Strife kept chewing on the match in his mouth as he looked up from his cards. He had been playing cards for three hours now, some humans had left angry at their loose but there had always been others to take their place.

Expect for that one guy. The man with black beard and the cigar stump in his mouth nearly pierced him with his eyes as he had lost quiet a lot of money on this game.

Well Strife had been smart enough to let others win in a game once in a while, but they could never win as long as he sat on the table.

He was the master of cards in this little Pub they all just didn't know it yet.

The body's the council had given to them were enough to hide their true forms from the people of earth and seem like the next best human on the street.

And as long as he still had this body he would use it for all the fun he could get.

But his inner watch told him that Blackbeard had lost enough and would soon…

"I think you are cheating!" well, it was too late anyway.

Strife looked up and raised an eyebrow.

"Pardon please? What did you say?" he asked.

Of course, Blackbeard was right there was nothing better than being good at mixing cards, fast with your fingers and the occasional trick. Only really dumb demons still played cards with him and he the humans were a welcome change-

"I said. You. Are. Cheating." The man was furious, his eyes fixed at Strife, his hands fists.

Strife knew that his guns were still hidden inside his coat by the door, but he wouldn't need them.

"Do you have proof my good man?" Strife wanted to know as friendly as he could.

"No. Not yet. I give you that." The man answered grudgingly.

"But you are the one on this table who always wins, only sometimes loosing small amounts, for three hours straight. I call bullshit on that!"

Blackbeard took the cigar stump out of his mouth and spit on the table.

Strife just leaned back and relaxed.

"No proof? So why don't you go over to bar and take a shot on my expense? I see you are angry about your misfortune, but I tell…"

"I think he is right." Another man with a scar across his right cheek came from one of the darker tables and stood up besides Blackbeard. "I saw the game now for the last two hours and it is right what he says."

Well. Strife knew where this was going.

"Well, but you boys still got no proof of anything. Why don't you both got to the bar and take a shot at my…"

He landed on the ground sooner than he had expected.

Another guest of the Pub had taken a side and simply thrown him on the ground with his chair.

The first strike hit on his left cheek and Strife couldn't help but wonder how humans even survived with this weak body's.

The high amount of pain was something new to him and it exited him for about two seconds, then another strike hit.

"Could you stop hitting me for a moment man!?" the baldhead that had sat down on him could barely hear him over the sound of the out breaking bar brawl but he stopped for a second as the small eyes processed what he had said.

As Strife threw the cards in his face he aimed with one of them and flipped one directly into the right eye of the big man.

The baldhead jolted back and Strife brought is legs up to entangle his neck, pulling him backwards and of the horseman.

He got up with on fast jump and determined the situation.

Chairs broke and bottles shattered as everyone in the bar fought against another.

That was another strange thing that always happened in situations like that whenever he was around.

Everyone forgot about old grudges and jealousy, only to create entirely new ones at a drop of a hat and have a fight where everyone hated each other equally.

What reason that could be? Strife laughed to himself as his powers flew pack into his body.

He took the money from the table before turning around and giving the baldhead a kick to the head so strong he fell back on the floor.

The Horseman let out a sight, evaded two fighters and stole a bottle out of the hand of another before reaching the bar.

As casually as possible he took some of the paper money and set it behind the counter, only to look into the eyes of a frightened barkeep cowering on the floor together with an employee.

The amount of money doubled.

"Thank you man." The barkeep whispered as he reached for the phone above him.

Strife evaded a bottle without a need to looking back and it hit the mirror behind the bar.

"I am only paying my bottle." He said and showed the half empty bottle he had picked up.

He turned around and emptied said bottle, only stopping once as a man fell flat down in front of him before taking a big step over him.

Jumping over another table and tripping a guy that was running to fast before smashing his bottle on the head of another guy that didn't know his enemy had enough and finally arriving at the door.

The fight was already getting quiet as he put on his leather coat and stepped outside.

It was raining, as another guy was thrown out of the window besides the door and decided that the ground was his new friend now.

Strife shrugged and stepped carefully over him.

He took his mobile phone out of his pocket and checked it out.


Still no call.