He tapped at the window of her bedroom and wondered when she would come to get him. Nights had been like this recently- since Jude had died and they had both been able to go home from the hospital, knowing they were in act not crazy, Noah had taken to knocking on Mara's bedroom window at night. Sometimes she answered almost instantly, but other times, she teased him a little bit before opening the window to let him in. He smiled a little bit.

"Mara?" He called. "I sincerely hope that your plan is to get me all cold out here and warm me up straightaway, yes?" To this, the window opened and Mara appeared, clearly trying to look annoyed but being unsuccessful because of how happy she was to see Noah.

"Noah! Seriously? What…" She watched as Noah put on a Cheshire cat grin and slipped through the now-open window, smiling at her. She continued to make a pretend annoyed face at him until he said,

"What? Can't a guy creep into a girl's window all sneakylike in the middle of the night anymore?" The feigned annoyance went away, and Mara just chuckled at him. Then, she sat down at her desk and Noah noted the opened laptop screen in a word document. The next thing he saw was his name in said document. "What are you writing?"

Mara closed the screen. "Just my memoir. Remember, the one I told you that I was going to write?"

Noah nodded. "Can't say that I forgot."

"I'm at the part where we first really talk."

"Oh, you mean when you called me an asscrown? Poor innocent me, who was only trying to help?"

"You're still an asscrown."

"Right." And then, the two shared a comfortable silence. Ever since they had gotten back to Miami, they had basically managed to keep a perfect relationship. They were really happy together, really comfortable together, and planning to go to New York next year for college in the same place along with Daniel and Jamie was a huge deal to them both. These comfortable silences were nothing new- they knew that the other was happy just to be with them.


"Yeah Noah?"

"I'm so glad everything worked out."

"Me too."

Eventually they fell asleep, I love you on the tip of both their tongues.

Hey y'all, so, my first Mara Dyer fanfic! I know it's really short, but it was my post-retribution inspiration… idk. It's so odd that it took me so long to get around to writing a Madness fic, it's one of my favorite stories… in any case, reviews are love! 3 ~H