AN: I'm exhausted but am staying up late just for you! I hope you're grateful. :P
When they got back to the house finally Albus and Minerva left with the promise to return in two days' time to start 'helping' Haley.
They all sat around the table and Severus explained everything he knew to Molly and Arthur.
After he was done Arthur looked Haley straight in the eyes and said, "I just need you to tell me. I need to be positive. Did the Malfoys ever hurt you in anyway?"
Without missing a beat Haley replied, "I know they may not be the nicest people in the world sometimes but they are not evil and they would never do anything that could potentially hurt me. Ever since the learned about my childhood they treated me like a daughter. I never would have let them do it if I had known that it would turn out this way. Everything just went do wrong."
Arthur looked at Severus, "Alright, I'm convinced. I don't like Lucius but if he has had such an effect on Haley I will be willing to give him another chance."
Severus nodded, "Thank you Arthur. They will be forever grateful."
"What do we do now?" Molly asked. "Dumbledore is positive they are harming Haley."
"We need to get her to Lucius and Narcissa," Snape stated.
"How? We have no idea where they went," Arthur pointed out.
They sat thinking for a moment before a small voice said, "Can't I just tell them where I am and to come get me?"
"How?" Snape quizzed. "Albus will no doubt be watching all the owls that come out of the house and I will be watched like a hawk."
"Secret code of course," Haley giggled.
Severus just gave her a confused look.
"You don't think Uncle Luc would do all this without Draco and I having some way of telling him important things privately."
Snape smirked, "Alright little girl. So what's your plan?"
"Rita Skeeter."
"What do you want with that witch?" Arthur spat.
"She learned long ago that I was living with the Malfoys but didn't say anything because we were blackmailing her. Still are. I'll force her to write an article on me and put the code in it. They'll read it and understand."
Snape looked impressed.
"What on earth do you have on her that would convince her to do something like this?" Arthur asked confused.
"She's an illegal animagus. Her form is a beetle and she uses her power to spy on people to get stories."
"Alright," Snape said grinning. "Arthur, visit Rita tomorrow while you clean out your office at the ministry. Tell her to come here at noon or Haley Potter would tell the world her secret."
Arthur nodded, "Are you sure they will understand the code?"
Haley nodded, "Uncle Luc was always prepared. They will come get me. I know it."
AN: Yeah! I did it! Review! Do you like Haley being with Draco?