John Watson wasn't embarrassed by his abilities; that would be akin to blushing when someone noticed his eye color. He simply would have preferred that people commented on his skill as a doctor or a marksman than his Sentinel heritage. England didn't have a place for Sentinels outside of the military, just ask Harry. Those that got invalided out were supposed to settle down in the country and procreate. They weren't supposed to stay in the city where they could accidently sniff out secrets. Most of those who worried about their petty little secrets shouldn't have. Any person with eyes could see that that man hated his boss and that woman stole office supplies from her company. Even as a doctor his patients were more worried about what John could suss of their personal lives rather than being pleased that he could identify their sickness by smell.

The military had been different. With everyone living in barracks, no one had any privacy. No one had expected any, so it didn't matter if there was always a Sentinel about. John had been an excellent doctor and soldier and one of several Sentinels on base. He had been accepted and everyone was thrilled with his presence and his lack of Guidance. John had never been prone to spikes or zones; his senses weren't remarkable for Sentinels. He didn't need a Guide. Oh, a different one would stop by the infirmary daily, but only to check in. They never hovered, but all that ended when John was shot and sent home.

He was no longer a soldier and couldn't find work as a doctor. All was left was the Sentinel and with the Sentinel came the Guides and the GRO. The Guides in the city hovered. John hated that. They were way too interested in his social life as well. At least once a week, a Guide would remind him about the 'child credit.' For every child that John fathered, he'd get a significant percentage increase to his pension. But he wouldn't have any parental rights. Since most Sentinels served for a number of years and they had health problems earlier than the general population, the average length of life after retiring was fifteen years. Rather than putting teen Sentinels through the trauma of losing a parent, the courts of law had decided that the non-Sentinel parent had permanent and total custody.

No thank you.

But without the child credit, John couldn't afford the Sentinel safe areas of London. John needed a flat mate, one that could deal with his… particularities. When he said as much to an old friend from Bart's, Sherlock was that last type of person he was expecting to meet. Sherlock was the last type of person a Sentinel would want to room with, but…

But Sherlock had rattled off 'doctor' and 'soldier' first and 'Sentinel' as an afterthought. John would tolerate much for that kind of consideration.

As it turned out, John would tolerate much for that consideration.