her friends were trying to outvote Thea in favor of leaving for the bar when Mox finally came out it was to loud boos. Damn! He just looked so hot, so much delicious skin showing! Grabbing the Mic he cut a killer promo. Loud music drowned him out moments later pissing him off. Someone came out that intrigued her friends, a young man by the ring name of 'Tyler Black', his ring trunks didn't hide much and the other three stopped conspiring against her and started taking pictures. The pissed off Mox attacked Black and the insane match was on.

The four women in the front row had drawn the attention of the wrestlers all night. Tyler seemed to really respond to her friends whistles and catcalls. She alone was rooting for Mox. At one point while she was cheering him he looked right her and caught a nasty shot from Tyler. Flashing her an evil look, Mox raged through the rest of the match and eventually pinned Tyler for the win and rolled from the ring. Storming from the ring, glaring again at Thea again, Mox headed for the locker room.

"What the Hell bit him in the ass?" Thea grumbled.

Tyler came over to flirt with her friends, with a promise to catch up with them at the bar, he headed for the locker room after stopping to talk with Thea.

"Ignore Mox, he let himself get distracted, that's what pissed him off. Don't worry, just forget about it."

"Easy for you to say!" She muttered. Her friends took off and headed to the bar, Thea decided to try to talk with the hot headed Moxley see what his problem was. Moving to the seats closest to the locker room she waited, other wrestlers soon filtered out and vanished out a side door. If it wasn't for an occasional loud curse and slam from the locker room she would have thought Mox had slipped out the back or something. The place had cleared out, the guy sweeping up turned off the rows of lights. He obviously didn't see her sitting there.

Heading back her way, the older man didn't see her when she ducked down. Opening the Locker room door he yelled in.



"I'm locking up, slam the door hard when you leave, make sure it sticks okay?" There was a curse.

"Yeah, whatever!" The older man cursed Moxley and headed for the front door.

"Little Shit!" he muttered as he reached for the last light switch which left only one dim light burning above the ring and slammed the door. Slowly moving to sit back in the chair Thea listened to the clattering in the locker room for a moment, the door burst open and the tall blond came barreling out heading for the door, still looking pissed. Against better judgment she called his name.

"Mox!" Spinning around Mox spotted her and sneered.

"Aw, the lovely skank who ruined my concentration and almost cost me my match!" Letting out a gasp of outrage Thea marched herself up to the tall man and slapped his face.

"Who the F**K are you to call ME a skank? Asshole! You don't know me! I'm not like one of your two bit whores, I'm not here for you to play with! What the hell was with those shitty looks you're giving me! I was cheering you and you give me the evil looks! I need to f**king forget there was something I thought was likable about you!" Trying to head for the door she heard something hit the ground and felt a hand grab her hair hard and pull her back to him.

"Who the F**k are you to hang around in the dark waiting for me if you ain't looking to get laid? You have an attitude and slap me because it's in the f**king script for me to be an Asshole?! That's what I do!" A strong arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her up against the bigger body. She felt his mouth at her neck.

"You owe me for that slap!" He nipped at her. The hand in her hair released and went straight to grab her breast. "You've got nice tits, big and soft, I like that!" He squeezed and fondled her. 'Damn that's so good!' She thought and shook her head as a funny noise escaped her throat.

"Let me go before I rip your balls off and ram them so far down your throat you shit them out in five minutes!" Thea snarled beginning to struggle. Mox began to shove her forward, straight towards the ring. Pinning her against the edge, Mox fondled both breasts. His body leaning over hers pushing her down against the canvas. Against her ass he was getting one hell of a big hard-on.

"Let Me GO!" Thea struggled only stirring Mox up more. In truth he was one Hell of a turn on, and she'd never admit it to him, he was getting her wet very fast. She'd often wondered what he was like in bed, but damned if he was getting any from her the way he was acting now! Roughly fondling her breasts until they ached, Mox taunted her.

"You're wet now aren't you? I bet your pussy is aching for my cock. I can feel you shivering, you want this don't you?" Licking from her neck up the side of her face he chuckled when she shivered. "How long's it been since you've had a nice big dick banging you Hmm?" He rubbed his hard-on against her ass, humping slowly until she began to fight harder.

"F**k you Moxley! There's no way in hell you're getting any from me!" Yelping out in shock and pain as he pinched her nipples hard, Thea tried to bite at his arm and found herself pinned hard. One hand slid down to undo her jeans. Letting out an enraged growl she tried kicking him. As her jeans were yanked down, Mox slapped her ass hard.

"Was that an invitation?" Thea screeched in anger and tried to reach back and claw at the blond. Grabbing both of her wrists in one hand, the bastard slid his hand around to grab at her. An evil laugh ripped from Moxley.

"Damn Baby! Your Pussy is dripping!" He nipped her shoulder. "You didn't want me knowing did you?" Licking up her face again, he slid his hand into her panties and ran two fingers down her wet folds. Jerking around trying to free herself Thea couldn't hold back the moan as her pinched at her clit and began to rub in a very maddening way.

"Damn you Moxley! LET ME GO!" Struggling to get her hands free she got a shot at his Bicep and sunk her teeth down on his flesh.

"F**K! Damn it woman!" He smacked her ass harder, and shoved her forward up into the ring. Furious she'd bitten him, he was on top of her pinning her almost as fast as he got her to the mat. Using his body to pin her, he pulled his belt free looped it around the ring post and lashed her wrists together tight. The binding didn't last long but it was enough to get his jeans down to free his cock and get her panties off. Just barely managing to pry her thighs open and get between them before she broke loose, Mox pinned her body with his again. The battle was exciting him like crazy, he was furious she'd bit him, having to hang on to her wrists to keep from being clawed delayed him.

"Don't you dare Moxley!" Thea tried to headbutt him and got his torso slammed against hers.

"You want this or you wouldn't be so f**king wet! Quit fighting me!" His temper was rising as he tried to get his cock lined up to slam it into her. Mad as Hell, Thea fought him, making him madder and arousing him more.

Moxley got lucky with one move as they struggled against one another. The fat head of his cock got between her soaked folds and knowing he was close thrust hard and buried himself in deep. The violent climax was immediate for Thea. The most intense orgasm of her life struck as that thick length buried itself into her, making her shudder and moan uncontrollably as ripples tore through her hard enough to allow Mox to settle in and gain complete control. Nipping her neck he smirked at her.

"You didn't want me at all did you?" He smirked and nipped her neck again and began to pound into her. "You've got the sweetest pussy, so damned hot and tight! Damn this is got to be the best I've ever felt, perfect..." Coming around after her climax Thea began to fight again and managed to get hold of his hair and yank, making Mox yell in pain and anger. Seizing her wrist he forced it to the mat, temporarily stilling her actions. The big body over hers, the rage in him, the thick stiffness rubbing sweetly as he pounded on, it was a sensory overload.

Mox was sexy as Hell when pissed, Thea had to admit it was a huge turn on! With his teeth he got her top open and nipped at her breasts, burying his face into them, he lost his concentration and Thea got her hand free to yank his hair again.

"Damn it! Stop that shit woman!" Mox roared then slammed his mouth over hers and plunged his tongue into her mouth. If he hadn't been such a damn good kisser Thea swore to herself she would have bitten his tongue good! As the big body moved, he rubbed all the right spots Thea liked having rubbed, but that didn't allow his taking advantage, when he loosened his grip on her wrists, she quickly got her arms around him and raked her nails down his back. Arching up in pain, roaring out again he growled at her.

"For f**k sakes woman! Enough of this shit! You want to play dirty and rough? NO Problem!" Mox wrapped his arms tightly around her, pulled his 8 inch stiffness out almost all of the way then plunged back in hard. Thea bucked against him trying to throw him off as he pounded away. Pinned to the mat as the angry man aggressively plowed into her, groaning as he enjoyed her body, his hard fast actions helped tease her towards another climax. Pinned as she was she could only take what he gave her. Trying to bite his chest and shoulder, Thea wound up with her head being pinned to the side.

Finally laying quietly under Mox as he pounded out his frustrations on her body, she felt the sweet heat of another climax starting, she moved against him helping fan the embers of heat rising deep in her core.

"You want this don't you?" Thea tried to shake her head no. Mox kind of laughed. "Yeah you do, I can feel you tightening up again, you're gonna cum again aren't you?" He rocked his hips against hers.

"Do it!" His voice was softer than it had been all night so far. "Cum all over my cock baby!" Gentle nuzzling around her neck felt so damned good as the sounds of their body's slapping together echoed in the empty room. As both of them tried to reach a sweet end, anger fading slowly as they moved. It wasn't cuddly and loving but it grew less violent as they both grew closer to their ends. Wrapping her legs around the tall mans hips, keeping them against hers as they rocked against each other. Thea drew her nails across his back again, but not so sharply. The deep moan from Moxley was so f**king sexy.

As he grew closer to his climax Mox grew wilder and louder, pounding harder pushing Thea hard to her second climax as he screamed out his. Breathing heavily, trying to get himself back in control, Mox slowly rose up and knelt between Thea 's legs, looking her over, smiled slowly.

"I liked that, I want more..." Pulling herself up, exhausted, Thea shook her head.

"Not happening Moxley! Slapping away the hand that reached for her, Thea scooted towards her clothes.

"Aw, come on, let's get a few drinks, we can go somewhere after, f**k a little more..." Thea glared at Mox as she pulled her clothes back on.

"No, you are not touching me again!" Mox's beautiful blue eyes clouded over.

"That's what you think, after drinks, You're mine again!"

Okay..should Mox be allowed one more round? Is it safe? Will whips chains and collars be needed? Let me know xoxox 3