Chapter 1

Heyy guys! Okok please don't kill me! I know I have not uploaded any new chapters of 36 Days but I have a reason! ...Actually, I just got lazy and I had no inspiration lately.. tehe? ^_^

I've been thinking lately about my story and I didn't really like how I started it off... So I'm going to rewrite it, YAY! But to make up for all that waiting and stuff, I wrote a small little side-ish story for you guys! Enjoy!

A certain little Moyashi wandered along the halls, searching for a way back. He had been running around in circles for hours, but he couldn't see any other signs of life here at all.

'How did I get here again?' he thought to himself as he made another circle around the deserted halls.

Allen Pov

It had been a normal day at the Black Order for me. I went about with my normal routine, which was 300 sit ups, 112 push-ups, 112 one handed push-ups (sometimes I would get a little fancy and do them with my thumb while balancing a chair one leg), and 500 hand stand push-ups, then I would take a shower and all the other morning stuff. After all that, I would go to the cafeteria, which was what I had done. I walked up to Jerry and ordered my breakfast. I went to go sit at the table where everyone usually sat (everyone meaning Lenalee, Lavi, Kanda, and me). Lavi and Lenalee had gone this morning to a mission at a town near the Asain branch so I wasn't surprised to find it empty. As I was eating my breakfast, Kanda came along and sat across from me. We ate in silence until Kanda, being Kanda, snapped at me.

" Can't you eat like a fucking normal person for once? It's fucking disgusting when you wolf down you food like that." I froze when he said that. Smiling my sweetest, fakest smile I replied.

" Well, at least I don't talk like a girl who just got their monthly flow all the time." Immediately I regretted those words that came out of my mouth. Gulping, I slowly got off my seat and inched towards the nearest exit.

"...Y-YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT MOYASHIII! PREPARE TO DIE A SLOW AND PAINFUL DEATH!" Kanda chased after me, mugen in hand. We played a game of 'chase the prey and try to slice him up', me being the prey of course. This continued for at least the rest of the day, which was a long time for me, especially when I've only eaten one meal.

" K-Kanda, I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to tell you the truth!" I panted, but it only made things a lot worse. Apparently, what I had just said made Kanda snap, which made him run faster towards me. I ran harder, until I turned a corner and stopped. Right in front of me was a dead end.

'... I'm seriously going to die now... I'm sorry Mana, I've disappointed you...' I clenched my fist as tears poured down my face. I decided to give up as I hear Kanda's steps closer and closer. I sighed and leaned up against the wall. The second I did that, I felt myself falling back.

"Kanda, help meeee!"


So yeah... I fell through a bloody door thing and now I'm stuck here all alone and hungry. Sighing, I walked through a hallway that looked exactly the same as all the other ones. ' Curse my horrible sense in direction.' I walked until the halls separated into two ways, one to my left and the other to my right. Instead of taking the right hall, this time I chose the left one. This one was really dark and old. After what seemed like hours of walking, I came up to a large door. Hope sparked up inside me as I put my hand on an old knob. When it won't open I got a little irritated and used my Innocence.

" Why did Komui-san have to build all these rooms?" I wondered aloud as I walked into a large room. This room was filled with shelves containing thousands of jars and tubes. 'I wonder what all these are?' I went up to the shelf closest to me and examined some tubes. 'This looks familiar... wait, it can't be. are these Komui-san's experiments?!' Slowly, I got up and backed up towards the door.

"T-this is a dangerous place. Who knows what kinds of monsters are in this room..." As I turned around to run away I tripped over a piece of the door I blasted.

"AAh! Owww, that hurt!" I got up and rubbed my butt. Suddenly I heard a crash. Then a white sparkly cloud of dust surrounds me. " What the-" And then there was nothing.


So how was it? Good? Bad?

Well feel free to tell me how this chapter went or any constructive criticism. I hope I can continue to please you guys with my stories. And about my other story, I am not going to abandon it, but I am going to rewrite it so that I can move it along more smoothly. Anyways, Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I will be uploading this one soon!^_^