The Clintasha is a little rocky this chapter with Clint's verbal diarrhea. Lots of sass and good times this time around - hope you enjoy!
If the Avengers were a Sitcom - Chapter 7
"185….186….187….188….," Clint counts off as he benches the heavy weights while Steve spots him.
"Come on, Soldier," Steve encourages. "Twelve more reps. You've got it."
"189,….190..….191.…..," Clint continues to count, his face red and sweaty.
"Come on, Barton," Tony smirks from the jacuzzi. "Don't be a wimp. Nine more!"
"Shut up, Stark," Clint grunts as his reps are getting shakier and slower. "192…..…193…..…"
"Don't let him distract you, Clint," Steve tries to keep him focused. "Think about how sweet it will be when you hit 200 - a new personal best."
"Alas, not even close to my 8,000," Thor booms as he lifts an obscene amount of weight from across the room.
"And you're 8,000 doesn't touch my 8,200," Steve shoots Thor a competitive grin and the Asgardian shrugs.
"196…..…..197…," Clint continues to count, ignoring the other two men.
"You would think with all the weight training he does I wouldn't have to do so much of the heavy lifting around here," Natasha teases as she walks into the gym with a box.
"Har, Har," Clint strains. "198….."
"Come on, Clint! Don't give up now," Steve pushes the Archer.
"…199…..….200!" Clint sighs and Steve helps him replace the bar on the bench.
"Congratulations, Clint," Steve pats him on the shoulder. "You did it."
"Ow," Clint whines.
"Sorry," Steve quickly takes his hand off of his shoulder and winces sympathetically.
"Way to go, Birdbrain," Tony congratulates in his own special way when he hops out of the hot tub and towels off. "You just wasted an hour lifting something really heavy over and over again.
"Is that kind of like when you waste an hour playing candy crunch?" Steve shoots Tony a disapproving look.
"It's 'Candy Crush'," Tony rolls his eyes at Steve. "And no, that is actually a very important past time."
"For the record, I do a lot of heavy lifting around here," Clint takes the conversation back to Natasha's comment as he stands and pats his face dry with a towel. "And I can tell you right now, that box you've got, isn't heavy." Clint takes the box from Natasha and lifts it up on his shoulder and grins cheekily at her when he flexes his other arm.
"You're ridiculous, Natasha shakes her head at the man.
"I think the word you're looking for is "amazing'," Clint twitches his eyebrows at the woman.
"No, I think I'm going to stay with my first choice," Natasha takes the box back from Clint.
"Come on, Nat," Clint struts around her flirtatiously, his skin glistening with sweat. "Your man just did 200 reps benching 150lbs. That's pretty hot, right?"
"Hm, so hot," Natasha smirks.
"Seriously?" Clint huffs with a crooked grin. "Lifting weights is manly. It's tough. It takes raw physical strength." Clint flexes again.
"You know what would be really impressive?" Natasha flirts back by standing closer to Clint and poking him in the chest. "If you did Hot Yoga with me," she grins and pulls out a yoga mat and a strap from the box.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Steve interrupts them and stands to leave. "Is this something you two want to discuss privately?" Tony, Clint and Natasha stop what they're doing and look at Steve blankly while Thor tries to figure out what exactly is going on.
"Steve," Tony finally breaks the silence and laughs. "What do you think hot yoga is?"
"Sounds like it might be…fondue related," Steve turns a little red. "Isn't it?"
"Well, there are a bunch of women and sometimes a couple guys in a teeny room with mirrors and it gets really hot," Tony starts to explain and both Thor and Steve's faces look a little horrified. "There's a lot of balancing and stretching and….."
"It's a work out," Clint interrupts, having mercy on Steve and Thor.
"You bet it is," Tony smiles seductively and Steve and Thor turn a darker shade of red.
Natasha punches Tony in the arm and puts the two men's minds at ease. "Yoga is an exercise and 'hot yoga' is when you do yoga in a very hot room so you sweat and burn more calories." She shows them the weights and blocks from the box.
"Ohhhhh," Steve and Thor both nod in understanding and relief.
"You're no fun," Tony rubs his arm and shoots Natasha a look.
"Don't be a pig, Stark," Natasha makes a move like she's going to punch him again and smirks when Tony flinches.
"You're also mean," Tony frowns.
"This 'hot yoga' is challenging?" Thor asks.
"Very," Natasha nods.
"It's for girls, Thor," Clint comments as he takes a drink of water from his water bottle.
"It's not just for girls," Natasha defends.
"Men lift weights to get in shape," Clint points to the bench. "Women do yoga. You stretch and squat and do little dance moves."
Steve holds a hand out to stop the Archer from saying anything further, but he's not quick enough. "It's all about how much you're able to physically handle," Clint shrugs and Tony shakes his head and mouths "nooooo" and waves his hands in the air. Clint glances at Tony and gives him a confused look before he looks at Natasha and it clicks.
"So you're saying that you can handle more physically than I can?" Natasha crosses her arms and stares Clint down.
"No, I'm just saying that men are built stronger than women and…"
"Oh, so now I'm weak because I'm a woman?"
"No," Clint looks to the other guys in the room for help, but they all know better and keep quiet. Even Thor knows Clint is dead meat. "I'm just saying that girls do yoga and men lift weights."
"Because Yoga is dainty, right?"
"Right," Clint nods. "I mean….no." Natasha just stares at him as he continues to dig his own grave. Clint knows he's trapped so he just runs with it and goes down with the ship. "Look, you lift that barbell off the ground and I'll take it all back and shut up."
"You should just shut up anyway," Tony elbows the man.
"No, look - this isn't even a real conversation. Men can lift more than woman can. Simple as that."
"So that means that you're the stronger gender just based on that one exercise?" Natasha argues. "Yeah, there's no way I could lift more than you, but I bet you wouldn't last halfway through a hot yoga class."
"I could breeze through a yoga class, hot or cold," Clint scoffs.
"Fine. Class is tonight at 6. Get ready to sweat," Natasha shoves a yoga mat into Clint's chest and smirks at him. "In fact, since you're all such 'manly men', you should all come tonight. Represent your 'manly strength' and show us women how it's done." She points to the other Avengers and walks out of the gym.
"What did you just do?" Tony frowns at the Archer.
"I'm kind of looking forward to it," Steve shrugs. "Sounds like it will be a good work out.
"Steve, do you understand how hot 'hot yoga' is?" Tony sighs and continues talking, not giving Steve a chance to answer. "It's hot. Really hot. Like 120 degrees."
"That's hot," Thor frowns. "I don't like to be too hot."
"Seriously, guys," Clint tries to calm everyone down. "If Nat can do it, we can do it."
"Do what?" Bruce asks when he walks into the gym.
"Bird brains got us all roped into doing hot yoga tonight," Tony sticks his thumb resentfully at the Archer.
"I love hot yoga," Bruce smiles.
"You do the yoga, Banner?" Thor asks curiously. "I thought this exercise was reserved only for females."
"No, that was just Clint being stupid," Tony shakes his head.
"Yes, Thor, I 'do the yoga'. It's very calming," Bruce answers. "Did I miss something here?"
"Clint told Nat that yoga was for girls and that men are stronger than women," Steve explains. "Now she's making all of us to go to a hot yoga class."
"Oh," Bruce nods. "That was stupid."
"Yes. Yes it was," Tony nods in agreement.
"Guys, come on," Clint rolls his eyes. "It's just yoga. You stretch. You sit with your legs crossed and your eyes closed. Then you bow, roll your mat up and namastae, you're done.
"Have you ever done yoga?" Bruce asks Clint.
"No," Clint shakes his head.
"Have any of you done yoga before?"
"No," Tony laughs. "Until about 10 minutes ago, Spangles and Point Break thought it was something dirty."
"Come on. You call something 'hot yoga' and don't expect people to question what that is?" Steve defends his and Thor's leery reaction.
"It's okay, Cap. Your lack of understanding in modern terminology is always entertaining," Tony laughs again. "Heads up for class - when they do 'downward dog' tonight, it's not what you think it is."
"Shut up, Stark," Steve frowns.
"What the hell are you wearing?" Clint stares at Thor when he walks into the living area.
"This is the appropriate attire for when one does the yoga, is it not?" Thor asks as he looks down and studies the tight, black spandex pants he's wearing.
"What? No," Clint adamantly shakes his head. "Where did you even get those?"
"Are we ready to go?" Steve asks when he walks into the room in his gym gear, but quickly averts his eyes in the other direction, awkwardly putting his hand on his hip and shifting uncomfortably when he sees Thor. "Um, what's with the pants, Thor?"
"Tony gave them to me. He informed me that this is what everyone wears while performing the yoga."
"Well, he lied," Clint shakes his head and hands Thor an extra pair of shorts from his gym bag. "Go put these on instead."
"Thor!," Tony grins from ear to ear when he walks in. "Looking good, Pal."
"Shut up, Stark," Thor frowns as he quickly walks by him to change.
"Damn it, Clint," Tony grumbles when they walk into the very hot room. "I hate you."
"Suck it up, Stark," the Archer whispers. "It's only a one hour class."
"I am literally just standing here, not doing anything, and I'm sweating already," Tony replies flatly. "Only a crazy person would be okay with this."
"This should be a most invigorating class," Thor boasts when he follows soon after the two Avengers.
"Case in point," Tony frowns again.
"It's nice in here," Steve states simply when he follows in after Thor.
"Nice?" Tony shouts in disbelief.
"Yeah. It's balmy," Steve smiles and enjoys the high temperature in the room.
"It's sweltering," Tony complains and wipes his brow with the sleeve of his t-shirt.
"I prefer to be warmer," Steve shrugs.
"I do not," Thor frowns when he realizes how hot it really is.
"Alright, boys," Natasha struts in with an arm full of yoga mats. "Are you ready to work?"
"We're ready to show you how hot yoga is done," Clint brags. "In fact, Steve's ready to relax. Says the temperature is 'balmy'."
"Um, I just like to be warm," Steve stutters, not wanting to get dragged into the middle of the mess.
"Alright, class," a woman walks in with her own mat and her hair pulled back into a sleek pony tale. "My name is Kate and I'll be your instructor for this class. I see some new faces today. We don't get many men here."
"See? Girl exercise," Clint elbow's Natasha.
"Actually," Kate smirks from the front of the room. "Every time a guy takes this class they tend to poop out half way through and none of them seem to want to come back." Tony, Thor, and Steve all stare at Clint with resentment in their eyes. "I hope you're all ready to sweat. Let's get started."
The class starts out fairly easy with some simple stretches and warm ups.
"This isn't so hard," Tony sighs with a bit of relief in his voice.
"Tis actually quite soothing," Thor adds as he leans into a stretch as he is directed by Kate.
"I think I like hot yoga," Steve nods.
"Told you guys," Clint grins as they sit on their mats when Kate directs them to.
"And breathe in once," they all raise their hands above their heads. "And breathe out," she directs and they all lower their arms. "Alright, I hope that was a good warm up because now we're getting down to business."
"That was the warm up?" Tony shoots a worried look to the other guys who shoot him the same look. Natasha just smirks.
"Alright, Downward dog people," Kate instructs and she beds at the waist and puts her hands to the floor so they stand in an "A" shape.
Tony gives Steve a goofy grin, but Steve just rolls his eyes at him.
"Move that into a three-legged downward and raise that left leg high." The Avengers follow Kate's lead and raise their leg back behind them to the ceiling. "Good, now bring that leg back in and then out again. Give me thirty reps."
"My thigh is burning," Tony grimaces as he goes through the reps. "Is your thigh burning?"
"No," Steve shrugs.
"Shut up," Tony frowns.
"Repeat on the right leg," Kate orders from the front again.
"Damn it," Tony grumbles.
"High - low plank people," Kate leads them into the next exercise after they finish the second round of reps.
"High - low plank?" Steve looks around the room to try to figure out what that is.
Everyone sets up into a plank, leaning on their forearms before transitioning to their hands one arm at a time to come up into a push-up position, and then back down to a forearm plank.
"I want forty reps everyone!"
"Forty?" Clint grumbles.
"What? Is that not manly enough for you?" Natasha grins at him. "How about 50, Kate!"
"I hear 50!" Kate points to Nat and nods and the boys groan.
"Alright, stay in that push up position," she instructs on their last round. "30 push ups."
"Now this I can do," Steve grins and easily makes it through 30 push ups.
"This is most fun," Thor agrees with Steve.
Clint and Tony are sweating profusely next to them as the push through the exercise.
"Go back to a plank position," Kate drops back down to her forearms and everyone follows. "Now give me 60 spider-mans, alternating between your left and right foot."
"The Man of Spiders is here?" Thor looks around.
"Spider-mans?" Tony scoffs. "Kids even got an exercise named after him? Where's the Iron Man moves, huh?"
"Shut up, Tony," Clint shakes his head at him.
"Everyone keeps saying that," Tony frowns.
"Then maybe you should pick up the hint and shut up," Clint huffs out a laugh.
"Okay, now it's getting a little warm in here," Steve admits when the sweat starts dripping down his face and Thor nods in agreement.
"Good job everyone," Kate pops up to a standing position at the front. "We're going to move into some balance exercises so everyone stand up."
Everyone stands from their mats and the boys' shirts are all thoroughly soaked with sweat at this point.
"You guys are looking a little ragged," Natasha jabs.
"We're men," Clint pants. "We sweat more."
"Sure," Natasha laughs.
"Warrior 3 pose," Kate stands on one leg with her other leg pushed out behind her as she leans forward so her chest is parallel with the ground with her arms pushed out in front of her. "Hold this for two minutes."
"This is the pose of warriors on Midgard?" Thor asks.
"What? No, it's just a name, Thor," Clint shakes his head.
The Avengers hold the pose, but half way through, Thor starts to falter with keeping his balance on one leg. He starts to waver, nearly falling over. He catches himself, but bumps into Steve in the process causing a domino effect through the rest of the Avengers.
"Hey, watch it, god of blunders," Tony mumbles as he nearly falls over.
"Maintaining balance for that long was most difficult," Thor tries to get back into the pose again.
"Keep it together, back row," Kate orders when she sees them all falling over. "And switch sides!"
Everyone switches from the left leg to the right and this time, Tony nearly falls over, but grabs onto Steve's arm. He manages to balance himself, but pushes Steve over in the process.
"Hey," Steve frowns.
"Keep it together, Spangles," Tony laughs. Steve stands and pokes Tony in the arm, causing him to fall over.
"Good job, guys," Kate nods to the class. "Take a two minute water break. Then we move into the next pose."
"It's not done yet?" Tony frowns.
"You're officially a quarter of the way through, boys," Natasha passes them to fill her water bottle, satisfied to see the boys having a hard time. Even Steve and Thor are starting to sweat now. Tony dramatically drops to the ground and rolls onto his back.
"I'm tired," Tony complains.
"It is starting to get rather uncomfortable in here," Thor wipes his brow.
"Come on, guys," Clint pants and wipes his face off with a towel. "We're men. We can do this."
"I'm good to keep going," Steve nods, but looks tired.
"Atta boy, Steve," Clint pats Steve on the back before sitting on the floor.
"Here we go," Kate calls from the front. "Round two!"
"Ugh," Clint, Tony, Steve and Thor all grunt in unison.
"Pigeon pose," Kate directs.
"Pigeon? That sounds cute," Clint grins at Natasha while sweat drips down his face. Natasha just smiles back.
"This is a great move to get those hips loose," Kate comments whens she drops down to do the splits and leans forward to her knee."
"Nope," Clint, Tony, Thor, and Steve all shake their heads one after another and they roll up their mats to leave.
Natasha laughs and watches as the four men leave the class.
Natasha returns to the Tower an hour later after she finishes the class and finds the four men laid out in the living room. Steve is passed out in a chair, completely dead to the world, while Tony is laying on the sofa with an ice back on his leg and a heating pad on his back. Clint has simply decided to lay on the floor with a couple ice packs on his knee and his ankle. There's a bottle of aspirin on the table between the two of them. Thor is in the kitchen chowing down, thoroughly famished after the work out.
"Hm," Natasha huffs. "I see Thor is refueling. Steve, being the old man, has simply decided to take a nap. And you two just look like you're broken."
"Ow," Tony moans from the sofa and pops a couple more asprin.
"What are you talking about? I could do another hot yoga class right now," Clint moves to stand, but decides it's not worth it and lays back down. "Never mind. You win."
"I win?" Natasha raises a brow and moves closer.
"You were right," Clint knows Natasha's not going to let him off with a simple 'you were right' comment. "Hot yoga was harder than I thought it was going to be. Girls are tough. Men are dumb. Yadda, yadda, yadda," Clint half-heartedly waves his hand in the air.
"Men aren't dumb," Natasha kneels next to Clint on the floor. "Just you are," she kisses his forehead and laughs.
"I know," Clint sighs. "I am sorry," he adds more sincerely.
"Thank you," Natasha smiles at him. "Now get yourselves to bed. You all look awful."