Sasuke left the thought of restoring his clan while ago. First because he had to kill Itachi, then he needed to revenge his brother and finally because he didn't believe he had the right.

He had to amend a lot of things and even then it would happen far in the futureā€¦he didn't know how to be a father anyway.


He looked at the small bundle in his arms, the red tinted skin and chubby small body of his daughter. He let a small smile grace his face, and for the first time in years he felt content.

"Uchiha Sarada", Sakura said with mirth when she noticed the rapt attention Sasuke was giving to their baby.

"Hn" the man just grunted and kept observing the baby in his arms, memorizing her face without the help of his Sharingan.

"She looks like you"

"Ah" Sasuke smirked and that was it.


He didn't know how to be a father, he only had one for a short period of time and he doubted that Uchiha Fugaku was an adequate example. Even Kakashi, as his sensei and somewhat role model in his young days,was far away of father material. Orochimaru was dismissed on the spot. So he opted for observing his ex-classmates, at least one of them had to be of help. He snorted 'As if'.

Naruto was useless, he wondered how Bolt survived with that dobe around, but then Sasuke remembered who Bolt was son of and left it at that.

Shikamaru was too lazy whereas Sai was a weirdo. Chouji was not too bad but he didn't seem to know how he did it half the time.

"Daddy! daddy!" shouted a little voice, Sasuke looked down and saw that blinding smile his daughter always gave him when he came home.


"I drew you a picture" Sarada said proudly while holding a piece of paper as high as her little arms allowed her.

"Hn" was the only thing that Sasuke said but then he pressed carefully his fingers against the forehead of the girl.


Sasuke doesn't know how to be a father, but he has Sarada to teach him how.

A/N: I didn't like nor dislike the epilogue of Naruto, but then I read some works about it and I don't really think that Sarada and Sasuke's relationship work like that. Nevertheless everybody has the right to think and write whatever they want.

Yet I have to agree that the relationship of Sasuke and Sakura somewhat surprise me. I felt that chapter 699 was a confession of Sasuke towards Naruto (kidding).

Anyway it is my first work in this fandom and language, so please bear with me.