Warnings: Slight violence and gore.

Told in Levi's perspective

There's a certain thing about watching the light drain from someone's eyes, I can't exactly place my finger on it, but it drives me insane. In a good sense. It makes shivers run up and down my spine, it fills my stomach with butterflies, it puts a hazy cloud of euphoria over me, and it drives me up a wall with my already present hunger.

The eyes are my favorite part, this is why I always save them for last and this is how I pick out my victims, my dinner.

Tonight is an exceptionally cold night, but that's what I get for being relocated in fucking New York City in the middle of the god damn winter. Even with my natural body heat it's a bit chilly and I'm forced to wear a pea coat with my normal stainless cravat and dark jeans. My shoes; however, do little to protect me against the snow and make it hard to walk in the shit. I'm forced to keep to the sidewalk until I buy a pair.

But this is how it goes; I live in one house until I attract attention and then I'm relocated into a different one with a different name and identity. If I hadn't of had too much fun teasing my last game, I wouldn't be sitting on this cold ass bench, freezing my balls off.

But I love to have fun, what's the use of killing people if you don't have a little fun with it?

Some people are screamers and when I lived in the countryside, those were my favorite. They could scream all they wanted and no one would hear them. I could chase them around and play with them until I was ready to finally just end the game.

Some people were shell bombs, they'd crack immediately and just stare at me shattered and silent as I progress onto them. They aren't any fun but there's no use in leaving them alive, and they are the easiest and less messy to kill.

But my favorite one's are the people who can escape, who can run and give me a good run for my money. They make the game interesting. They'll attack me, injure me and run, force me to go all out and really get my blood pumping. I love those kinds of people, but they're so rare to find nowadays.

Sometimes, especially around the full moon, I'll seduce and fuck them before I eat them. If they're virgins, I like to do both at the same time because they just taste exceptionally better than others. Sweeter almost.

Once a week every week I play my game. I spend the first half of the week as normal. Sunday I rest, Monday I go type and work on my novel, Tuesday and Wednesday I'll go out to a cafe or restaurant and eat out, Thursday is a mixture of the of the four days, Friday I prepare for Saturday, and Saturday my hunt begins.

I'll start it out as a normal day, wake up, take a shower, get dressed, down a cup of coffee, clean the house up a bit, feed my cat, and then I head out. I go to either a cafe or bar, but sometimes I go to the park, to pick someone out.

I look at their eyes, that's how I narrow it down.

I peer down at my watch with a frown; it's nine o'clock already. I sigh dejectedly and push myself up to my feet, eyes locking on a nice looking bar a bit ways down. I can drink a bit while I try and scope out something decent. My stomach growls a bit up at me.

"I know, I know" I mumble to myself as I make my way down the street. The scent of their bodies taunt me, but I can control my hunger. I breath through my slightly, barely parted lips as I walk towards the warm bar. There's a bouncer, but he just looks me over and nods me ahead.

It's buzzing with activity, most of the tables filled with college students or adults. The drifters sat at the stools. I perched myself on top of the stool next to the wall, a corner stool of sorts.

I flag the bartender down and he saunters over to me, he's a heavyweight man, a lot of meat on him. However, any thoughts of dissecting him apart are quickly diminished when he gets close and the putrid smell of death washes over me. I almost gag.

"What can I get for you, dog?" He grins wildly as if the comment were supposed to insult me. I roll my eyes and stare up at his cold, dead eyes. I really hate vampires, but this is a big city so I didn't doubt that there would be any.

"A Sangria" I reply cooly, drumming my fingers against the cool countertop. I dig through my pockets and shove a wad of bills at him before turning sideways in my stool.

I let my eyes roam around the bar, taking in everyone that was currently seated inside of it. A lot of perfumed and caked in makeup girls, some of which didn't even look old enough to be in the bar. Some horny jocks were always around them as well. The group of nerds and gamers. Older women and men with wrinkles marking their faces.

I frown and rest my chin on the palm of my hand, tapping at my the side of my face with my fingers in impatience. I slip my eyes closed and take a big whiff; I can smell their blood, their flesh, their emotions and it sends a shiver racing up my spine. My stomach lets out another garbled noise but the loud music drowns it out.

"No hunting in my bar" the bartender returns, shoving my glass in front of me with a serious look splayed across his face, "I don' need no hunters investigating 'round here."

"Please, spare me" I scoff, grabbing at the glass and taking a big gulp of the fruity bitter drink, I respond back in a hushed voice, leaning over the counter, "If I wanted to expose you I could do it in a heartbeat, shit head. I'm merely watching the rabbits, the hunt comes later."

He narrows his eyes and I see a look of disgust wash over his features. He's one of those (HERE) types of monsters, the 'You don't need to kill to live! Humans are friends not food!'. Or in my terms 'Fucking brainless morons'.

I raise my glass at him before downing the rest of the alcoholic drink with a sly grin.

"Jus' watch yerself, mutt" he growls, tossing his rag over his shoulder and walking off back towards someone else in need of more alcohol. I'm glad because fuck he reeked.

"Will do." I mutter dryly, returning to my searching.

Eyes wander around the room, some rest on me but trail onward, some linger. I try not to be too obvious, pretending to examine the edge of the dirty glass in my hand. But I'm watching them, looking for a good target and easy one. Letting my senses take over myself, I can smell them and I can see them so much more clearly.

There's a blonde girl with hazel eyes, she's with someone though. There's a boy with icey eyes, but he's with friend. And then I see an easier target but just as appealing; she has curly brown hair and from what I can tell is currently being tagged along as a third wheel.

She uncomfortable, averting her eyes away from her two friends, her arms awkwardly crossed around her midsection. She's wearing something that shows a lot of skin, too much skin. At any other moment I would be repulsed by what she was wearing, but right now it looks perfect on her.

Her honey eyes meet mine, I'm not a fan of brown eyes but hers were beautiful, and I smile a lopsided smile, giving her a wink. She flushes brightly as her blood rushes to her cheeks and her eyes widen, looking around a bit before looking back up at me as if to ask 'me?'.

I grin wider and give her a small nod. She chews on her bottom lip, eyes going over to her friends once more and finger twirling in her hair. I feel giddy on the inside because now my game has started.

Her eyes continue to flicker over to me, watching me. I hop down from my stool, waving half-heartedly at the bartender who, if looks could kill, was glaring daggers right into my still beating heart. Wish I could say the same for him.

I stare back over my shoulder at her and sure enough she's staring back, I force another smile, cocking my head towards the front door as an invitation before disappearing outside.

It doesn't take but one minute before she comes flying out the door, flushing and panting, her head whipping around to find me. She's short, shorter than me at least, and her hair is sloppily cut in the back in what looks like it was supposed to be a bob. She's not perfect, but she'll do.

"You looked a bit bored in there" I say, making my voice go as deep as I could make it. It does the trick and she gasps, turning to meet my stare.

"Y-yes" she stammers, "You looked a bit lonely yourself."

"I was" I admit, smile creeping back onto my face, "Care to change that?"

"M-maybe" she stutters, trying to play it out like she was the 'hard to get type' but I can tell she's no virgin, far from it by the way she's dressed. She was practically begging for someone to take her away.

"Maybe?" I repeat with a tutting noise, "Well if you'd like to return to the two lovebirds…"

"N-no!" she says suddenly, facade cracking and desperation filling her eyes, I grin again and she blushes so red, " I-I mean.. I'd uhm, rather go with you."

"Well, where would you like to go?" I ask casually, walking closer to her, her eyes go hazy as if she's drunk by my scent alone, she unconsciously leans closer to me and my natural warmth and aura.

"Y-your place?" she squeaks out, I frown inwardly, leaning forward and tucking a brown lock behind her ears before whispering as huskily as I can manage.

"How about we go somewhere I bit more open?" she makes some sort of incoherent noise and I grin, brushing my lips against her ear, "The park?"

"S-sure" she agrees, I pull away from her, wrapping a loose arm around her shoulder and steering us towards the park where it would be more secluded, especially around this time of night, "W-what's your name?"

"James" I lie, giving her a sideways glance, I don't ask her for hers because I don't care.

"Oh, I'm Patricia" I don't respond and instead hum, but she doesn't seem to care. Of course she doesn't, she has her arms wrapped around my waist and as much as I want to growl and shove her off, I have to wait.

She's drowned in my pheromones, she's too easy. I think she'll be another bombshell case, what a shame.

The park comes into view, dimly lit by street lamps and only a few select people wandering about. She shivers and leans closer.

"W-what now?" she mumbles, pressing herself lewdly against me, I grimace in disgust inwardly at the action.

"Why don't we find some privacy, Hmm?" I suggest, motioning towards the wooded area circling the park. Her eyebrows furrow and it's like she's been pulled out of a trance.

"There's b-bugs in there, I don't want to do it there" she mutters, her little sweet facade slipping. I roll my eyes as we come to a stop in front of one of the benches, receiving some curious looks. I lower my voice a bit more, seeping out more pheromones.

"Oh don't worry, I won't have you up against anything" I say, pressing back against her with a low rumble building up in the back of my throat. I'm going to have to burn these clothes, I'm near positive she's not wearing any underwear and she's rubbing herself all over me.

"I-It's cold though" She gasps, her doubt faltering.

"I'll warm you up real nice, Patricia" I promise her. My hunger is starting to get the better of me, I feel my fingernails start to extend outward and my teeth sharpen. It hurts but I'm used to this pain and I let everything slide into place. Her eyes are hazy again and I know I've ensnared her.

We make our ways into the wooded area, her stumbling a pace behind me. I waste no time and press her up against a tree, smothering her mouth with mine. I can taste her skin, taste her flesh.

She stiffens under me and suddenly she's shoving at my chest, I grin and I taste blood, I feel it fill my mouth and it tastes so sweet. A shudder runs through me and I don't hear her muffled scream.

A moan builds in my chest and I jerk away, my eyes partially open as I stare at her. She's gasping, eyes wide in panic and hand cupping her mouth. I swallow whatever was in my mouth, my stomach letting out a pleased noise.

"You really shouldn't trust strangers promising a good time, you slut" I insult her, her eyes are brimming with tears and I can already hear her take in the breath for a scream. My hand shoots out and wraps around her neck, nails digging into the flesh, cutting into it like it were cheap cheese and whatever scream she was going to make gets cut off, "You taste good, that's the only nice thing I can say about you."

I grin, baring my teeth at her and enjoying the look that crosses her face, I enjoy the feeling of her clawing at my fingers with her blunt nails, the blood spilling out over her shredded lips and the fear in her eyes. I raise my free hand up, reaching for her eyes when I hear the barely audible sound of a gun clicking to load the chamber.

My ear twitches and a low growl builds up in my chest. I narrow my glowing eyes in disgust, claws lingering right in front of her eyes. She's looking behind me with a pleading look, disgusting tears and snot building up and mixing with her blood.

"Let her go" the voice isn't shaky, but it's young, barely masculine. I let out a breathy laugh, who'd think I had a hunter tailing behind me on my first hunt in this shitty city.

"Hmmm" I grumble, turning back to stare at the intruder, "I didn't think they recruited premature brats."

I was going to charge at him, disarm him and make him watch as I dismembered and ate her. I had everything mapped and planned out in my head as to how exactly to deal with this situation. But then I see his eyes.

They're green and wide, swimming with rage and other emotions, they're like the ocean, they're like her eyes.

There's a loud, sickening crunch as my grip on her neck tightens and I release her, her body slumps to the red stained forest floor. But I don't care that her blood is staining my boots, I don't care that it's filthy and I don't care that my stomach is howling with hunger.

He fires and the bullet lodge itself deep into my shoulder when I take a step towards him, I flinch but I don't care that the silver is burning and my skin is steaming around the wound.

A growl rips itself from my chest and I'm charging at him. His beautiful eyes widen in panic, his brown hair swaying when he tries to evade my attack. But I'm not blinded by my hunger, I haven't let the hunger and beast take over me.

I move with him, grabbing at his wrists with the silenced gun, he panics and the gun is fired off a couple of time. I rear back and bring my leg up, kicking him in his face. He's too slow to dodge it, he's still a trainee more than likely; used to dealing with newborns. But I'm no newborn.

He curses out and reaches up to grab or punch at me. I bring him to his knees and my knee digs into his face. There's a crunch and I know his nose is broken. More curses are leaving him like a sick ballad and I can't help but laugh at him.

I contemplate eating him, I contemplate ripping his throat out for the other hunters to find, and I contemplate taking him. But everything leaves me when I look into his eyes when I tug his head back by his soft brown hair.

He's angry but he's also scared and his eyes, god his eyes.

It's like a line has been drawn in my head and everything that I've done has led me to him. His eyes are so pretty and I forget about my hunger and I forget about the dead whore.

My lips part and I tug his head to the side. I don't think twice about sinking my teeth into his neck.

I find out two things. I really like the sound of his voice, especially his screams, and that the police in New York are really fucking slow.