After the climactic battle between Kaguya and the reincarnations of her grandsons Ashura and Indra, Naruto and Sasuke face off one last time but what happens when Naruto is thrown into a new world filled with Digital Monsters.

A Shinobi A Long Way from Home

Chapter I

A Whole New World

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Digimon, fucking sucks.


(The Valley of the End)

It is a sight that isn't strange to this world, battle, conflict, destruction, and the incarnations of Ashura and Indra going head to head in a show down of epic proportions. The brother's feud has been going on for centuries but one spiky blonde haired shinobi hopes to put an end to it. He and his opponent, long time rival and best friend stand at opposite ends of the ruined valley. Both battered and bloodied, clothes in absolute ruin and both on the last leg of their stamina, the blonde just smirks and shouts, "Heh looks like you're about collapse over there Sasuke, why don't you just quit and save us some time!"

A smirk of his own spreads across Sasuke's face, "Pfft spare me dobe, I'm just warming up. You on the other hand look like you could use the breather."

"Oh yeah!" shouted Naruto as he charged Sasuke and Sasuke charged as well. They both met half way and unleashed a vicious barrage of punches and kicks. Completely forgoing any form of defense and opting to just taking the hit so long as they hit the other. Really it looks like their trying to block the other's punches with nothing but their face. Soon they both interlocked both of each other's hands and attempt to overpower the other. However try as they might they were just too evenly matched. However what they don't realize is that they have accidently broke the Infinite Tsukuyomi Genjutsu on everyone in the world by having the Yin seal on Sasuke's left hand with the Yang seal on Naruto's right hand make contact.

"Oi Naruto, I'm going to give you all of my remaining chakra however doing this is going to knock me out for a while so I can regain my chakra naturally." spoke a deep and demonic voice inside Naruto's head.

"Right, thanks Kurama." Naruto replied back to the voice. The voice is none other than that of the Kyuubi no Kitsune or Nine-Tailed Fox who goes by the name of Kurama.

Naruto felt the remains of his partner's chakra enter his chakra network but he quickly felt it also leaving him. However his confusion didn't last long as from one look at Sasuke's face told Naruto that he was responsible for it. Naruto quickly head-butted the Uchiha survivor and jumped back to give him some space. "Oi, teme lets finish this already. What do ya say huh?" Naruto shouted as he began to gather chakra in his right hand while mixing in his Yang chakra that he got from the Sage of Six Paths.

"Hn, couldn't have said better myself." as Sasuke's left hand seemed to be covered in electricity but it also contained the Yin chakra that he also got from the Sage of Six Paths. The two boys just stared each other down each holding their signature technique. And then as if some silent signal was given they both charged each other with everything they had.




The two powerful attacks collided and they seemed to be evenly matched however something unexpected happened. The power behind the two attacks and the nature of the chakra infused in them tore open a dimensional hole in the air. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" shouted Naruto over the howling winds that the hole has created.

"I DON'T KNOW AND I DON'T CARE, I'M FINISHING THIS NARUTO!" Sasuke shouted to the blonde still trying to overpower his Rasengan.

"ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE, LOOK AT WHAT HAS HAPPENED WE NEED TO STOP!" Naruto shouted trying to reason with his friend.


"ALRIGHT FINE THEN, IF THAT'S HOW YOU WANNA PLAY THEN SO BE IT!" Naruto yelled as he began to channel more chakra into his attack. He eventually began to overpower Sasuke.

"WHA- NO WHAT IS THIS WHERE ARE YOU GETTING THAT POWER FROM!" Sasuke shouted in a panic but Naruto didn't answer he only looked at Sasuke with yellow eyes with black bars in them and eventually broke Sasuke's Chidori and hitting him with his Rasengan sending Sasuke on a one way trip to the nearest rock face. Naruto stood proud for a second taking in the fact that he had finally defeated his long time rival but that was soon forgotten when started to be pulled towards the dimensional hole. Naruto tried with all of his remaining strength to not be pulled in but was just too exhausted to resist the pull for much longer. His strength eventually gave out and was pulled into the dimensional tear losing consciousness on his way in. As soon as he was pulled in the tear closed leaving only an unconscious Sasuke in a completely ruined Valley of the End.

(Unknown Place and Time)

In the midst of a vast and what seemed like empty void resided a large golden dragon. The dragon opened one of its many crimson eyes as it sensed a powerful presence enter his world that he oversees. "Imperialdramon" called this majestic yet terrifying looking beast.

It wasn't even a second when a predominantly black draconic being with warrior like features entered his master's domain. "You called Fanglongmon-sama." said Imperialdramon as he took a knee in order to show respect to the God of the Digital World.

"Yes my old friend, I have sensed the arrival of a powerful being entering the southern quadrant. However the nature of this power is very different from that of a Digimon. I'd like for you go there and investigate this for me." exclaimed the highest being of the Digital World.

"Hai, I will leave at once but if I may, why not have Zhuqaiomon-sama look into this? I mean that area of the Digital world is his responsibility." asked the faithful warrior.

"While what you say is true and that Zhuqaiomon should be the one to investigate however I believe he wouldn't be fit for the task. He has a vile temper and is quick to destroy anything he deems anything remotely threatening to the Digital World. Since we know so little of this being it'd be best to not make this person our enemy." the golden dragon spoke with a wisdom seen in very few.

"I see, well then I shall take my leave. I will be back soon." With that said Imperialdramon was gone in the blink of an eye and began making his way to search the southern quadrant for the source of this power his master spoke of.

(Digital World – S. Quadrant – Forest)

High above the forest a dark feathered Digimon with a purple vest searched for the meteorite that crashed not too far from his village. He eventually spotted the crash site and what a sight it was to behold. A whole throng of trees were knocked over and the crater was something to behold as well. It was about a quarter of a mile wide. The Digimon just couldn't wait to see what exactly caused this. When he got to the center of it what he found shocked him to his Digi-core. It was a human, it was a breathing human, it was a barely breathing human to be exact. The human was a wreck. The human was covered in bruises, deep cuts and blood, lots of blood. Not to mention his clothes were little better than rags now.

The Digimon decided that he couldn't leave the human here, the human need medical attention so the Digimon picked the human up by gripping the remains of his shirt with his talons hoping that the shirt will hold long enough to get them back to his village.

Luckily the shirt held up right until he reached the outskirts of his village. From there the Digimon carried the human over his shoulders into his village. "Fridgimon, Fridgimon I need your help!"

"What is it Falcomon, you sound distressed?" came the serene voice of Fridgimon from inside her hut. She was Champion level snowman with two charcoal eyes and two buttons on the center of her chest. She stepped outside only to see Falcomon carrying what looked like a half-dead human on his back. "Falcomon, what happened to him?!" Fridgimon shouted.

"I don't know, I found him like this he was at the center of a crater. In fact I'm pretty sure he is the meteorite that we all saw fall in this area." Falcomon said as he told Fridgimon everything he knew.

Fridgimon just gave him a disbelieving look. If the boy was the meteorite than in all respects he should be dead. No human should be able to survive something like that. But she quickly put those thoughts aside as she took the boy from Falcomon and brought him into her hut so she can try and patch him up. It took some time but she managed to clean him up and take care of all of his injuries. The boy had multiple deep gashes, a lot of nasty bruises, a few broken bones, and a nasty bump on the head. When she was done patching the boy up he pretty much completely covered in bandages, hell he could probably pass for a Mummymon. Now that she was done she took a seat in another room as she tried to find out all she could from Falcomon. "Alright Falcomon where did you find him, I find it very difficult to believe that he could be the meteorite that we saw."

"I don't know if he was the meteorite but I know what I saw. When I went to go check out the crash site I saw a whole area of trees completely knocked over and about a quarter-mile wide crater with him at the center of it. There was nothing suggesting something else crashed in that spot and he didn't look like someone who would just go down there to just lay there or to be able to move around in general." Falcomon told her.

Fridgimon was just confused, if the boy truly was the meteorite then how the hell did he survive the fall. It shouldn't be possible for a human to survive such a thing but yet here he was. It was at that moment that they heard someone calling for them. "Fridgimon, Falcomon, please come out, there is something I'd like to discuss with you." called a deep powerful voice that demanded respect.

When Fridgimon and Falcomon stepped out of the hut they where utterly gob smacked that the person that wanted to talk to them was none other than Imperialdramon in his Fighter Mode form. At the sight of the powerful Mega Digimon they both dropped to one knee, "Imperialdramon-sama, what an honor it is to be in your presence." said Fridgimon.

"How can we be of service to you Imperialdramon-sama?" asked Falcomon.

While used to the many Digimon that he conversed with bowing down to him still didn't change the fact that he felt unworthy of such respect. Those he believe to be the only ones deserving of that treatment were the Sovereigns and Fanglongmon himself. "That is quite alright you may stand." With that said both Fridgimon and Falcomon stood up at his request. "Now then on to business, you see I was sent here by Fanglongmon-sama himself. You see he has sensed a powerful presence enter the Digital World, however this being isn't a Digimon. Some of the other's I've questioned told me that you Falcomon brought what appeared to be a badly injured human here in order to receive medical care. Am I correct so far?"

Now Falcomon and Fridgimon were nervous. While Imperialdramon was known to be Fanglongmon's right hand Mon, very few have actually seen him and even fewer have met him. However they do know that he has a reputation of being fair they don't know if those are just rumors or not. However they weren't going to be stupid and lie to the very powerful Digimon. "Hai, Imperialdramon-sama, the human is here but he is, as you say, badly injured and is currently unconscious. But if I may ask why are you so interested in this human, he can't be the one you seek? Only very few humans can match a Rookie level Digimon, but anything Champion and above is far more powerful than any human." asked Fridgimon.

"While yes you are correct that humans are rarely a match for a Rookie level Digimon never mind the higher levels. However I have seen the crater that was recently formed here and I know that no normal human could've survived that fall. So I'm currently led to believe that this human is the one I seek." Imperialdramon answered.

"I see, however I regret to inform you that the human is in no condition to be moved and I don't know when he will wake up again." Fridgimon responded.

Imperialdramon just nodded, "That is fine, I was only tasked of locating the boy however I'm sure that Fanglongmon-sama will want to speak with him. So here take this." Imperialdramon tossed Falcomon what looked like a little remote with a red button on it. "When he awakens just push that button and I will know, what happens after is for Fanglongmon-sama to decide." With his business concluded Imperialdramon took off to inform his master of his findings.

(Fanglongmon's Domain)

It didn't take long for Imperialdramon to return to his master's domain, being able to circle planets in his Dragon Mode in minutes meant he could get to and from places very quickly. "Fanglongmon-sama I have returned with information."

"I see and what is it that you have learned my old friend?" Fanglongmon asked, however the authority wasn't missed by Imperialdramon.

"Not much I'm afraid, I arrived in the forest area of the southern quadrant and found a large line of trees knocked over with a quarter-mile wide crater at the end of it. When I searched the crater there was nothing there however I noticed a small village nearby. So I decided to go there first. It was there that I heard that one of the local residents found a badly injured human and had taken him to get medical aid. I found out where the Digimon took him and both the young Falcomon who discovered the boy and the Fridgimon who treated him were still there. However the boy that the Falcomon found was still unconscious so I was unable to speak with him. Before I left I gave them a device that will inform me when the boy wakes up." Imperialdramon said concluding his report to the God of the Digital World.

"Very well, when the boy awakes I want you to bring him too me. I'd like to meet this human." Fanglongmon said.

"As you command Fanglongmon-sama" Imperialdramon said with a nod of his head.

(Five Days Later)

Everything hurt, yet at the same he could barely feel a thing. Was he dead, well that was a dumb question if you felt pain then you're clearly alive. He could hear voices, he didn't recognize either of them nor could he make heads or tails of what they were saying. It sounded like they were in another room. Wait if he's in pain and he's hearing voices that he doesn't recognize does that mean he's in a hospital. Naruto quickly listened to his surroundings to his immense pleasure but also confusion was lack of beeping machines. The next thing he heard though was the sound of a door opening, probably the door to the room he was in. Finally he decided to see where he was. He slowly opened his eyes to see lack of white, much to his pleasure, and …was that an owl looking over him.

It was once again time for him to check on the human. He was expecting to just walk in make sure the human was still breathing and walk out. He wasn't expecting the human to wake up. Wait the human is waking up, "Oi Fridgimon he's waking up!" he shouted into the other room to make sure Fridgimon heard him.

Apparently though he was little too loud for Naruto's liking, "Ah not so loud owl-san." Naruto said in low coarse voice.

"I'M NOT AN OWL I'M A FALCON YOU BAKA!" shouted a pissed off Falcomon. Falcomon would've continued on for longer but he was hit upside the head by Fridgimon and chastised for yelling at someone who was recovering from their injuries.

Naruto however was now freaking out. He's used to seeing talking animals since he knows quite a lot of talking toads. And animal summons were generally intelligent enough for speech so a talking owl…my bad, falcon wasn't all that different for him. But a walking talking snowman was something else entirely. "Where am I and what are you?" Naruto asked quickly directing attention back towards himself.

It was Fridgimon who decided to answer him since Falcomon is still a little steamed at the owl comment and was muttering under his breath 'I'm not an owl'. "My name is Fridgimon, and the pouting sack of feathers that you accidently upset is Falcomon and currently you're in my home recovering after Falcomon here found you in the center of a crater."

Ok so he now knows their names and where and why he's here but he still doesn't know what they are, however it would be rude to not introduce himself. "Thank you for taking care of me, my name is Naruto Uzumaki. But I need to ask again, what are you I've never seen creatures like you before?"

"Ah, well we are known as Digimon short for Digital Monsters." Fridgimon answered for him. Only to confuse the blonde further, he's never heard of anything like these Digimon.

"Digimon, Digital Monsters, I've never heard of any of those things."

Now it was the Digimon's turn to be confused, even they knew that in the human world that Digimon was huge. Although most humans just thought they were nothing more than a card game or a TV series. Only very few humans knew the truth and that they were real. "What do you mean you've never heard of us, Digimon is huge in your world, we're probably your biggest media franchise." Falcomon said joining the conversation.

"What are you talking about, we just got finished with a war that could've ended badly for every living person on the planet if we lost. There is no time for such things, and even if there was I still never heard of anything like that." It was then that after Naruto finish saying that that he realized something strange about what Falcomon said, "Wait, my world. What do you mean my world?"

Falcomon and Fridgimon just looked at one another before turning to Naruto, "You mean you don't know, you're in the Digital World where we Digimon live and you're from the human world. Although I'm surprised you make mention of a war, we haven't heard of any war the likes of which you're describing going in the human world."

Naruto just brought his hands to his head and looked down, the reality of what is going beginning to sink in. He's not in his world anymore. He's far away from home and no one knows where he is. This is a dream, this is a dream, this has to be a dream. I'm right now lying down in a room at the hospital with Baa-chan and Sakura-chan doing their best to fix me up. But no matter how much Naruto tried to convince himself that this was a dream deep down in his gut he knew this was real, and his gut is never wrong.

While Naruto was trying to absorb everything he was told Falcomon and Fridgimon stepped out to give the blonde shinobi some space. "What do we do Fridgimon, I mean look at him. He looks completely hopeless." Falcomon asked the older Digimon.

Fridgimon just shook her head, "There isn't much we can do for him Falcomon, the only thing we can do for him is help adjust to all of this."

They both looked back at the blonde they could just see the aura of defeat surrounding him. It wasn't long though when they heard a familiar voice calling for them again. They rushed out to meet the owner of the voice. It was none other than Imperialdramon. "Imperialdramon-sama, we weren't expecting to see you so soon." Fridgimon said as she and Falcomon once again bowed to the Mega level Digimon.

Just like before Imperialdramon told them to rise before getting down to the reason he is here, "I understand that you have sent the signal that the boy has awoken and I have been ordered to bring the boy before Fanglongmon-sama himself." Imperialdramon said in an authoritative tone.

Fridgimon and Falcomon just looked at each other before responding, "While we understand your orders sir we think that it may not be the best idea at the moment to bring him before Fanglongmon-sama. The boy is still trying to cope with the fact that he is no longer in his world and we still aren't too sure how his recovery is coming since he hasn't had the chance to get out of bed." Falcomon said hoping that he didn't just bring the wrath of Imperialdramon upon his head for standing in the way of his mission.

Imperialdramon understood their plight but his orders are clear bring the boy before Fanglongmon-sama. "I understand your reasoning however my orders are clear, and I will carry them out. However I'm sure that the boy will be fine. After all I'm sure Fanglongmon-sama will be able to provide the boy some of the answers he seeks."

The two lower level Digimon didn't even think of that, if anyone had answers for the boy it'd be Fanglongmon-sama. They once again passed a glance at one another before nodding, "Yes that may just be what he needs, please wait right here Imperialdramon-sama and I will get him." Falcomon said before rushing back into the hut to get Naruto.

Back in the room Naruto was using he was still trying to cope with everything that he has learned so far but his coping was interrupted by Falcomon, "Oi Naruto can you stand there is someone outside that wants to speak with you."

"I'm sorry Falcomon but could you just tell the person that I need to rest and that I'll talk to them later?" Naruto said, really wanting to just be left alone for right now.

"I'm sorry Naruto, but no can do. You do not want to make this guy wait. Besides I'm sure he can help with some questions you might have." Falcomon said knowing that telling Naruto that he might get some of the questions he has answered will probably make him more inclined to go see Imperialdramon. And it worked at the sound of having his questions answered gave Falcomon Naruto's undivided attention and a ray of hope could be seen in Naruto's eyes.

Naruto quickly hopped out of bed, but stumbled a bit due to the lack of activity his body had in the past few days. Falcomon managed to catch him before he fell to the ground but still he was impressed with how much Naruto was moving around anyways. Falcomon quickly helped Naruto outside of the hut so he could meet Imperialdramon. Upon seeing the draconic warrior Naruto could immediately sense that this was a very powerful Digimon and it would be suicide to underestimate him. "Imperialdramon-sama, I'd like to introduce you to Naruto Uzumaki, the boy who fell from the sky." Fridgimon said.

"Hello young Naruto, I am Imperialdramon the right hand Mon to Fanglongmon-sama. I have been ordered to bring you before Fanglongmon-sama as soon as possible." Imperialdramon said not wasting any time what so ever.

"Hello Imperialdramon, my name is Naruto Uzumaki. I have a ton of questions that need answering. Will this Fanglongmon be able to answer them?" Naruto asked, wanting to make sure that he will get his answers.

"I'm not sure he will be able to answer all of your questions but I'm confident that he can answer a great many of them." Imperialdramon told Naruto honestly. While Naruto was a little upset that he may not get all of his questions answered it was still better than nothing. He quickly agreed to go with Imperialdramon. Imperialdramon changed into his Dragon Mode, freaking Naruto out for a moment but calmed down when he noticed that while fierce looking Imperialdramon had no intentions of attacking him. Falcomon was about to let go of Naruto when Imperialdramon spoke to him, "Falcomon, I'd like for you to come with us as well."

Shocked couldn't even begin to describe how Falcomon felt at the moment. Not just anyone got to meet Fanglongmon. It was a huge honor to be in his presence and Falcomon felt that he was undeserving of such a privilege and he made this known, "I'm sorry Imperialdramon-sama, but I'm unworthy to meet Fanglongmon-sama himself. Although I'm honored that you wanted to bring me along I want to ask why, I mean not just anyone can meet the God of our world so why bring me along?"

Naruto was surprised that he was going to meet the God of this world. While he already figured that this Fanglongmon must be very important, not to mention powerful if he could have Imperialdramon addressing him in such a way, but he never would've guessed that Fanglongmon was basically Kami. Imperialdramon for his part looked down at the young rookie Digimon, "You are correct that normally one such as yourself wouldn't be permitted to meet with Fanglongmon-sama, but this is a special case since young Naruto has no idea where he is he might feel more comfortable around a more familiar face."

With Imperialdramon's response to Falcomon's question Falcomon felt more inclined to go along with them if it meant helping Naruto get back home. So Falcomon ended up agreeing to come along, though he doubted that he had much of a choice in the matter but still went along anyways. Imperialdramon beamed them up onto his back and applied the force field that would prevent them from falling off. It only took Imperialdramon about an hour to get from the southern quadrant forest to Fanglongmon's domain. During that time Naruto was able to regain enough strength to be able to walk on his own.

When they finally entered Fanglongmon's domain they noticed that while they were clearly standing on what felt like the ground it looked like they were standing in mid air. Imperialdramon quickly changed back into his Fighter Mode. They didn't have to wait long before Fanglongmon made his appearance. With the appearance of the Holy Dragon both Falcomon and Imperialdramon dropped to one knee. Naruto however remained standing. "So I take it that you are Fanglongmon, the God of this world." Naruto said to the giant golden god.

Falcomon was quick to jump up and smack the blonde upside the head for showing such disrespect regardless if Naruto was still injured. "Baka, show some respect. This is Fanglongmon-sama, the Dragon of the Centre, and God of the Digital World. You don't want to piss him off." Falcomon quickly turned to Fanglongmon, "I apologize for his blatant disrespect Fanglongmon-sama, and humbly ask for your forgiveness in his stead."

"Oi I don't need to go around apologizing for me to stupid owl." Naruto said knowing this would ruffle Falcomon's feathers. (A/N: Yes pun totally intended) At the mention of being called an owl immediately made Falcomon forget where he was continued his argument with Naruto.

The whole time this was go on Fanglongmon had a small smile unnoticeable to all but Imperialdramon. However it was time to get down to business, "I believe that is enough you two." Fanglongmon said immediately drawing the attention of his two bickering guests. Falcomon was then reminded of where he was and was once again quick to apologize for not only his but Naruto's disrespect. "It's quite alright Falcomon, it's kinda refreshing not being referred to as –sama all of the time. Now to answer your question young Naruto, yes I am Fanglongmon and I have called you here because you interest me greatly."

Naruto could've sent Falcomon a victorious smirk but he just knew that Falcomon knew that he won that little spat. However badly he wanted to rub it in Falcomon's face he knew that there were more important things going on right now. However he wondered why he interested the so called God of the Digital World so much, "It's a pleasure to meet you Fanglongmon, my name is Naruto Uzumaki, Shinobi of Konohagakure and future Hokage." Naruto said as he pointed his thumb to his chest. The mention of being a shinobi caught all of their attention but none more so than Falcomon.

"A shinobi huh, very interesting we have a few Digimon here that are shinobi as well." Fanglongmon said while sending a meaningful glance towards Falcomon.

Naruto just nodded his head and was kinda surprised that there were a few Digimon that were also shinobi. He wondered if they'd be a good challenge. But now wasn't the time for that, he had questions and lots of them and supposedly this Fanglongmon had some answers. "Fanglongmon where exactly am I, I mean I know I've been transported to another world but I need to know exactly how I got here and if it's possible for me to get home."

Fanglongmon understood what the blonde wanted. It's what any person would want in his position. However in order for Fanglongmon to answer Naruto's questions he needed some of his answered first. "Naruto for me to be able to answer your questions requires me to have some of mine answered first. So you would please come closer so I may see your memories. Once I see your past I will have my answers and you will soon have yours."

Naruto was a little hesitant to let someone he barely knew look through his memories but if it was to get the answers he seeks then he'd have to let the Dragon of the Centre see into his past. With a nod he stepped closer and once close enough Fanglongmon put one of his massive claws against Naruto's forehead and looked into his mind. He saw everything from Naruto's childhood, his early Genin days, the Sasuke retrieval mission, his training with Jiraiya, the Akatsuki, his time mastering Sage Mode and his later fight with Pain, even the Fourth Great Shinobi war and his final battle with Sasuke which brought him here. Fanglongmon was impressed that the young blonde managed to endure so much suffering and hardship and all for the sake of his friends. With his questions answered he was ready to answer Naruto's. "I'm very impressed young Naruto, to have endured so much at such a young age and come out on top is nothing short of astounding, I have my answers you are free to ask your questions."

Naruto didn't hesitate, "Well I'd first like my earlier questions answered."

Fanglongmon was saddened at the news he'd have to bring upon the blonde but Naruto needed to know this, "I regret to inform you Naruto that what brought you here to this dimension is not something I or anyone else for that matter can recreate. A God I may be but even my power has its limits. The best I can do for you is send you to this dimension's human world for you to live out the rest of your days there."

"Wait, this dimension. What do you mean this dimension?" Naruto asked, already having a pretty good idea of what the giant dragon meant but he wanted to be clear on the subject.

"It's just as I've said, you have been transported here from another dimension. You see during your final battle with your friend Sasuke both of you infused your final techniques with the unique chakra that you inherited from the Sage of Six Paths, and when your techniques clashed like they did it opened up the portal that brought you here. Since the portal was created by the clashing power of your friends Yin chakra and your Yang chakra this is something we cannot recreate since we are missing a key element. And even if we could recreate it there would be no guarantee that you'd make it home. You'd more than likely be trapped in another dimension." Fanglongmon said crushing any hope of Naruto ever making it back home.

"I see." is all he said as he once again felt that feeling of despair taking over.

Fanglongmon didn't like seeing the boy upset. While he knows that throughout most Naruto's life put on a mask of happiness it still didn't change the fact that is who Naruto is. So Fanglongmon tried to cheer the blonde up, "Naruto I have a proposition for you."

While Naruto was still upset about not being able to go home he might as well hear out what the dragon has to say. "And what would that proposition be?" excuse him for being a bit rude but I think the fact that he is far away from those that he cares about and all he ever knew kinda makes it bit understandable when showing respect isn't on the top of your priority list.

"How would you like to build yourself a new life in this dimensions human world? While there are a few things that you will need to adjust to since this world is far more technologically advanced than your own but I believe that it'll be well worth it." Fanglongmon said trying his best to get Naruto to see what he has rather than what he lost.

"And what would I have to do to be able to build this new life as you put it?" Naruto may have his moments of idiocy but he wasn't a complete moron, he knew that if someone offered you something then they wanted something in return.

"All you would have to do is become a Digimon Tamer." Fanglongmon said surprise all those who were present.

"A Digimon Tamer, what's that?" Naruto asked making sure he didn't go into this unless fully informed on he's getting himself into.

Naruto was expecting Fanglongmon to answer but what he got was an answer from Falcomon instead. "A Digimon Tamer is a human who partners up with a Digimon and can help said Digimon Digivolve."

"Digivolve?" Naruto asked.

"It's a process in which a Digimon changes shape and form but also increases their power." This time Fanglongmon answering him.

"So why would you want me to be one of these Tamers?" Naruto asked.

"Aside from the fact that you can probably take most Mega level Digimon on by yourself it comes down to the fact that there is a threat coming to the Digital World and I'm not sure if these Tamers can handle it. And unfortunately my power will be ineffective against this threat." Fanglongmon said with a tiny amount of frustration slipping into his voice.

Naruto thought about it for a second, and the thought standing by while a whole world could be destroyed and he had the power to stop just didn't sit right with him. Also the opportunity to challenge some of these powerful Digimon in a fight was exciting in its own way. However he did have one question, "Who would be my partner?"

"Well I was kinda hoping to ask someone in the immediate area if he minded joining up with you. So what do you say Falcomon, do you want to be Naruto's partner?" Fanglongmon asked.

Falcomon for his part was surprised. Many Digimon did their best to cross over to the human world in hopes of finding a human to partner up with to help them Digivolve and here he was being given the opportunity to partner up with the strongest human Fanglongmon has ever seen, he'd be a fucking idiot to turn that down. "Heh if it's alright with Naruto where do I sign, Fanglongmon-sama?"

Naruto didn't have a problem at with Falcomon being his partner, in all actuality Naruto owed Falcomon his life, cause if Falcomon didn't find him then Naruto might have died due to his injuries. "I'm fine with it, so then it looks like you and I will be working together from now on huh." Naruto said to his new feathered friend.

Fanglongmon for his part was glad this was going so well and that Naruto seemed to be cheering up again now that he had a purpose. "Very well however Naruto there is something that I need to bring to your attention." Fanglongmon immediately had Naruto's undivided attention, "You see when I was scanning your memories I notice the severe damage that was done to your body. Some that if left unchecked will end up hurting you more in the long run. However in order for me to repair your body I must revert it back to when you were about fourteen years old."

Naruto was shocked by this statement, "Wait do you mean you intend to make fourteen again? Why, and if it's because of the amount of damage my body has taken then Kurama will just heal it in no time."

"I'm afraid that's not possible at this time. I'm sure you recall towards the end of your fight with Sasuke that Kurama told that he'd be asleep for some time, well a side effect of this is that it has slowed down your healing rate considerably. While you still heal faster than most I won't be fast enough and by the time Kurama will awake it'll be too late to repair the damage. However there is another reason why I must make you younger. You see the other Tamers are currently no older than fourteen themselves. To increase your chances of meeting up with them and getting along with them I need to make you about their age. This also gives you the opportunity to experience what it's like to be a child in this world, since I know that you really didn't have that opportunity back in your world." Fanglongmon told the blonde.

"I see," Naruto said as his bangs shadowed his eyes, when he looked up again he had on his fox like grin, "eh it's only three years, it's not like you making me a baby again and have to know what it's like to wear diapers all the time."

"I'm glad you're taking this so well Naruto, now there is just one last thing that needs to be addressed, and that would be your attire. Your current clothes are nothing short of rags and even if they'd been intact they wouldn't be suitable to this world." Fanglongmon said.

"Why, is it because their orange? Why is everyone hating on orange?" Naruto asked no one in particular only to get a chuckle out of Fanglongmon.

"No young Naruto it has nothing to do with the color. It's just that the style in your world is vastly different from the one of this world. These newer clothes will help you fit in better. Now come closer so that we may begin your transformation." Naruto calmed down and accepted the Dragon of the Centre's explanation. He stepped closer to Fanglongmon and once again he place one of his massive claws against his forehead and with that a wall of data began to encircle Naruto.

When the wall disappeared it revealed a shorter Naruto that was no longer wearing those rags. Naruto stood at a good height of about 5'6" and was wearing an unzipped hooded jacket that looked almost exactly like his last jacket just without the high collar and holes on the cuff of the sleeves to put his thumb through. He wore a grey T-shirt underneath and a pair tan khaki pants. He also has on a pair of Black and Orange Nike Basketball shoes. He is also wearing a belt that has another side belt hanging off his right side with what looks like a card holder and on the back of his belt is a device that is sorta shaped like a 'T'. The device was mostly white with orange ring around the screen and two orange buttons as well as an orange belt with a clip at the top.

"The device in your hand is called a Digivice however the Tamers have taken to calling it a D-Ark. In the human world the existence of Digimon isn't widely known and most only see it as a card game. That device can scan the cards used in the game to provide you with help in battle. So you should make it a priority to go out and buy some cards. As for what you will do for a place to live and to support yourself I've already made arrangements, I've even added your information to the government's computers and no matter how much they look at it will look authentic. I've even uploaded some basic information about the world and its history to your brain so you won't be jumping at things most people won't making it easier for you to adapt to your new environment." Fanglongmon explained to the blonde. Naruto was just impressed that he managed to pull all of this off in such a short amount of time.

"Excuse me Fanglongmon, but I'm curious. How did you manage to actually make me younger?" Naruto asked, seriously wanting to know the answer to that question.

Fanglongmon gave the blonde a toothy grin, "Well you see Naruto while you are in this world your body is comprised of data, I can manipulate that data however I want so long as the one I'm doing it to permits me."

"I see, I guess that's how you also uploaded all of that information into my mind as well?" Naruto asked.

"That is correct, now I believe it is time for you to be going. I thank you for your assistance Naruto Uzumaki and wish you the best of luck." Fanglongmon said as both Naruto and Falcomon deconstructed in particles of data before being sent to the real world.


A/N: Well here is chapter one of my new story. I've really wanted to do a Naruto and Digimon Tamers crossover.

Now before anyone goes off on a tangent about me reducing Naruto's age instead of increasing the ages of the Tamers or why I didn't start this from Naruto and Sasuke's first fight at the Valley of the End I will explain it now.

As for why I chose the second battle is because to cause something like a dimensional tear is something that requires extraordinary power. Power that both Naruto and Sasuke just didn't have during their first fight.

As for why I decreased Naruto's age was for a couple of reasons. One at 17 there isn't much that Naruto is going to experience to get the full experience of living in this new world. Also in this series Shibumi clearly states that Digimon bond easier with children, now while I clearly don't want to make them too young otherwise the Romance in this story won't make sense I can't make them too old either so I figured 14 was a good middle ground.

Anyways please leave a review and let me know what you think.