17 years old Hisoka's POV:

It was a fine Saturday afternoon. The sky is blue, the grass is green, the flowers are blooming and swaying with the wind.

Yes. The blue-haired boy thought. This is just perfect. A perfect day for my perfect girl. He thought still.

He looked at the entrance of the park. And he caught his breath.

Finally. She's here. He inhaled deeply and smiled. Wow. Is this the best feeling that a person can have? Or is there more to this feeling?

He waited for her to his spot where he's seating, looking at her while she slowly walked to him. She had a smile on her face. One of the most beautiful thing he had seen in his whole existence.

She stopped in front of him. "Hi," she greeted her, smile widening on her face.

At first he was stunned. Seriously, it was like he was stuck there, his eyes fixed on her, and he can't even open his mouth to say something.

She cocked her head to the side and looked at him, confused.

That's when where he realize he should say something.

"Hey!" he grinned from ear to ear. She smiled her beautiful smile. He looked at her eyes.

"Wow." he whispered as he fell more deeply to the haze of love.

Her smile deepen. He stood up to her side, kissing her in the cheeks and hugged her as his greeting. How he wanted to do more than that.

She giggled. "Where is this coming from, eh?" she said, a little shocked of his little gestures today.

"So, let's get going?" he asked, getting excited to where they might head for today.

You see, today is their first anniversary as couple. Yeah, their first one.

"Yeah," she smiled to him and they walked out of the park, holding hands.

Today is special, as it is their first anniversary, and the first time that y/n actually escaped from the mansion. Her father was rich, he's a businessman, she said to him. The old man is just against everything she wanted. A small example of this is when she joined the camping trip in their school without informing him first, and he was just mad. He was mad at everything. He even made the principal cancelled the camping trip, and it was only because he's angry. So they can't risk him knowing about their relationship. He can't risk it. He cannot. He love her too much that he can't bear the fact that he'll lose her.

They first met in their school, he was on 8th grade that time and she was a transferee from abroad, and yeah, they were classmates.

The first time he saw her, he already felt something — though he have no idea that it would blossom like this. And as if fate was really in favor of him, she was assigned next to him. So basically, they were seatmates. And there it all started.

But he knew it was just too good to be true. They still have to hide their relationship to everyone. No one knew about them. They would only hang out when they're inside the school. Good thing they lasted a year with that kind of arrangement. It's because they love each other and there's no more reason.

They can celebrate their special day together today, because her father's currently out-of-town — her mother's dead — and she can go out freely.

They went to the zoo, ate in a fancy restaurant, watched movie and went to the nearest beach and just walk on the shore, holding hands and watched the sunset together.

When evening came, they went to a hotel to rest — they were planning to spend the whole day and night together.

Surely, right after they arrived, she went straight to bed and was sound asleep. He smiled at her, covering her with blanket before he went to shower.

After his shower he got to bed beside her and was ready to sleep, for he too was tired, but was surprised when Y/n got up from the bed and walked straight to the bathroom door.

"Don't sleep yet." she said, her voice is not her usual. She then locked the door behind her and after a while he could hear the sound of water from the shower.

His eyes narrowed and his brows met. What was that just now?

He just shrugged his shoulders, deciding that he should just wait for her.

An hour passed and she's still inside the bathroom, and he was a bit worried to what might've happened to her.

"Y/n?" he called out.

Something fell to the floor inside the bathroom before she answered. "Y-Yes.. I-I'll be out in a minute." she said, and she sounded tense, or was it just the shower? Hmmm. He thought.

Exactly after one minute, she came out of the shower, but his eyes widen. What the .. ?

She came out of the bathroom naked. Is this a dream? Is he dreaming? Or is this just his imagination?

He looked at her face and it was apple-red. Don't tell me ...? He asked to himself. She want it now?

Something in his crotch twitched, just thinking of her standing naked there and thinking of having sex with her. Yes. It's sex. They've talked about this before, but they agreed to not do it yet. It's still too early for them. But based to her actions, it has changed. He guess.