Chapter 2

Here's chapter 2! Hope you guys enjoy. ^_^

Kanda Pov

That little piece of shit fucking insulted me, made me chase him around the whole Black Order, and then disappears into a black hole. I was just turning the corner as I heard the Moyashi scream and saw him falling into the darkness. 'Hmph, serves him right. I should just let that little shit suffer a little.' So I left him. But a few hours later, as I was training in the dojo, I realized how horrible Moyashi's sense of direction was.

After some inner debating, I decided to look for him. "Tch..." That fucking Moyashi has grown on me. I sighed as I walked to the wall where Moyashi fell. I felt around the area for a secret button or something, but found none. I growled in irritation and slowly sank down to the floor. Almost immediately, the wall behind me disappeared and I felt myself falling back. 'Shit!'

I quickly landed on my feet, taking in my surroundings. This area looked deserted, without a single sign of life. I cautiously walked along the halls in search of a white fluff floating around. When I stopped in front of a doorway, I assumed, that was down in rubbles (probably Moyashi's doing). However, what I saw surprised me. A lot. And I couldn't contain the small gasp that left my lips.

Allen Pov

'Uuuughhh... God, my head is spinning...' I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the dim light, and looked around. Immediately, I noticed a difference in everything. A huge difference in fact. Everywhere I looked was out of place. 'Why is everything so big all of the sudden?' As I looked around, I heard loud (and when I said loud, I meant loud) footsteps coming towards me. I was suddenly filled with hope as I made to stand up. What I saw in front of me made me freeze. Quickly, I got up and examined myself. I wiggled my little hands/paws in front of my face, looked down at my tiny feet, and felt the ears and tail on my body. 'Did I just turn into a bloody chibi cat-person?!' Before I could hide my embarrassing form from whoever was coming in, I saw Kanda, Kanda of all people, staring at me.

"Holy Fucking shit..." I heard him gasp. 'Ohh, dear lord. My life is officially over!' But when I opened my mouth, that wasn't what I heard.

Kanda Pov

"Nyah!" I stood there shocked out of my fucking mind. Standing in all the rubbish was a chibi neko that looked exactly like Moyashi. I steadily walked up to the cat? and picked it up. It seemed to be as confused as I am, and to be honest it was fucking adorable (not that I would ever say it out loud ).

" Well, instead of finding an annoying Moyashi, I find a neko Moyashi. I guess that's fine. How did you get here anyway?"

" Nya~?"

" Why did I even fucking ask? Tch, I guess I should take you with me. You better not make a fucking sound, you got that?" As if it understood me, the neko Moyashi (only beacause it resembled Moyashi a lot) gave me a nod. Sighing, I gently tucked the neko in my jacket.

The trip back to my room was pretty uneventful, with no one around, so I let the neko out. It climbs on my head and plays with my hair. " Oi, stop that!" It ignored me, of course, and keeps patting around my head. 'He's adorable...' Okay, yeah, so I have a weakness towards animals, so what? It isn't as if anyone would ever find out, and even if they did, they would be dead before they can even breath anything out. Once we got to my room, I set the little neko on my bed.

" Stay here while I get your bath ready. Don't you dare touch anything." I told him and went to the bathroom to prepare a bath. ' His clothes are dirty too... I should get something for him tomorrow.'


Well there you go! I know Kanda is a little (or a lot) OOC-ish but hey, a little change is normal right? Feel free to review or give me ideas and stuff.

Oh, and how was the chibi neko idea? I just thought of it today and I had this adorable image of chibi neko Allen on top of Kanda's head.

Also feel free to give me any ideas for the next chapter! Well hope you guys enjoyed and I will upload soon! ^_^/ byeee!