'You are too never trust your Headmaster...nor are you to trust Dumbledore if you ever meet. However, if the opportunity ever arises for you to get close to Karkaroff take it. Do your best to reel him in.'
How he was supposed to do that Harry did not know. He was also told not to seek Karkaroff out. 'It would be suspicious,' Arcturus had warned. 'Harry Potter would not willingly seek out a former Death Eater even if he was a traitor.'
Harry's magic had become chaotic. At random times it would release itself from his body. The first time it had been noticed had been at dinner the next evening.
'Irma has invited me for tea Tuesday,' Melania told Cassiopeia. Harry furrowed his brow in confusion. He had not been in their company for long, but from what he saw they did not speak to each other voluntarily.
'She will not doubt be discussing me,' Marius said.
Harry tilted his head, 'Who is Irma?'
'Pollux' wife,' Melania answered.
'Dreadful woman,' Cassiopeia said.
'Fruit fell fairly close to the tree,' Arcturus finished.
'Is she Draco's grandmother?'
Marius raised his cup to salute Harry while Cassiopeia said, 'No, she is his great-grandmother.'
'Oh.' With that Harry reached over for a piece of chicken only for a bright yellow light to leave his hands with a loud bang. The five people at the table watched in fascination as the entire meal stood up to dance. Well...it was fascinating until the peas began to launch themselves at the unsuspecting Arcturus.
That had been two weeks ago. Now it was the first week of July and he was eating breakfast with Cassiopeia and Marius in the latter's home.
Harry had just stuffed a piece of bacon in his mouth as an owl flew through an open window and landed in front of Harry. The regular brown owl had an envelope attached to it. As Harry removed his post he took note of the green ink on the parchment.
'Who is that from, Haryon?' Cassiopeia asked.
'Dunno,' Harry answered. He slid it open then answered, 'Hogwarts.'
'Ahh, you do turn eleven at the end of the month,' Cassiopeia said. 'We will speak with Arcturus later today, but I believe it is best we ignore it.'
And ignore it they did. Arcturus was sure Harry had nothing to worry about until the 31st and even then Dumbledore would send one of his trusted Professors to his muggle relations.
Mid-July brought Harry's wand with it. Harry was eating breakfast when a snowy owl flew in. The green-eyed boy offered the owl a strip of bacon saying, 'You're...you are almost as pretty as Alshain.'
Harry then turned towards the package and removed it. Harry gave the white avian another piece of bacon before it flew off.
Harry removed the wrappings before pulling out a long, rectangular box.
'Your wand,' Cassiopeia said before he could open it.
Harry excitedly removed the lid to find a beautiful piece of wood. The woods were almost the same color. One was a reddish-brown while the other one was almost red in color, but it had a tinge of orange. At the end of the wood was a gemstone...amber.
Harry noticed a piece of parchment folded up in the corner of the box. He pulled it out to read:
Mr. H. Potter,
I discovered your name by going through my books. I had realized I had not gotten your name and I wished to know who I was making such an extraordinary wand for. This wand is 11 and a half inches, cocobolo and padauk woods with griffin feather and king cobra scale. Your wand is quite solid.
As I said before take care with this wand lest it blows your hand off. This wand is temperamental. It can and will influence whatever emotion you are feeling. Therefore you should always have a strong hold on your emotions. You may have noticed the amber stone at the end. Amber will help temper the wands explosiveness.
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to write,
Bo Löfgren
Harry then reached to pick up the wand when Cassiopeia said, 'Do not touch that!'
Harry jumped a bit, 'Why?'
'Did you not set your bed on fire just two days ago?' Cassiopeia asked.
Harry blushed, 'Not on purpose.'
'Nevertheless, you should wait a week,' Cassiopeia said.
Harry sighed, but had no choice but to acquiesce.
'Come,' Cassiopeia said after the pair had finished eating. 'Let us go meditate.' His occlumency lessons had reconvened as Harry opened up to Melania and Marius more and more. Harry had developed a unique mind defense, but he refused to tell anyone what it was. The next week and a half passed peacefully with Harry building up his mind defenses and learning more curses than he should.
On 31 July 1991 Harry woke at the usual time and went about his business as usual. He when he went downstairs for breakfast he heard Marius say, 'Where did these gifts go for the last decade?'
'Dumbledore probably set up a mail ward. I felt something around the property both times I was there...'
'How could we...you walk through?' Marius asked.
'Whatever it was had weakened significantly,' Cassiopeia explained. 'It was probably tied to the muggle woman.'
Harry walked into the living room to see gifts upon gifts. 'Woah!'
'Good morning,' Cassiopeia greeted.
'Happy birthday, Haryon,' Marius said as he gave Harry a hug.
'Thanks,' Harry said shyly. 'Err...what's all this?'
'These are your birthday gifts,' Cassiopeia said. 'I suspect you have been getting them for years except they were redirected to a vault in someone else's name.'
'Can I open them?' Harry asked eagerly.
Marius and Cassiopeia looked at each other as Marius said, 'Let the house elves go through them first. Something might be cursed, love potioned, or port-keyed.'
'We need to break our fast anyway,' Cassiopeia said.
When the trio finished eating Marius stood up and beckoned Harry, 'Come.'
Harry stood and followed his Uncle out of the dining room and back upstairs. Marius led Harry back to his room. 'What's in here?' Harry asked in confusion.
Marius smiled and opened the door. His room looked the same as it did an hour ago...except for the large bookshelf in the corner. While not filled entirely, there were enough books to keep him occupied for a long while.
'I told the house elves to separate them based on the subject. There are even a few muggle books in there,' Marius told him.
'Thank you,' Harry said sincerely.
'You are welcome,' Marius said while throwing his arm over Harry's shoulder and pulling him closer.
'Come, I believe Cassiopeia has a gift for you as well,' Marius said.
Cassiopeia was holding a tank in her hand when the pair came back downstairs. The reptile was dark blue with lighter blue stripes on the side. However, its head and tail were red.
'It is a Malaysian blue coral,' Cassiopeia said. 'The tank is charmed to heat up whenever the snake is cold.'
'Cool,' Harry said with sparkling eyes. 'Thank you.'
Cassiopeia ruffled his hair, before sitting down to observe him.
~Stupid humans~ The snake hissed.
~Hello,~ Harry greeted causing the snake to look up in surprise.
~Greetings human~
~You will be staying with me from now on~
~You will feed me?~
~And keep me warm?~
~I will stay then~
~ Do you have a name?~
Harry paused to consider a name. Looking at Cassiopeia he asked, 'What's a good name for a snake?'
'Lucius,' Cassiopeia smirked.
'Serpens,' Marius suggested.
Marius shook his head, 'Dæmon.'
Harry gasped and suggested it to the snake, who nodded his head in acceptance.
After naming his snake and thanking Cassiopeia once more Harry asked, 'Can I pick up my wand now?'
'You have not had any bouts of accidental magic in days...go ahead.'
Harry ran upstairs to his room, but not before he heard, 'If he blows up the house where will we stay?'
He snorted, but kept going. Finally reaching his room, Harry dove for the wand box. Looking at the one for a moment he took a drop breath to calm his nerves. Then he lifted the wand only to feel a great rush of magic. His magic and the wand connected giving Harry a feeling of completion. A shower of amber and blue sparkles shot out of the wand. Harry smiled.
Rubeus Hagrid rushed through the castle with great speed. His large, heavy boots thundered against the floor due to his pace and his mighty weight. He reached the stone gargoyle to the headmaster's office and said breathlessly, 'Licorice wands.'
He knocked on the door, 'Enter.' Before he could open his mouth, Headmaster Albus Dumbledore said, 'Hagrid? What ever are you doing here? Should you not be escorting young Harry around Diagon Alley?'
'He wasn' there, Headmaster Dumbledore sir. No one was there. Nothin' was inside o' the 'ouse,' Hagrid said in a rush.
Dumbledore stood up with a speed no one would have believed, 'What do you mean?'
'The 'ouse was empty, sir.'
'Thank you, Hagrid,' Dumbledore said as he grabbed his wand. 'I need to find out exactly what is going on.' Dumbledore rushed past Hagrid saying, 'If Minerva asks I went to Diagon Alley.' Dumbledore did not wait around for Hagrid to consent.
'Headmaster...' Severus Snape drawled, but Dumbledore had no time for him either. The Dursleys had possibly moved from their location and Harry's protection. This was not good. Not good at all.
His lavender robes with dancing starbursts billowed behind him in a manner eerily reminiscent of the man he had just ignored. His white hair and beard bounced in the wind with the power of his steps. Quickly reaching the apparation barrier he apparated to an alley he remembered from a decade ago. When he arrived in the alley Dumbledore noticed his robes. He transfigured his clothing with little thought as his mind was so preoccupied with the missing Harry Potter.
He attempted to make his way to 4 Privet Drive inconspicuously, but with a lavender shirt and white hair that reached well below his waist that was nigh impossible. Nosy neighbors from down the street watched as the strange man walked past them and their homes. Finally reaching the Dursley home he knocked and peered into the window.
Using his peripheral vision he noticed a woman from the house on the right open bar window. 'Sir. Yoohoo, sir.'
Dumbledore turned and walked over, 'Yes, madam?'
'The Dursleys are not home,' The lady said. 'Number 4 had been unoccupied for some time now. They were here at the end of last month, but haven't been seen since.'
Dumbledore smiled benignly, but his insides were churning. 'Do you by some small chance know where they went?'
'No, sir.'
'Did they have both boys?' Dumbledore asked.
The neighbor's eyes narrowed, 'No, but I am glad to see them both gone. The Dursley boy was a menace and the other one was a weirdo. No child would play with him. A stain upon the neighborhood I say.'
At this Dumbledore's smile became strained. Tightly he said, 'Thank you, Madam. Have a good day.' The powerful sorcerer made his way to Mrs. Figg's house. He needed to know why he did not know about this.
He hammered, 'Arabella. Arabella!'
The door swung open causing him to knock Mrs. Figg's on the forehead. 'Albus! What the devil are you doing here and banging on my door in such a manner?' She said as she rubbed her offended forehead.
'May I come in?' Without waiting for an answer he brushed past the woman, who frowned at him.
'Albus, what are you doing here? And why are you so agitated?' Mrs. Figg had never witnessed Dumbledore behaving thusly, therefore she was greatly unnerved. He was pacing like a caged animal.
'When was the last time you saw Harry Potter?' Dumbledore asked with his penetrating stare.
'T-two months ago give or take.'
Dumbledore released a long sigh as he closed his eyes. After a moment he asked, 'Why so long?'
'I-I broke my foot.' She pointed to the boot. 'The Dursley brat ran over it with his bicycle at the end of May.' Dumbledore ceased his pacing as he sat heavily upon Mrs. Figg's couch. 'Albus...what ever is the matter?'
'The Dursley home is empty,' He said gravely.
'What do you mean empty?' Mrs. Figg asked with a hand to her chest
'Do you know where the Dursley's may have gone? Does Vernon have any relations he would wish to visit?' Dumbledore asked.
'Y-yes, a sister Margaret...or maybe Mary...oh I do not know,' Mrs. Figg said. 'I usually tuned Petunia out after "Hello, can Harry stay here?"'
'Very well, I must be on my way. Do tell me if you here anything,' Dumbledore said heavily.
'Y-yes, of c-course.'
'Err...is there anyway I can thank these people?' Harry asked as be continuously unwrapped his gifts from the masses.
Marius nodded his head, 'We can put an ad in the Daily Prophet and on the WWN.'
'Can you, please?' Harry asked.
'Thank you,' Harry said as he unwrapped a glass ball. 'What is this?'
'A remembrall,' Cassiopeia said as she looked up from the book she had been inspecting. 'It lights up a certain color when you have forgotten something.'
'Will it tell me what it is?'
Harry shook his head, 'What's the point?'
'To tell you you have forgotten something. I thought I just said that?'
Marius snorted. He then looked at his wristwatch. 'I believe it is time to visit your other Aunt and Uncle.'
As the group prepared for the floo Harry asked Marius, 'How can you use the floo?'
'I do not have enough magic to be a wizard, but I have enough not to be classified as a muggle.'
'Huh,' Cassiopeia said, but kept moving. Marius and Harry shrugged at each other before getting in the floo together.
'Marius, Haryon,' Melania greeted. 'Happy Birthday,' She smiled as the pair hugged.
'Thank you.'
'Happy Birthday, young man,' Arcturus said as he held out his hand.
'Normally,' Harry heard Melania say, 'we would have come to you, but Marius lives in a muggle neighborhood...and well...here.' A long, slender box was handed to him. Harry observed the expression of his elders: Arcturus was smirking, Marius had a twinkle in his eye, Cassiopeia's lips were twitching, and Melania have him an encouraging smile. Harry shrugged as he slowly unwrapped the package.
Inside was a sleek mahogany broomstick with Nimbus 2000 written on the side in gold.
'That there is the fastest racing broom in production,' Arcturus announced.
'C-can I ride it?' Harry asked.
'Did you read the book I have you the other day?' Markus questioned. Harry nodded his head enthusiastically. 'Go.' Cassiopeia and Arcturus rose to follow him, but Harry had already taken off.
Harry placed his new nimbus 2000 between his legs then slammed his right foot into the ground to kick off. The sleek broom vibrated as it steadily rose into the sky. Higher and higher he rose until his family members were small specks on the ground. He circled the house once, twice before diving. It was a steep dive. So steep that two of the wand-holders took out their wands while Marius placed a hand to his face and Melania a hand to her chest. 'Has he lost control?' Melania gasped.
Harry paid them no mind. He gathered more speed the closer he came to the ground. Before he could hit the green his small arms yanked the broom up with all their might. 'Woohoo!' Flying, Harry decided, was the best feeling in the world.
'I will kill him,' Cassiopeia declared. 'I shall curse him for every gray hair I have just obtained.'
Harry was most reluctant to get off his broom. It was just too much fun to ride. It was the promise of treacle tart inside that made him get off the Nimbus. Harry almost chose a seat next to Cassiopeia, but Marius steered him to the other side of the table. Arcturus snorted every time his green eyes would meet the gray of his aunt's. Harry did not understand why she kept glaring at him. When he asked her what was wrong. Marius chuckled, 'You fly very well.'
He didn't understand it, but thanked his uncle anyway before diving into his treacle tart.
Two days after his birthday Harry wrote a letter to Bo Löfgren.
Dear Mr. Löfgren,
You told me to write you if I had any questions or concerns. Well I do have a few questions. I have every intention of using my wand, but I would like to know if it is really needed. What's the purpose of a wand? My aunt was talking about accidental magic and I became curious about wandless magic. Is it possible for all wizards to do it?
I was also curious about incantations. How much of magic is incantation? Is it more about force and will and possibly power? Because everyone didn't always speak Latin, right? I know the Greeks and Egyptians had their own languages.
I would greatly appreciate it if you answered my questions,
Haryon Potter
By the end of the first week in August, Dumbledore had found the Dursleys. Or a Dursley. A Marjorie Dursley, who Dumbledore hoped was somehow related to Vernon and Petunia Dursley.
Thus, Dumbledore found himself standing in front of a nice country cottage in Fawkham, Kent. With two of those muggle automobiles in the front Dumbledore felt confident that someone was home.
Dumbledore rapped on the door a few times before hearing what sounded like several dogs barking. Finally, a large, beefy woman with a small yet visible mustache opened the for door. 'What?' the woman barked.
As politely as he could muster he asked, 'Is Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Dursley available.'
'No,' was the terse reply.
She was about to slam the door in his face, but his foot stopped her. Dumbledore had wandlessly done a revealing charm and knew three others were in the house. 'May I come in?' Without waiting for an invitation he stepped right in. Normally he would avoid such rudeness, but he needed to find Harry Potter and he needed to do so quickly. September first was approaching with haste.
'Excuse me?' The woman, who he assumed was Marjorie Dursley, boomed. 'What in the blazes do you think you are doing.'
Ignoring the woman he called, 'Petunia! I am need of your assistance...' He heard nothing therefore he continued, 'You know I can come and get you, do you not?' There was a sudden scraping noise on the wooden floor. Dumbledore looked around just in time to see a bulldog charging his way. He sidestepped the beast causing the animal to slide into a room. He discreetly waved his hand closing the door.
By this point another woman made her appearance. Dumbledore smiled tightly at the pale-faced woman, 'You must be Petunia.' She gave a jerky nod. 'May I speak with you privately?'
Petunia's jaw twitched, but she nodded all the same. Dumbledore followed the, obviously, uncomfortable woman to a room in the back of the house. As soon as the door snapped close, Dumbledore whipped out his wand to cast a few spells. 'Well Petunia?'
'I don't know where the boy is,' She sneered unbecomingly.
Her brown eyes met his penetrating blue and Dumbledore witnessed her leaving her nephew in her home with little food. He watched her coming home to find her house empty of its furnishings and the boy gone.
Beliying the fury he felt, Dumbledore calmly asked, 'Why do you not know?'
Looking him in the eye she answered boldly, 'I didn't want the boy to begin with.'
Dumbledore watched her scream at the baby on her porch on. He watched her throw him in a cupboard. He watched her raise a frying pan and take a swing at her nephew's head. He watched her forcing Harry to cook their meals and clean their house. The more he watched the more disgusted he became with her.
'How could you treat your own flesh and blood in such a manner?' Dumbledore questioned in a frosty tone.
'I didn't want that...that freak in my home. I wanted nothing to do with my sister or her spawn.'
Dumbledore closed his eyes, 'He is just a child.' Opening his eyes he could see he was getting no where with the woman so he turned to leave without so much as a good-bye.
Apparating away all he could think was: what have I done?
'Do you have everything packed?' Marius asked Harry. Harry nodded his head making his wild mop even messier. Marius smiled at the excited boy before him. He was small pleased with himself because of his lack of bitterness.
'Are you allowed a broomstick at Durmstrang? Cassiopeia asked.
'They didn't say I couldn't,' Harry answered as he played with the snitch a fan had sent him for his birthday.
'Hmm...probably because there are no muggleborns.' At Harry's questioning look she elaborated, 'Hogwarts doesn't allow first years to have their own broomstick. Draco has complained often enough.'
'Ahh,' Harry said.
'Haryon, come here for a moment,' Cassiopeia said. Harry looked up from his book and walked over to his aunt. Placing a bracelet around his arm she said, 'This is a port-key. The password is the Black family motto. When you arrive in Denmark for Yule state the password and you will be transported to us.'
Harry nodded his head, 'Is there a limit?'
'No, you may use this as many times as you like until it is destroyed, but be warned you shan't be port-keyed here.'
'Where will this take me?' Harry asked.
'12 Grimmauld Place, London. That is where we shall spend the Yule,' Cassiopeia said. 'There are a few things Arcturus and I need to do.'
Harry was curious, but did not ask.
Cassiopeia then looked at her brother, who cleared his throat. 'Harry we need to tell you something.'
Harry tilted his head, 'What?'
With a deep breath Marius said, 'The tale of Sirius Black.'
The next morning Harry woke up to a buzzing sound refreshed from a pleasant night's sleep. He narrowed his eyes as he suspected there had been a bit of sleeping potion in the glass of brandy Marius had given him, but he shrugged it off. Looking outside he noticed that the sun had yet to rise. Then he groaned as he remembered it was a little before four. He washed and dressed quickly before grabbing his trunk, the bird cage, and going downstairs for a bit of breakfast. Dæmon was wrapped around Harry and his tank was in the trunk.
'Good morning,' Harry chirped causing Cassiopeia to glare.
'I am up at this dreadful hour to take you to...' she yawned, 'Denmark. The least you can do is be a bit more miserable about it.' Harry twisted his face into a look of grave mourning, but it didn't last long as it gave way to a smile.
'You look better,' Marius commented.
Harry shrugged, 'I feel better.' Learning about Sirius Black and his betrayal had made Harry a bit sick the afternoon before, but there was nothing Harry could do about the man now. But if he ever saw him again Harry would do his best to maim.
Marius nodded his head as Cassiopeia pushed a money bag towards Harry. 'Arcturus stopped by last night and left this for you. It is some spending money. Hobbes should be packing your English lunch...'
Harry's eyes widened. 'No treacle tart,' he said mournfully. 'Can I ask Sport to bring me some?' Harry asked with puppy dog eyes.
Cassiopeia and Marius laughed a bit at him causing Harry to pout. 'We might send you some,' Marius answered with a grin. Harry sighed dramatically, but nodded.
'Eat,' Cassiopeia said, 'we shall have to go soon.'
Harry piled his plate with a large amount of food. Between the vitamin and mineral potions and steady meals, Harry's appetite had grown significantly.
'Keep eating like that and you shall weigh a ton,' Marius stated.
Harry swallowed, 'Good food.'
At 4:30, Harry was hugging Marius good-bye, 'Write often.'
Harry nodded his head, while smiling a bit sadly, 'See ya, Uncle.' They hugged once more before Harry grabbed his trunk and Alshain.
'Give me the bird,' Cassiopeia yawned. 'Hand on the key.' Cassiopeia had obtained a port-key from Durmstrang as she had no idea as to where they were going. 'Durmstrang.' Harry saw Marius waving at them as they port-keyed away.
The pair slammed into solid ground soon after. There where windows allowing Harry to look outside. They had indeed port-keyed to a port. Looking up, Harry saw a big, burly man with the Durmstrang crest on his shirt He pointed at a pair of doors which soon opened to show a lift. 'Thanks,' Harry mumbled.
'They have these at the Ministry,' Cassiopeia said as they slowly descended. The lift stopped and opened. 'This is different.' There was a large, black ship with the Durmstrang crest emblazoned on the side in a great body of water. 'I wonder how we are under ground, but not under water?'
Harry shrugged, 'Let's go.'
There was a bit of a line as students were handing in their tickets. They spent about five minutes on the line. The inside of the ship was decorated nicely in reds and browns. The pair eventually found an empty room with four beds inside. There was also a couch and a table. Harry placed Alshain and his trunk next to the bed.
'Tempus,' Harry heard Cassiopeia mutter. It was almost six in Denmark. 'Alright, Haryon...I shall have to leave soon.'
Harry took a deep breath and nodded. He then did something he had never done before: initiate a hug. Cassiopeia stiffened at the initial contact, but relaxed. She ruffled his hair before Harry stepped back. He was blushing, but was he was also sporting a cheeky grin.
'Brat,' She said softly. 'Have fun and don't forget to write.'
Harry nodded, 'See you later.' As Cassiopeia closed the door Harry thought he heard a 'love you' but chalked it up to wishful thinking.
~So emotional~ Dæmon hissed. Harry stuck out his tongue. Kicking open his trunk, Harry found his knapsack and dug inside to find a book to read. After about five minutes of reading someone knocked on the door and opened it.
Harry looked up to find a boy with golden blonde hair and bright blue eyes enter the room. 'Hello,' He greeted with what Harry knew was a German accent. 'Can I stay in here?' Harry nodded and the boy entered. He dropped his things on in between Harry's bed and the one in the right. Holding out his hand the blonde boy said, 'I'm Christoph Adler. I'm a first year.'
Harry took the hand, I'm Haryon...err...Haryon Black-Potter.'
'Nice to...meet...you.' With widening blue eyes he said, 'Haryon Potter...like...as in Harry Potter?'
Harry nodded slowly. The boy blinked a few times, but clearly had enough decorum not to gape. 'Well...uhh...nice to...I said that already...ahem.' Harry's lips twitched in an effort not to laugh out loud. If this nervous reaction was what he going to get every time he introduced himself then he would do it as often as possible.
'Relax,' Harry said. 'I'm just a normal kid like you, okay...err Mr. Adler.'
'Call me Christoph or Chris please.'
Harry nodded, 'Call me Haryon, then.'
The boy nodded, 'Well...can I ask you a question?' Harry nodded with a bit of hesitation. 'Why are you coming to Durmstrang?'
Harry shrugged, 'I didn't want to go to Hogwarts.'
'Oh. That's simple.' The boy clearly wanted to ask more questions, but opted not to.
In order to avoid awkwardness Harry said, 'So...err...what part of Germany are you from?'
'Frankfurt,' Christoph said. 'You...where are you from in England?'
'Surrey, but now I live in Buckinghamshire,' Harry said.
Christoph hesitated, 'Err...who do you live with now?'
Harry smiled a kindly at the boy, 'I live with my great-aunt and uncle, but I used to live with my mother's sister...yes I was raised by muggles.'
'I live with my grandparents...I'm an orphan too...so...your Dark Lord was all over the place,' Christoph said.
'Oh.' Harry's mouth was a small o. 'Err...so do you fly?'
'Yeah.' Any awkwardness that remained between the two boys faded away as the discussed flying, brooms, and quidditch.
Another ten minutes had passed when someone else knocked on the door, ''Lo.'
The boy pointed to the bed and nodded his head. Christoph and Harry looked at each other and shrugged. This kid had wavy dark brown hair and pale blue eyes.
'I'm Nikita Baryshev. First year. You?'
'Christoph Adler.'
'Haryon Potter.'
Nikita acknowledged both with a head nod. He turned back to rummage through his things, but Harry's name eventually made it to his mind. He turned around quickly, almost too quickly. Without acknowledging that bit of pain in his neck, Nikita's blue eyes flickered towards Harry's scar. 'Harry Potter?'
Harry sighed, 'Yup.'
'Oh.' Christoph snorted.
Nikita was pretty serious, but the other two eventually got him to talk. They found out he was from Moscow and he lived with his parents and baby sister.
'What classes are you looking forward to?' Christoph asked. 'Transfiguration sounds amazing. I want to become an animagus as soon as possible.'
'Combat Magic,' Nikita said, 'and Creatures. I like animals.'
'Combat Magic, Potions, and Charms although I want to be an animagus as well,' Harry said. Suddenly Christoph jumped. 'What?' Harry asked.
'It's a snake!'
'Oh,' Harry said as Dæmon slithered upon Harry's person. 'This is Dæmon.'
~Dæmon the blonde is Christoph and the other one is Nikita.~
'Cool!' Nikita said with wide eyes.
'A parselmouth!'
'Blue coral right?' Nikita asked upon further inspection. 'I want a snake, but most of the ones I want are dangerous. Every time we go out Mama says no.'
'Yeah, I got it for my birthday,' Harry said.
'How will you keep him warm?' Nikita asked curiously.
'I have a tank in my trunk and he will stay on my body for the most part.'
'S-so y-you...he won't bite me?' Christoph finally managed. Nikita and Harry turned to the blonde, who was pale-faced and eyeing Dæmon with suspicion. The dark-haired boys laughed uproariously causing Christoph to pout, 'Not funny.'
'No,' Harry answered with a grin. 'He won't bite unless I say so...or you bother him to such a point.'
'O-okay...alright.' Christoph eased back onto the bed with caution while still eyeing Dæmon.
As the early morning passed a few people stopped by to meet them. Harry was more entertained than annoyed as people's eyes widened and mouths feel open at his name.
It was mid-morning and Harry had just woken from a nap.
'We had a few more guests,' Nikita drawled. 'They stopped by to stare at you. A few girls giggled. They said you were cute while you were sleeping.'
Harry's face lit up. 'Shut up,' Harry mumbled causing Nikita to smirk. 'Where's Christoph?'
'The bathroom,' Nikita said.
Harry's stomach was rumbling so he kicked open his trunk. Hobbes had given Harry a large meal if the carefully wrapped package was anything to go by. Harry smiled as he unraveled the package. Hobbes had given Harry a roast beef sandwich, Yorkshire pudding, a few sausage rolls, a container of crystallized pineapple, and a huge chunk of treacle tart. 'Thank you, Hobbes.' Harry bit into his sandwich and hummed only to hear Nikita snort. Looking up Harry said, 'I would offer, but...I really don't want to.' Nikita just threw his head back and laughed.
'It's alright,' He assured still chuckling. 'I have my own.'
'Hey,' Christoph greeted as he entered the room. Looking at Harry's food he asked, 'What's that pie looking thing.'
Narrowing his eyes and pushing his dessert behind him he answered, 'Treacle tart.'
'He would offer,' Nikita grinned, 'but he really doesn't want to.'
Christoph turned to Harry, 'Can I have a piece?'
Harry's jaw moved and twitched as if he were fighting with himself. Finally, Nikita snorted and Christoph joined him in a hearty guffaw. 'Not funny,' Harry mumbled. As Harry took another bite of his roast beef sandwich the door banged open. Two boys stood there. One was a tall blonde. He had the look of a brute about him. The other boy was a bit shorter, but he made up for it in width. He had black hair and black eyes, which narrowed as they landed in Harry.
'Harry Potter,' he said coldly in a clear English accent as they walked further into the room.
'Yes?' Harry said slowly.
'My name is Lysander Mulciber and this here is my friend Timothy Rowle,' the kid said.
'Nice to meet you,' Harry said softly.
'Funny,' the Rowle kid growled.
Neither of the three saw Christoph slip out of the room, but Nikita did.
'You should have gone to Hogwarts, kid,' Mulciber said. 'Lest you get...hurt.'
'Why would I get hurt?' Harry asked in the most innocent voice he could muster.
Rowle frowned while Mulciber smiled nastily. 'For what you did to my father.'
Harry opened his, but the door opened once more. 'Bullying children now, Mulciber?' A duck-footed burly kid entered the room.
Mulciber and Rowle turned around to see three new students standing there with there wands out. Christoph was also standing there, but he was edging out of the way.
Mulciber turned back to Harry, 'See you later, Potter.
'You should watch out for them, Potter,' the burly guy said holding out his hand. His accent was different from the others Harry had heard so far. 'Krum. Viktor Krum.'
Christoph gasped and Harry glanced at him as he took Krum's hand, 'Haryon Black-Potter.'
'You want to be called Haryon?' Krum asked to which Harry nodded. 'Well call me Viktor.' Looking Harry in the eyes he said, 'You should watch out for those two Haryon...as well as your other compatriots. Most of them who come here are of their ilk.' At Harry's confused look he said, 'Children of Death Eaters.'
Harry's eyes widened, but he only said, 'Thank you.'
'Funny, I was coming here to do the same,' Viktor smirked.
Harry tilted his head, 'Why?'
'Because you are taking the attention off me,' Viktor sounded pleased. 'What is a U-17 quidditch player to the Boy-Who-Lived? So thank you very much.' Harry just groaned. 'Oh these are my friends.' Pointing to see sandy-haired hazel-eyed boy he said, 'This is Palvo Zelesky and,' this one a blue-eyed dirty blonde, 'this is Yosif Yankov.'
Harry then introduced Christoph and Nikita, 'It's nice to meet you and thanks again.' When they left Harry put his food away as he wasn't hungry anymore. 'Thanks Christoph,' Harry said softly.
'Welcome...err Haryon?'
'Yes?' Harry's voice was still soft.
'How come you didn't know...connect their last names?' Christoph asked.
'I told you I was raised by muggles...' After hesitating for a bit Harry said, 'I didn't know about the magical world until the beginning of June...'
'Of this year?' Nikita asked aghast. Harry nodded his head blushing.
'Well you seem alright,' Christoph said, 'for a muggle-raised kid.'
'The aunt and uncle I live with now are the Blacks of Ravenwood...if you know what that means,' Harry explained.
'Ahh,' Nikita began. Then he furrowed his brow, 'Like Sirius Black?'
Harry nodded but said, 'Can we talk about something else please?' The other two nodded their heads and began telling Harry about Viktor Krum.
'How did our boy get off this morning?' Arcturus asked as he leaned back in his chair and sipped his brandy. Cassiopeia and Marius had stopped by for a bit to talk about their plans.
'He was ball this morning despite yesterday's revelations,' Cassiopeia said.
'What made you reveal that yesterday?' Arcturus asked curiously.
'We had opted not to tell him...ever,' Cassiopeia began slowly.
'But that was impossible if V-Voldemort,' Marius said with a flinch, 'if he is to come back.'
'With him attending a school that has attendees from the darkest families in Eurasia we thought it prudent to...' Cassiopeia said with a hand wave.
'Indeed,' Arcturus sighed. 'We plan to leave for France on the 31st.'
'I leave on the 30th for Switzerland,' Cassiopeia said. 'I shall come back late October or early November.' She was sipping her tea when she remembered something. 'Do you remember when I was telling you about feeling magic around the muggle house?'
'Yes,' Marius and Arcturus said.
'Well I do not know what it was exactly, but I am of the belief that it was somehow tied to the woman.'
'How?' Acrturus frowned.
'She's a squib?' Marius asked.
'Indeed and her son, depending on magic and karma, will have a magical child,' Cassiopeia said vindictively.
'But what...' Marius began.
'Blood,' Arcturus answered. 'Its blood. The mud...James' wife did something with blood.'
'Possibly, but that means he was protected by the blood of his mother. Wherever her blood dwelt he would be safe,' Cassiopeia said gravely.
'Ahh...damnation. At least we know Dumbledore was doing something for his well being...not that that gives me much comfort,' Arcturus said. 'We should check whatever protections are on him. James and Sirius might have done something.'
'Sirius is a Death Eater,' Marius reminded the other two.
'So is Bella,' Arcturus said.
'What can we do?' Cassiopeia asked with a frown. 'Do the Potter's have anything?'
'We would have to put him in Asheron,' Arcturus said.
Cassiopeia sighed, 'If...whenever the time comes he cannot be left in a place that depends on Black blood for protection.'
'Damnation,' Arcturus said again before throwing back the brandy in his glass.
It was almost 17:25 according to Nikita. 'I think we are almost there,' Christoph declared. 'It's been almost twelve hours,' he complained.
'We will be approaching Durmstrang Institute in less than 30 minutes! All students should be getting there things in order! We will be approaching in less than 30 minutes!'
The three boys looked at each other. 'Finally,' Harry said with a smile. Harry kicked open his trunk once more and dug up a uniform. He put a long-sleeved, high-collard, brown shirt over his black tee-shirt. He threw off his jeans before putting on brown trousers with a red strip going up the side. The red jacket with the even higher color was pulled over his head buckled then fastened.
Harry pulled out a cloak lined with black mink, but did not put it on. Next came his dragon hide boots. Looking up he saw Nikita and Christoph almost dressed as well. Nikita needed to put on his jacket and Christoph his shocks and shoes.
Harry laced up his boots and sat on the bed. Harry perfomed a steaming charm in himself and new friends. Cassiopeia had made him master the spell so he would 'always look his best.'
Twenty minutes later they had arrived at Durmstrang.