Disclaimer: I own nothing (except the storyline).
Chapter 1
-Summer Slam-
The roar of the crowd and the 'boos' that had filled the arena were still echoing inside Nikki's head as she made her way back backstage. She kept her head down so she wouldn't have to see the looks people gave her as she walked, and because she didn't want anyone to see the flickering of emotions in her eyes.
Yes, she had just betrayed her twin sister, she had cost Brie her match against Stephanie McMahon. But what nobody seemed to understand was what Nikki had to go through beforehand: She was constantly put in Handicap-matches, was victimized and beat up by orders of Stephanie – but not because she had done anything wrong, but because Brie had started her own personal war with McMahon and had left the company, thereby leaving Nikki behind on her own, alone and defenseless.
Even after Stephanie pedigreed Nikki right in front of Brie and Triple H, Brie did not stop her fight against McMahon so her sister would be put out of her misery – she had continued, knowing what punishment and pain this meant for her twin.
But they don't care about that, Nikki thought. All they see is me stabbing Brie in the back, so they blame me for everything.
She tried to put on her best poker face and suppress all feelings of guilt, tried to tell herself it was Brie who had been selfish, who had abandoned her, but it didn't work completely. Even though Nikki had felt satisfaction seeing her sister be put in the situation she had been in for months, she still felt some sadness over her act.
When she had finally arrived at the locker room, she grabbed her bag and left immediately – she didn't want to put up with the accusations and the gazes of the other Divas today, she was upset enough already.
As she walked down the hallway quickly, she suddenly heard someone call for her:
"So I guess this means you're on our side now, Bella. Smart move."
Nikki turned around, only to see the Authority's golden boy and the self-proclaimed Architect of the Shield, Seth Rollins, looking at her with a smug look on his face.
"Leave me alone, Rollins, I'm not in the mood", Nikki hissed.
"Why so unfriendly? I was only complementing you for making the right move, nothing else", he grinned.
"Well it's none of your business, so don't pretend you know me when you know nothing at all", Nikki said angrily as she started walking away from him.
He grabbed her arm and turned her around. "And here I thought if there was someone in this company that knows what you're going through right now, it would be me" he said, giving her an intense look that made Nikki feel uncomfortable.
She was starting to feel both insecure and extremely annoyed. "Well, then you were wrong" she managed to get out as she freed herself from his grasp and walked away, more quickly this time.
Seth laughed, still seeming as self-satisfied as ever. "We'll be seeing each other again soon, Bella!" he shouted before Nikki had finally made her way to the exit of the building.
As Nikki was driving to her hotel, she heard her mobile phone vibrating on the seat next to her. As soon as she arrived in her room, she checked her phone to see who had called her. It was John. Shit, she thought. I had totally forgotten about what John was going to think about my actions. She sighed and called him back.
The moment her boyfriend picked up, she knew the call would not go well.
"Nicole, what the hell were you thinking?! Stabbing your own sister in the back?! I never thought you would be capable of doing something so… so detestable!" John shouted at her as Nikki tried to keep as calm as possible and not break out into tears.
"John, I know you cannot understand this, but believe me, I had my reasons", Nikki tried to calm him down.
"You're completely right, I cannot understand why you did it, because there was absolutely no rational reason for it!" he shouted, still as upset as before.
"John please, if you would just let me explain-"
"Explain WHAT, Nicole? Why you turned on your own family without ever telling me there was something wrong between you and your sister?! I… I really don't know what to say. If this is the new you then … I'm not sure I wanna be with you anymore."
Nikki felt a single tear running down her cheek.
"John please… can we talk about this in person?"
She heard him sighing, and after a few moments of silence he answered, in a calmer voice this time: "Okay. But don't think an apology or some stupid explanation is going to change my mind." He hung up.
Nikki buried her face in her hands, trying to forget about everything just for a few seconds, but it didn't work. She didn't know if she should cry or scream.
But what she did know was that she had had enough for today.
After changing into her nightgown, removing her make-up and brushing her teeth, she swallowed a sleeping pill just to make sure she wouldn't lay up all night thinking about what had happened today, and went to bed.
-The next day-
Although Nikki had tried to explain her reasons for turning on her sister to the WWE Universe on Raw, the audience had still only booed her. There was even a "You sold out!"-chant going on, the same phrase the crowd had been shouting at Seth Rollins ever since he had betrayed his former Shield companions, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns. But it's not the same, I'm not like him. I'm nowhere near like him, Nikki told herself as she made her way backstage. Whether it was really true or if she simply desperately wanted it to be, she didn't really know, but she didn't want to think about it either.
Stephanie had remained fully supportive of Nikki throughout the evening and had told her to pay a visit to her office later, to officially welcome Nikki as a part of the Authority. Well at least she has kept her part of the deal, Nikki thought with a small smile.
Most of the other girls ignored her or stared at her with hateful glares, but there were some exceptions, which Nikki was thankful for. She couldn't afford to have the whole Division against her.
She changed into a different dress, put on some fresh lipstick and then made her way right to Stephanie's office.
Despite Stephanie's support, Nikki felt a little nervous. Except for Stephanie, she was going to be the only female part of the Authority. She hoped everybody would take her seriously. And if they don't, I'll simply teach them a lesson, she thought, smiling.
"Well, to say I'm happy that you're joining us, Nikki, would be an understatement", Stephanie said, wearing her ever-so-perfect and professional smile. "Let me just say that your decision last night was definitely the right one, and we are all delighted to officially welcome you to the Authority!" Stephanie and the other members of the Authority – Triple H, Rollins, Kane, and Randy Orton – raised their glasses and toasted to Nikki. Although Nikki knew that all this was superficial – the Authority could quickly become extremely unfriendly with you if you only made one wrong move – she couldn't help but feel pleasant being the center of attention. As she emptied her glass, she got the overwhelming feeling of someone watching her – she looked up only to see Seth Rollins stare at her with that incredibly smug look on his face. She rolled her eyes and sent him an angry glare, which seemed to make his smirk grow even wider.
She turned away then, and started talking to Randy Orton instead, who seemed a little surprised at her doing so – he was one of John's biggest rivals, after all. But how would he know that John's practically done with me. Nikki tried to keep her smile as bright as she could, and no one seemed to notice her short change of mood.
Despite not being incredibly interesting, to her surprise, Randy was actually pretty easy to talk to. And when Nikki noticed how upset Seth seemed to for being fully ignored, she decided maybe this was going to be not so bad after all. She didn't like Rollins at all, she thought of as him disgusting and annoying in fact, but it sure was fun making him mad, especially because he seemed so incredibly full of himself all the time.
After her welcoming ceremony was over, Nikki felt a little exhausted – it had been a long day, and all the talking and the champagne had done the rest.
She made her way to the parking lot, just as she accidently ran into someone – a large and strong someone, in fact. Nikki excused herself, only to look up into the eyes of John Cena.
"John, I… I'm sorry, I didn't see you."
"Yeah, whatever Nicole. I just heard that you officially aligned yourself with the Authority. I'm honestly surprised how stupid I was to ever trust you. I never thought you would be able to do something like this."
"John, please, don't say something like that. I thought we could meet up and talk about his in private, I didn't want you to find out like this, I…"
"You know what, Nicole? Save your breath. I am incredibly disappointed with you. And don't you make up some stupid excuses for your behavior. This one's all on you."
Nikki tried to keep from crying, and to her surprise, she actually managed to hold the tears back, if only for a while. "Does this mean you're breaking up with me?" she asked looking up at him, hoping he would see something in her eyes that would make him understand, if only a little bit.
"I feel like I don't even know you anymore" John said. "I'm sorry but I can't be together with someone who lies to me, turns on her own family, and doesn't take any responsibility for her actions. I'm done." He turned around and left, not once looking back as the inevitable tears started rolling down Nikki's cheeks. She didn't even know if she was really crying for him or just crying because of losing someone this close to her. They had been together for 2 years, and despite many fights and tears, she had hoped she had finally found the man she wanted to stay with for the rest of her life.
"You should be glad you're rid of him. He was nothing but an obstacle in your way to the top."
Nikki turned around, only to see Seth Rollins standing right in front of her, looking at her with a mixture of his usual arrogance and something else, an expression she hadn't seen in his face before. But right then and there, she didn't care one bit about it. All she cared about was the way he always had this way of bringing her down, of annoying her, and this time he had definitely chosen the wrong moment for his smart ass remarks.
"Leave me the fuck alone, Rollins! My relationship with John is none of your business so stay the fuck out of it!"
"Whoa, calm down. I was only paying you a compliment – Cena's a loser and an asshole, he didn't even treat you well and now you're defending him?"
She slapped him as hard as she could. By the shocked look on his face she could tell she had caught him by surprise, which satisfied her, in some way.
"No matter what John put me through sometimes, at least he always knew how to treat a lady", she hissed, turning around to walk away.
He stopped her, catching her by surprise. There were only inches between their faces now, and for a moment, he only looked her in the eye with that same weird expression she had noticed in his eyes before. It was making her nervous, even though she did not know why. Finally, after a few seconds that seemed to last forever, he spoke: "A lady, huh? Then I guess I'll be keeping that in mind. Have a good night, Bella." He smiled a little, then left her alone.
What the hell was THAT all about?! she thought, but because she had been exhausted before her conversations with John and Seth already and she was even more exhausted now, she didn't want to think about it.
So this is the first chapter! Do you like it? If not, why? Please let me know :)
Also, this is my very first fanfiction, so I really hope it's not too bad.