Me: Well here is Chapter 1! Hope it starts out okay. I'll stop with the giant time passes and they should get a little longer, but it's late and i'm kind of tired. So here you go!
Chapter 1: The Deal
"We must prepare our children." Matthew said pacing around the room. We were in one of our negotiation meetings. I am the new alpha of the Utonium Pack of werewolves; my position was given to me upon the death of my father. Matthew is the new alpha of the Jojo Pack of werewolves; his father gave him the position as soon as he became deathly ill. The Jojo Pack and the Utonium had newly formed an alliance when both of our fathers had first become the alphas, but we are trying to join the packs. Matthew's wife Mara is pregnant with their second 'litter' of children. As is my wife, Sarah.
"Calm down Matthew Jojo. Our children shall start out as just-" Sarah was saying before Mara began to holler in pain and the ground below her became soaked. We all rushed and got her to the medical house. Matthew looked like he was about to faint, like he had when Mara had given birth to their first 'litter'. Sadly the only one to survive was Jude. Their other two did not make it.
Three hours after Mara had started giving birth, three little werewolf boys were born. And thankfully all three were healthier than ever before. Matthew and Mara named their boys Brick, Butch, and Boomer. They were adorable boys, and we were all happy that they were all still alive. "As I was saying before you three adorable boys came along, our children can just start out as playmates and friends. Then if by the time they reach sixteen they haven't found-" Sarah began before her eyes widened and my shoes became soaked since I was next to her. We helped get Sarah to the bed next to Mara's.
And after three hours of Sarah going through contractions and screaming in pain, she gave birth to Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles, our three beautiful daughters. They were just as healthy as Matthew and Mara's boys. This caused us to smile since our first son, Ian, was the only one to survive when he and his siblings' 'litter' was born. "How about we regroup in about six or more months to decide again on what to do." Sarah suggested before falling asleep with our girls.
Months later
Our girls and Matthew's boys were playing with toys and crawling around as we discussed what to do. "I suggest that we just stick with letting them know each other." Mara said looking at all of us.
"But that won't work. Matthew and I both need to keep our packs separate until later. If we continue to give them play dates, then both of our packs will fail and fall and no one will survive for the next generation." I said looking at them with disagreeing eyes. Sarah was about to give her opinion when there was a piercing cry. We all spun fast enough to see that Bubbles had been playing with one of her toys and that it had broken while she was playing. But before Sarah or I could react to get her a new toy, little Boomer had pushed his toy over to her and she had stopped crying. We also noticed when all of the boys licked the girls, they were in sub-change form.
"I think that we should reintroduce them when they are teenagers and tell them that they are to be betrothed. That way it combines our packs." Sarah said as our meeting was coming to an end a few hours later. The thing was that the children were awfully quiet. Ian and Jude, who are both two, were playing in a different room, but my girls and Matthew's boys were deadly quiet. We all turned to look at them and saw them all asleep.
They were all asleep, so asleep that we couldn't wake them when Sarah and Mara awed. Blossom was sleeping with Brick's arm lying over her and her head under his chin. Buttercup was sleeping curled up with her back touching Butch's back, but with their tails holding onto each other's. Bubbles and Boomer were sleeping with their hands holding. They were quite cute asleep, but Matthew, Mara, and the boys had to leave. As they did they all began to wake up. Matthew and I thought quickly and traded their blankets, they all stayed asleep. It seems there may be something more to happen between our children. Only the future can tell us how this will all end.
Me: Well i hope that was okay! R&R! Hopefully get more soon!