Hey guys, sorry for the false update as this is only an author's note. I rarely do this, always leaving a story without notice or simply delete the story but I found it wrong to do so without posting a note - especially because I am, and will continue to frequently update my other story Continuation.

I just wanted to let you know I am putting this story on hold, it has been on hold for some time now as I was hoping to gain some inspiration or motivation to write and add on to it but I haven't. I have found a greater focus on my other story, continuously writing for it and analyzing what to do next with it. That is a reason why I have decided to stop this story (for now) as I felt like it could have been done differently and with more justice, finding myself writing out the chapters and posting them without thinking of where it can lead to next. I did enjoy writing this story in the beginning, and I had a plot planned out, but eventually I dragged on story lines or added unnecessary drama that I wish I could fix without having to redo the whole thing. I regret some plots and chapters, as reading through it now I don't feel that it is right.

On that note, I want to thank you guys for reading this story and for the continued support. Especially a number of reviews (it's a lot I never suspected to get so many.) Along with the anon's who continued to praise the writing and the story, I know there's someone who always comments so thank you very much! Thanks again for all with this story, I have enjoyed the journey. I might write some one-shots with Becky and Adam further into the future as I don't have a place for them now in this story but do have the urgency to write them. I will remain on this site as I have my other story, which I love writing and I feel like I am improving my writing skills!

Again, thank you so much for the story and the support. For now, I will mark the story as complete, but it does not mean that in the future I won't randomly add a chapter and decide to continue.
