So I'm going to change the way I do Aurthor note so now its like this.

I am going to stop trying to explain what kind of Naruto this is and just say let me tell the story so you can find out.

Now everyone stop flaming for the fact that I had used Zabuza and Haku for the first major arc. I believe in the idea that history repeats itself so who better to push Naruto then the first villians in Naruto.

A lot of people always said that they wanted the chapters to be longer and now that I have done that, reviews have become lower so I just might go back that.

For everyone that is calling the story trash if I brought any more Naruto characters into the story your all telling me that your fine with only Naruto? That seems kinda boring.

On the bright side this arc comes to an end thank you everyone who has read up to this point, without further ado lets get this story on the way

PS sorry for my grammar

Chapter 7: No good deed...

Naruto was shocked. He couldn't believe what he was just told. Haku the very person he just met had asked him too kill him. Believing that her life had no more worth after being beaten by the blond, she lost the will to live. No that wasn't right! Just because you lost a fight doesn't mean you should just allow yourself to die. All life was precious! No one should ever just give up on their own life!

Maybe their was some way he could save her. A way that didn't involve Haku losing her life due to her own feelings of self worthlessness. The blond was not some killer that could just kill another human for no reason. Come on brain, think!

"It's okay for you too end my life." Naruto was snapped out of his thoughts by the voice of Haku. Even when talking about dying, she just kept a calm expression. It was scary for the blond to know that she welcome her death. No, welcoming wasn't the right word it was more on the line of accepting her death.

"You don't have to die." Naruto felt as if he was repeating himself, but he still held onto the believe that if he kept saying it enough times that it would work. But just like before it fell on deaf ears.

Walking up to the blond, she kept the smile on her face. When she finally reach the blond she fell down onto her knees. As Naruto went to her side to help her back onto her feet she stop the blond from doing so.

"Please don't make me beg any more, Naruto." Placing her hands in her lap, she looked at the blond in the eyes' and gave him the saddest smile he had ever seen in his life. "Now, finish the fight."

Finally understanding that Haku would not listen to his words, with a heavy heart he started his long walk to her. With tears in his eyes, Naruto, walked to the ice user and crocked his fist back. As he reached Haku, he line his fist with her head and brought his fist down.

*With Zabuza and Seekvaira*

Seekvaira was still force to dodge every strike that Zabuza had sent her way. She felt the wind pass her face as the blade missed her head, felt the sting of the wind as the power behind every strike aim for her. Just as she took another step back to avoid another blow, her foot slip causing her to lose her balance and fall on her back.

Zabuza smirk to himself, happy to see that an opening was created. Knowing that their was no way she would be able to save herself this time. Bringing his sword down for the final blow, Seekvaira closed her eyes and waited for the end, but it never came. Slowly opening her eyes, she witness the blade a mere inch away from her head, but Zabuza attention was focus on something else. Looking at his direction she saw that it was in the direction of Naruto and his opponent.

"Haku..." Zabuza whisper, no longer able to sense the presence of his companion. Forgetting all about the heiress below his blade. He rushed towards their direction, fearing that his long time companion was no longer alive. Running too the last known location that he sense Haku signature.

Within moments he reach the destination, and came to the sight of Naruto standing over the beaten body Haku. On the ground, Haku, was laying on her side. From the side of her forehead blood was coming out her head. And standing over her prone body was the blond devil.

"What did you do to Haku?!" Zabuza was using all his self restrain from blindly rushing the blond. Maybe he was just seeing things. Their was no way that Haku was beaten especially by this low level devil.

"She is dead..." Naruto had a hard time saying the words, let alone letting them come out of his mouth. But that is what happen, he kill her. And while Naruto had a hard time saying those words, Zabuza on the other hand lost it.

Within seconds, Zabuza, swung his blade aiming for the blond head. For Naruto, his instinct went crazy. Just as the blade was about to make contact with his neck, Naruto, ducked under the sword. The blond let out a loud gasp of air, amazed that he was able to dodge the blade, but knew that he needed to be on guard. Jumping away from the stray devil, Naruto, quickly got into a battle stance.

For Zabuza, all he saw was red. The very young lady that he raised was no longer in the world of the living. While he always told Haku that she was simply a tool for him to use, he never believed that she would die in battle.

"I will personally ensure that your dead by the end of the day." Zabuza growled out, as he ready for his next swing. Charging at the blond, he brought his sword up and brought it down in full force. Naruto was able to dodge the blow, but Zabuza used the small opening and used his the momentum to swing himself on the blade and kick Naruto in the stomach.

Stumbling backwards, Naruto, held his stomach amazed at the counter attack by the stray devil. Zabuza smirk to himself, as he saw the opening he created. Now he was going too kill the blond devil. Charging at the blond once again he aimed for the blond head.


Zabuza sword was blocked by a large shield of ice, saving Naruto, and causing the stray to lose his balance. As Zabuza looked around wondering on what had saved the blond, he witness the sight of several magical runes formed all around him. Turning his head, he saw that Seekvaira hands were glowing with energy.

"Die!" Seekvaira growled out, as every magical runes' exploded around the devil swordsman. Encasing the devil in a mini explosion. The sliver haired beauty let out a sigh of relief believing that Zabuza life had finally came to an end; believing that there was no way that anyone could survive the attack. Taking a moment to catch her breathe, she started to walk towards her Rook.

"Hehehe..." The sound of laughter was heard by the two devils, causing a cold sweat to sweep through the two. Both quickly turned turned their heads to the fire and smoke from where Zabuza was standing. Emerging from the fire, Zabuza, stood tall. Covered in burn marks, with a patch of fire burning his arm, a small amount of blood was coming from his mouth, and the most crazed grin was on his face. Picking up his clever he slowly started to march towards the two devils.

"How did he?" Naruto was amazed at the sheer durability of Zabuza. While he knew that a devils body was stronger then the an average human to see that it could withstand a small explosion was just amazing.

Seekvaira blue eyes widen in fear. She firmly believed that her attack would of ended the battle, but too see Zabuza still alive frighten her. Not only that, her attack drained her magic reserves too a very low amount. She wouldn't be able to repeat her attack again, well not without a small rest. Yet she knew that asking Naruto to stall Zabuza might be suicidal. She had to think! Their had to be some way to win this fight.

"You're going to die first blondie." Zabuza angrily declared, as he rushed towards Naruto. Seekvaira didn't have the energy to be able to protect Naruto from the attack; and for Naruto, his body just couldn't move. He wasn't sure if it was because of Zabuza emerging from the explosion or maybe because this was the first time he had ever faced the reality that he might die today.

Zabuza rushing towards the blond brought up his clever and aim for the head of Naruto. He grinned to himself as he knew that their was no way that Naruto was going to be able to save himself this time. As the blade came crashing down to spit the blond in half, a magical seal appeared behind the blond, and with that a pair of arms grabbed Naruto and pulled him away from the incoming attack.

"Who?" Zabuza growled out, surprise that someone had saved the blond. For the stray devil he no longer cared for his life, all he cared for was ending the blond before he died. If he was able to kill Naruto before dying himself that he would be happy that he was able to avenge Haku death.

"Nyaaa, that was good timing." A voice chimed in. The two devils that didn't know what had happen to Naruto turned to the sound of the voice. While Naruto still appeared undamaged, they were more surprise too see a woman standing behind the blond. A young woman with a voluptuous figure, long black hair with split bangs and hazel eyes with cat-like pupils. Her attire consists of a black kimono, a yellow obi, a set of golden beads, and an ornately detailed headband. The kimono features a red interior and it is open at her shoulders, giving view to her large breasts.

"Kuroka!" Zabuza growled out, knowing the very lady that had saved the blond from his attack. Seekvaira eyes widen at hearing the name of the woman. Already here they were struggling against one devil but against another one that was ranked as a S rank was now going to turned into a death mission.

"Naughty, Zabuza." Kuroka teased the stray, as she wrapped her arms around the blond and hung off his back. Naruto was just surprise that someone had come to save him, but he still didn't know who she was.

"Who are you?" Naruto was the only one who didn't really know who the young lady was. Or how dangerous she is. He could see how Seekvaira had grown to be even more nervous with the appearance of Kuroka. But Zabuza seem to only gotten more enrage. Was there something about this lady that he should know of? They said her name was Kuroka. Were did he hear that name before...

"You're that SS rank stray devil." Naruto said, finally remembering who the person is. Kuroka grinned, as she rubbed her cheeks on the back of Naruto neck. While it did feel nice for the blond, he still wanted to make sure that this was 'the' Kuroka from the story he was told before.

"Awe, you now know who I am. Nyaaa." Kuroka purred, as she turned her attention to the swordsman in front of them. Her eyes turned into slits, a quick flash of rage over came her expression as she stared at Zabuza. "I can't forgive you Zabuza." She growled at him, unhappy

"What are you doing here?!" Zabuza asked her, not even caring for her rage towards him. Kuroka hop off the back of Naruto and walked towards the devil. The other two devils knew that this was the best moment to rest and waited for their next opening.

"What am I doing here, nya?..." Kuroka repeated, as she tapped her chin with her finger."... I was just passing by hoping to get a free meal, nya. Imagine how happy I was when not only did I get a free meal, I found a person able to use Senjutsu in a small village like this, nya. The only downside was that the very person was in a devil peerage, nya. But I decided to stay and see what that very person was doing, when he got into a fight, nya. He would of lost the fight if he didn't use Senjutsu, but he all did that without knowing how, nya. And after he finally beat your little friend up and knocking her unconscious but her companion is now trying to kill the very person who was kind to me, nya."

Naruto was happy to hear that Haku was still alive. He had thought he had killed her with the punch too the head, but he only knock her unconscious. His mood want up at hearing this piece of information. For Zabuza, he was happy to hear that Haku is still alive, but he knew that Kuroka didn't tell him that to make him happy. No, she told him that to warn him that he was doomed.


In a instance Zabuza arm was rip off his shoulder by Kuroka. Surprising everyone in the small area. Zabuza let out a loud roar of pain, as his arm was ripped off as he took a step back as his blade fell to the ground, as he held his shoulder trying to stop the bleeding.

"I will kill you..." Zabuza lowly whisper, holding his shoulder, angry that the deadly lady had just ripped his arm off. Even if he was going to die he was going to try and kill Kuroka before he died. Kuroka smiled at her handy work, as she dropped the very arm she rip off. Zabuza pulled a hidden knife that he hid in his pants charred at the stray devil.

Kuroka smiled never left her face as she pointed her hand at the charging devil. As he got closer to her, she used her powers and shot out an orb of energy at Zabuza. Within the next moment Zabuza fell down face first as the orb Kuroka created hit him in the leg. Looking down he saw a large strain of blood coming from his leg. Getting up, he tried to attack her once again, but life before Kuroka shot him down before he could reach her.

Walking up towards the fallen swordsman, Kuroka, created another orb of energy ready to end the life of Zabuza. "Goodbye, Zabuza." Kuroka said, as she brought her arm down to strike him down. An inch away from slamming the orb into Zabuza chest Kuroka jumped away from the stray devil, as at the very moment a spear made of light flew through the air. Looking towards the directions of where the spear came from she saw a figure in the distance. It wasn't only just one figure, it was multiple figures in the distance.

"Holy energy." Seekvaira commented on, shocked too see a holy spear had been thrown at Kuroka. She wasn't sure if it was aim at the stray black cat, or it was fired at random, but once again another opponent had entered the battle. Not only that they yet to revealing who they were.

"I'm not staying around for who is coming this way." Kuroka said to herself as she felt that she had done enough for the blond. He had given her a free meal, in return she felt that she should return the small act of kindness. But she was not willing to fight a small group of enemies just for couple of free fish. Summoning a teleportation seal she got ready too leave the area. Just as she was about to walk into the seal something occurred to her.

"Oh devil, nya." Naruto and Seekvaira turned their attention to Kuroka. The black haired beauty had her gaze looked onto Seekvaira. "Since Naruto, is able to use Senjutsu there is no possible way that you can teach him how to handle his power."

"What is your point stray?"

"That one day you are going to have to make a choice. Either have Naruto go crazy with the power of Senjutsu and destroy everyone around him, or..."


"You can give him too me and let me train him... Maybe even give him too me." Kuroka gave her a smirk, but Seekvaira eye's widen. Kuroka did have a point, but their was no way that she was going to let either choice happen. She was born into the noble family of Agares, and there was nothing that she couldn't overcome. Before she could open her mouth to tell of the dangerous woman, Kuroka, teleported away. Now they needed to focus their attention onto the new enemy.

"Naruto," the blond turned her attention to the silver haired beauty. "be ready for our new enemy." Naruto nodded his head, and took a second to glance over Zabuza. While the big men was beaten down, he had to yet to given into his pain.

As they waited for the mysterious enemies to finally show themselves, they were both exhausted from the previous battle. As the wind blew, one figure finally came into view. It was a women, and she was dress as a nun. Even with the large baggy robe her voluptuous figure could be seen. Clear blue eyes stared at the two devils standing in front of her. And from her looks she seem to be a woman in her late 20's or early 30's, and she seem to be from Northern Europe and had features that were standing out like an actress. And lastly on one of her hand there was a "Q" printed on the back of her hand.

"Young devils, can you two please stand aside." The soft silky voice from the nun said to the two. Seekvaira was surprise that the nun was simply ingroring the two. A part of her felt relief that the nun didn't want to fight her, but a small part of her pride felt insulted that she was being ignored.

"Who are you?" Naruto asked the nun, surprise that once again Zabuza was the main target for another person. She turned too the blond and gave him a bright smile.

"I am Griselda Quarta. I am Gabriel's Queen and a former exorcist." There was no hint of malice in her voice. But even so, Naruto, felt as if though he should run. She had yet to attack them, but he knew that he should feel relieved that she wasn't paying any attention to him.

"Why are you here, angel?!" Zabuza questioned as he watch the angel walked towards him. He let out a small laugh believing that she was now the angel of death for him and that his time was coming.

"I was told that a evil devil was in this small village and was brought in to rid this village of their problem." She calmly told him, as she stop walking few feet away from the one armed swordsman. A mission was sent out to the vatican about a village being terrorized by a stray devil. A powerful one at that. And now here she was facing said devil. Seekvaira felt that she should do something, anything knowing that the angel has left herself open to an attack. But a part of her brain told her to stand in her spot and do nothing. She choose to do nothing.

"I have been here for years now angel, I don't see why now you choose to finally confront me." Zabuza told her, as he slowly stood back up on his feet. He now knew why she was here, but still couldn't figure out as too who called her to this village.

"That is odd... I was told you recently came into this village." Griselda said, as she waited for the devil to attack him.

"Haku loves this village... I can not allow anyone to take a this village from her..." Zabuza whisper to himself, with his only arm slowly reach for the combat knife to his feet. He couldn't allow himself to be killed here. Haku was still alive and this village is the one they had chosen to say in for a long peaceful life. But now people wanted to take that away from them. He was not going to let it happen.

Without a second thought he rushed towards the angel. Catching her by surprise he swing his knife for her throat hoping to slit her throat open and kill her in one quick movement. While it might if work on a common person, the person he was fighting was not a common person. As his blade came closer to cutting her throat, Griselda, quickly avoid his attack. Without a second thought Griselda summon a sword made of light of cut off his last remaining arm.

Jumping away from the angel, Zabuza, knew his time was slowly coming. Both his arms were gone and he was surrounded by enemies. For a man who had seen many battles he knew that there was no other way for him too escape.

Griselda was not going to allow him to rest. She began her chase for the injured devil. It no time she was once again in front of the swordsman and ready to deal the final strike. As she ready herself to bring her holy sword down, something came crashing into the side of her body. Knocking her and who ever slammed into her into the ground. Looking up she saw that it was the blond devil that had knock her down.

"You don't have to kill him!" He firmly told her, not wanting to see anyone to die today. He saw that everyone could just walk away from this fight. Griselda smiled at the blond, happy to see that he didn't want violence, but she knew that Zabuza was not the type to be taken in alive. Seekvaira on the other hand was afraid. Naruto had put himself in the middle of the battle, and either one could kill him without any warning.

"I wish that could be true." She told him, as she pushed him away from her. She could feel that he had a pure heart, but at the same time knew that he had yet to realize what kind of situation this matter was. As she tried to get back on her feet she was once again knock back down on her back. Now she was getting a little angry with the blond devil.

"We don't have to fight." Once again Naruto was pleading with her. She wanted too tell him to stop being naive, but as she was about to open her mouth the sound of clapping was heard in the distance.

The four devils looked to the source and saw a group of ten was walking towards them. In each of their hands there was assault rifle's in there hands. A large dark skin man was leading the group.

"Thank you angel. You did what me and my man were unable to do." The leader of the group told the four, as he let out a loud laugh. He had been waiting in the shadows for the perfect moment to strike and now was no better time then ever.

"Zeke... I thought you were no longer going to bother this village after I ran you out." Zabuza said, as he remember the man face. The very tyrant he had ran out was not back and with a angel on his side. No wonder why he was badly injured. This was all a set up from the very start.

"You did, but I just couldn't let myself lose my source of money." Griselda eyes narrowed, was she just used to do this man bidding. She was an angel, she could sense the emotions that go through human hearts. At first she had thought the darkness she was feeling was from the devils in the village and not once did she think that it was from this very male. He had reached out to the church and ask for help on defeating a devil. Not once did she think he was the evil one here.

"Hey sister thank you for helping us kill this devil. I know it must be some kind of sin to lie to an angel; but I know I am going to hell with everything I have done in my life." He grinned to himself as he turned to his man. "Bring me his head, and kill the rest." He order his man. As they all nodded their heads and started to march towards Zabuza.

Griselda was in a predicament. She knew that she couldn't fight a human every chance. She could fall due to a rule. The rule made Angels had to capture a human alive and not kill them. It had to because a Angel had to always forgive their enemy and not fall to the temptation of killing them.

Seekvaira seeing the group heading there way knew she needed to do something. She was able to rest for a bit, and she could cast a spell to stop them but since it was a large group she needed time to cast the spell to take them all out in one fell movement.

Naruto didn't know what to make of their current predicament. Now the enemy was a human? Naruto was just confused on what to do now. Should he fight them or should he just walk away from the fight.

For Zabuza, he gritted his teeth and knew that he was screwed. The combat knife was at his feet but he couldn't grab it. No arms meant their was little he could do to defend himself. He might be able to kill a few if he had the knife in his mouth but he needed someone to give him his knife.

"Boy..." Zabuza called out loud enough that Naruto could hear him. Naruto turned his attention to Zabuza wondering what he wanted now. Didn't he know that they were in some big trouble. "My knife. Give it to me." Naruto eye brow raised wondering what the stray devil had in mind. But knew that this wasn't the time to question his choice. Without a second thought he grabbed the knife and held it up for Zabuza.

"Why do you want it?"

"I plan to kill them..." Zabuza looked at the knife and a sad smile appeared on his face. He couldn't believe that today was going to be his last. After everything he went through this was how it was all going to end. The only good thing was knowing that Haku was alive. If she had died then he would have nothing in this world.

Yes since he had started taking care of Haku he always told her that she was just a tool to him. But that was his way of protecting her. He thought that if she had grown up to be a warrior that she wouldn't have to worry about anything in the world. Yet, he had grown fond of the young lady in his care. And he realize how much it hurt him when he thought Haku had died. And here he was, getting ready to leave her all by herself. He just hope that she would forgive him in the future.

"Boy," Naruto looked at Zabuza, wondering why he wanted to talk to him now. "...can you do me a favor?" Naruto nodded his head, not sure what else he could do for the stray devil. "Make sure that Haku is looked after... Let her know to live a long life. Can you do that for me?"

"I can." Naruto wasn't sure why it had happen but he had a tear ran down his cheek. He felt that he had seen this before, and just like before he was powerless to do anything to prevent it. Zabuza smiled, at least Haku was going to be save after he was gone. Quick as lightning he chomp down on the knife that was still in Naruto hand and rushed towards the enemy.

They were surprise at Zabuza actions, and even though they had better weapons, they couldn't keep up with his movements. One was taken down as Zabuza slash his knife through his throat, without missing a beat he throw the knife into the enemy skull killing him. Before the man body could hit the ground he retrieved his knife from the man skull.

The rest of the group slowly started to get out of there surprise and started to aim there weapons at Zabuza. Once again Zabuza was able to slash one down, before he could shot, but the others started to let loose. Bullets flew through the air all attempting to kill the devil swordsman, but Zabuza was able to dodge them. He slash another two down, before a bullet finally hit in the leg. Falling down to one knee he struggled to get back up but was able to. He killed the one that shot him before charging the remaining enemies.

He took out two more, before the last one was able to land a few shots into his stomach. Zabuza started to see darkness, but force himself to continue his onslaught as he was able to kill the remaining members. But knew that his job was not over, he still had to kill Zeke. With the last bit of strength he had he charged towards the direction Zeke was heading too.

Zeke didn't know what had hit him. One moment he was enjoying the fact that Zabuza was finally going to be killed and the next moment he heard screaming. He believed that the screaming was from Zabuza and the others not once did he think it was his man. When he turned around to see if any of his man had finished the job he couldn't defend himself as Zabuza came into his view and slice his head off.

As Zeke head fell to the ground, Zabuza, hit the ground with a loud thump. He finished his final mission and there was no regrets for him. Coughing up blood, he saw that the Naruto, Seekvaira and Griselda were running to him. Smiling he knew that he was able to do some good with his final actions, before he closed his eyes.

"Zabuza!" Naruto rushed to his side but as soon as he got there he saw that Zabuza was in a small pool of blood and had his eyes closed. Knowing that Zabuza might of passed away he still felt that he needed to check up on Zabuza. Placing his head on Zabuza chest he tried to listen for his heartbeat but he was met with nothing.

"Its rare for a devil to act with such noble intentions." The voice of Seekvaira said behind Naruto. Picking himself up he turned to his master and saw that she was struggling with standing up. She had exhaust herself from dodging all of Zabuza strikes but was amazed on his final moments.

Naruto looked to his side and saw that Griselda was paying her respects to Zabuza. He didn't know what surprise him the most. That Zabuza had a golden heart, or the fact that an Angel was giving a prayer to a Devil.

"We will be taking his clever and that companion of his." Seekvaira knew that she had to head back home with evidence that Zabuza was dead. Taking his sword was proof enough, and that companion of his will be a great addition to her peerage. She saw how powerful Haku was at magic. Naruto nodded his head as he grabbed the fallen clever and became amazed on how much it weighed.

After a couple of minutes of struggling to bring the blade to Seekvaira he went to grab the unconscious form of Haku. Just as he was about to pick her up, a barrier made of light surrounded her prone from. He was surprise that she was being protected and at the same time wondering what had caused it.

"I can not allow you to take her." Naruto turned his head and saw that Griselda was walking towards him. She had a smile on her face, and her hand was pointing at the unconscious body of Haku.

"What are you doing?" Seekvaira asked as she stood next to Naruto wondering why the angel was stopping them.

"While I did enjoy our little adventure together I can not allow you to force another into the devil peerage system."

"But we weren't going to do that..." Naruto stop talking as not once did he not hear that Seekvaira was not going to do this. She had wanted Haku but she didn't say as to why. He figure out why she wanted to clever but not as to why she wanted Haku. Turning to see what Seekvaira was going to say about this, she instead kept her gaze looked onto the angel.

"My plans for her are none of your concern." Seekvaira harshly told her.

"If it was a devil matter then that would be true but since this young lady is still human its my duty as a angel to protect her." Griselda walked to Haku prone body and picked her up. "If you truly wanted this young lady then you could always defeat me and take her by force." She told Seekvaira one of their options. But Seekvaira and Naruto were both exhaust, and Griselda had yet to truly fight meaning she was fresh and at full strength. Seekvaira gritted her teeth, she was witnessing a powerful person slipping through her fingers.

"Are you going to take care of her?" Naruto asked the Angel. He didn't want to fight nor did he anything to happen to Haku or Seekvaira. While he understood that he promised he would take care of Haku, as long as she was safe then he was fine with this Angel taking her away. He knew that one day he would be able to fine Haku again but for now Haku needed to a place to recover after everything she had went through.

"Of course."

"Then we should let her leave, Seekvaira." Naruto told the silver haired beauty knowing this was going to be a losing battle. While she was not pleased with the idea she knew it was better if she allowed the angel to walk away with the mage user. On one hand since Haku had been with a stray devil for years, she was still a human. Meaning that as a human she was free game to every faction. And she hated the idea on lossing a new peerage member. Griselda seeing that there was no more discussion about the matter left with Haku in her arms.

"I'm sorry Seekvaira." Naruto knew that Seekvaira was probably angry with how his fight went and that Haku was not going to be joining them. Well secretly he was glad that Haku was going to be allowed to keep her freedom, and be safe for the mean time.

"It's fine." Seekvaira tried to brush off her loss but deep down she was angry that she wasn't able to get Haku in her peerage.

Turning to her side she wanted to talk to Naruto just a bit more, but just as she was about to open her mouth she witness Naruto fall to the ground. Rushing to his side she quickly check his body and was relieved that he had fallen unconscious from exhaustion. But even thou he fainted, what Kuroka had said still rang throughout her mind.

End of the chapter

What did you think?

I feel the ending was rushed.

It was always my plan to have Haku lived.

leave a review and tell me what you think

Next chapter you see the rest of Seekvaira Peerage, Naruto declare what his goals will nbe as a devil and its the begining of the next arc which I am dubbing

Baptism by Fire.

So stay tuned


Romance in this story is simple

it will happen when it happens