Hello, author here!
It's been quite some time, I know. My apologies for taking an extremely long time to give an update. Truly, I am so sorry.
It was unfair of me for not updating or letting you guys know why I have been absent.
I'm afraid my answer is quite clear as it is an unfortunate piece of truth.
While writing and reading are both my passion, a fire can not thrive without straw, wood, something that can feed it. My stories could not grow if it lacked feedback. I gave up on fanfiction because no matter how much I wrote, I received very little feedback and encouragement. I will not write for the people who can not spare a moment to truly recognize and respect the effort it takes to write. My fanfictions were pieces of my heart, and the majority that have READ my pieces did not spare a moment to tell me what they liked, what seemed off, and, what they felt while reading.
All I wanted, was to know was if people enjoyed my story, felt something.
No matter how much a person writes, no matter how much passion a person has, if no one wants to take a moment to acknowledge their effort and ideas, then that person will feel despair and eventually stop.
This is a fact, not a blame game. I do not blame anyone. I will never do that to someone. But I can act on this fact, and I choose to stop writing for this fandom because it's easier for me to do so instead of writing for me to only feel like my efforts are a waste of time.
Instead, I want to say my thanks and apologies.
Thank you so much for reading my stories, just knowing that people read them fills me with joy and content, especially with the person who would write to me and start in-depth discussions, I wish I had replied to you sooner; I still want to keep contact with you even though I was gone for so long but I know the chances of that are unlikely now.
I am truly sorry I left without any notice. That was irresponsible of me. I won't ask for forgiveness. It's too late now, and I don't expect you to do so, or even give me answer. But I do hope my writing provided some moments of entertainment. The conversations I had with you all are precious memories of this fandom, and I want to keep my last moments of this fandom filled with those good times. Currently, I am a very different person now then when I uploaded the last chapter of this story, and I am sure the same thing can be applied to my old readers. Life is sweeping my feet, making it bittersweet and frightening, but so is every life that is born. Soon, I hope to find a new fandom that will provide me with even more inspiration.
Once again, I am so thankful to my readers and friend for sticking by me for this fandom, but I'm afraid this chapter of my life is old and needs to reach a close.
Keep safe and I hope life works in favor for all of you.