
My name is Georgia, I use to call myself Astrid but I've stopped caring about fake names. I've grown up a lot since writing this book, and my writing has improved and grown a lot. If anyone wants a rundown of how my life has changed, and how my views have changed since first writing this, just say and I'll give everyone a little update, because I've really changed (for the better), especially this year. I can write another chapter, which will purly an author's note on just how I've come into my own, and changed myself for the better. A little get to know the author type thing.

Rereading this myself causes me to feel a range of emotions, mostly negative and filled with embarrassment. So I'm rewriting the entire story.

Also, this is an over-used plot, and I know that many, many others have done this similar plot. I don't want to be accused of stealing someone else's novel, because I have not. When I originally wrote this story, I had taken inspiration from AnnabethsJacksons story. But I was 14. I was an idiot, and I couldn't think. I'm 18 now. That's weird lmao. But I'm 18, and I've changed a lot from then. This is the story that I have worked hard to re-write, and worked hard to better myself for. I miss writing this, and I miss you all. Thank you for sticking with me, and this story.

If anyone is a marvel fan, I have some marvel stories that I would love for everyone to hit up and review

Aawake at Night ~ half•alive

(None of these characters are mine blah blah the storyline is mostly mine apart from sections of Harry Potter n the like background storyline of Harry n Co.)

Enjoy, Lovelies

Annabeth POV:

Percy was sprawled on the bed, legs laying out both ways like a starfish. He was fiddling with a game on his phone, turning the phone at all angels, trying to win. He had earbuds in his ears, blasting music that he was bopping his head along to, singing lyrics softly. He was grinning a bit and then frowning when he lost.

"Are you watching me?" He turned his phone off, taking out an earbud to hear me.

"Maybe." I hum in response, looking at the golden laptop sitting on my legs. Percy hits me softly with his hand. "You're too cute to not watch." He hits me again, putting the earbud down, but still listening with one.

"These Bleachers folk are really good."


"The ones from that movie about the gay kid. You loved them in the movie." I smiled at him. He was sweet with his music. It was a massive outlet for him, and his phone seemed to be glued to his side now, one or two earbuds always in his ears, blasting some type of music that ranged from Paramore to the Front Bottoms to weird Australian artists that no one else knew of but he thrived off.

A high pitched whistled sounded, Percy, flinching at the sound; "You good love?"

"Yeah, it's just, a reminder." He faded off slighting, putting the phone down and turning on his bed to look at me, his eyes flicking around my face. "Hm, my chest feels really tight." His face is screwed up a bit, as he turned into the bed.

"Breathe, remember? With me," Percy rolls onto his back, focusing on my mouth and chest, as I breathe overly heavily, so it's easier for him to follow. It doesn't seem to be working, as panic runs across his face as his breathing begins to go faster and faster.

With a scream from a kid outside, he's sent back. Flinging his phone aside, ripping tearing the earbuds out of his ear.

He sat up straight, his eyes glazed over completely, but he was alert. He was back there. His head flicking left and right, before jumping off the bed, and looking again.

"Annabeth?" His voice was strained and terrified.

"I'm here." I wanted to grab his shoulder, slowly shake him back to reality. But we had both learnt that the hard way. We had both learnt that shaking someone back from a flashback was a bad idea, and would only increase the issue.

Percy jumps down, grabbing the mass of his dirty clothes, grabbing some, calling my name.

"Percy, I'm here. Feel the ground. It's hard. It's not moving. There's no dirt here. You're touching clothes, feel how soft they are. Breathe in, the air is clean and fresh. You're home. You're at camp half-blood. You're safe. You're here with me."

His panicked eyes turn to me, reaching out and touching my shoulder, dragging slowly up my neck, to touching my check. He rubbed circles on my check, trying to slow his own ragged breathing, trying to calm himself.

"I can't see you. But I can feel you."

"Can I touch you?" He nods slowly, holding out his other hand. Slowly, very slowly, I reach out and touch his shaking, sweaty hand. Slowly bringing it into mine, rubbing circles on his palm.

It took ten minutes to completely calm him down. Ten minutes before his head was resting on my shoulder, and his breathing as back to being mostly even. Tears began to fall slowly from his eyes, soaking my (well his) shirt.

"M'sorry." He mumbles. I shake my head.

"Don't be," I reply. He nods slowly, "I love you so much. And you're okay. I'm okay. We are safe. We are together. Nothing can touch us anymore. I swear on river Styx that we will always be together. Until the end."

"Until the end." He replies, his voice rough.

We sit together on the floor, legs wrapped around each other's bodies, heads on each other's shoulders. Percy near falling asleep, his breathing so even and calm. Whenever he was falling asleep he would kiss my neck, my shoulders, all extremely calmly. Us half asleep was us before. Us cuddling on the floor was raw and was old. It was comfortable, familiar.

It was before.

It was us laughing together, Percy's arm always hung lazily over my shoulder, grinning at jokes that were funny to us then. It was us giggling as we kissed, Percy kissing my neck, my shoulder, my hands. It was us laying in beds on the ship, drawing circles on each other. It was Percy playing the piano, me sitting against it letting the soft, yet powerful music take over it. It was us together, being together. Feeling together.

It was us.

Percy is basically asleep by the time the door flies open, banging harshly on its hinges and the wall. Percy wakes with a start, him cringing into me, me cringing into him. Tartarus is flashing before my eyes. The sounds, the screams, the dirt, the fire. It's real. And it's there. The feeling of the falling before is almost overwhelming. It's near impossible to pull myself out, but Percy's grip on my shoulder, his knees pressed into my sides bring me back.

"Babe?" He mumbles. I pull myself into him a bit closer, focusing completely on my breathing. Calming myself. "Are. You. Fucking. Insane?" He hisses. I turn my head to watch Piper shake her head slowly, and Jason standing, watching us both cautiously.

"We didn't think that you'd be here." He mumbles.

Percy tenses in my arms; "Exactly. You didn't think. Are you fucking kidding me?" Percy's voice was rising with each word in anger. "We went through complete hell on earth. What the hell possessed you to go 'oh! Let's go burst into Percy's cabin! Which, surprise, surprise, Percy and Annabeth will be in. But it's fine!'"

"It's okay." I touch his arm, rubbing it slowly. He flinches underneath me, his eyes flashing blank for a second. He moves my hand closer to his chest, sticking another hand up to mine, pressing hard on it to feel the heartbeat. "Breathe baby. Four in, one two three four, hold four, one two three four, six out, one two three four five six." I repeat myself, coaching Percy back into his calm state, feeling his hot breathe against me as he kept up with the counting.

"Until the end?" he mumbles.

"Until the end."

"Guys? Are you okay?" Piper says. I turn to her. She's standing there, arm grabbing her other arm, looking slightly anxious at the fact that she's standing in the cabin. It was a wreck, I'd give that to her. Cleaning seeming to be the last thing on both of our minds. "We have to go to find Leo, and then go to speak to Chiron."

"Why?" Percy says.

"I'm not sure, but he needs us there."


"I know you're weak. But, he seemed like he was in a good mood. It's probably going to be okay. It's probably going to be something small. Maybe a mission home, or to Camp Jupiter?" Piper's voice seemed so hopeful, so happy. Everything Percy's wasn't. Everything mine wasn't.

"Do you know what he wants?"


"Do you know where he wants to meet?"

Piper POV:

"Look at you. Look at your face, and your freckles." Jason whispered in my ear. He kissed my ear softly, "you're so beautiful. You're amazing."

"You're awful at distracting me," I tell him. Jason grumbles, pulling his face away from me, but leaving his arm around my shoulders. "I really feel uncomfortable about barging into their room."

"Same lovely." He pauses, "but Chiron…" I hum in response to him, as we walked up to the cabin. "Should we knock?"

"I don't know, maybe we should leave it for a while," I suggest. Jason doesn't move.

"I don't think they'll come out of the room today."

He's probably right. The two had good days and bad days. Happy days, sad days, and days where we wouldn't see them at all. There were days the grinned and smiled together, teasing each other easily, teasing everyone else easily. Pulling jokes and pranks, dancing in the rain together. Eating with the seven, running around and playing camp games. Teaching younger campers how to act, how to fight, how to speak Greek. And then there were days that Percy was silent, brooding. He would refuse to speak, to anyone other than Annabeth. There were days were Percy snapped with anger, the seas raging in anger or fear. There was a week were Piper had to go on a mission with them, and she saw Percy going, truly dark. Using blood bending to cause monsters to fall and scream and wither in pain, killing them. There were days were Annabeth simply sat, and read. Sat with Percy, holding his hand, and glaring at anyone who approached. Days were she snapped, and Percy struggled to control her as she tore apart the training room. And there were days were the both refused to leave Percy's cabin. And stuck together.

And today, was one of those days.

"Maybe they won't be in here. Percy goes to the beach some days." Jason suggests. I don't know. He sets his hand on the door, flinging it open.

Instant regret.

The two cringe into each other, and Annabeth's seems to cringe more into Percy, closing her eyes tightly. We watch as Annabeth calms herself, and Percy glares at us, muttering soft words to his girlfriend.

"Are. You. Fucking. Insane?" Percy's voice is filled with venom, his eyes glaring daggers.

Jason shrinks under Percy's gaze, "we didn't think you'd be here." He mumbles.

"Exactly. You didn't think. Are you fucking kidding me?" Percy's voice was rising with each word in anger. "We went through complete hell on earth. What the hell possessed you to go 'oh! Let's go burst into Percy's cabin! Which, surprise, surprise, Percy and Annabeth will be in. But it's fine!'" Annabeth's hand tightens on Percy's arm, and Jason takes a small step back. Annabeth begins mumbling to Percy, as the two sit together, breathing slowly and in sync. Being inside Percy's room is strange. There are clothes lying all over the ground, his fountain is forming small waves, spilling over the edge slightly. It feels as though we are invading Percy's own mind. It was uncomfortable being here.

"Until the end?"

"Until the end."

"Guys? Are you okay?" I ask. Annabeth looks up first, eyes searching us both. "We have to go find Leo, and then go speak to Chiron."


"I'm not sure, but he needs us there." The two don't speak, and Jason is barely letting his breathing be audible.

I was praying Chiron only wanted us for something small. Praying it was only to maybe go to Jupiter for a bit, grin and smile with the campers there. "I know you're weak. But, he seemed like he was in a good mood. It's probably going to be okay. It's probably going to be something small. Maybe a mission home, or to Camp Jupiter?"

"Do you know what he wants?" Annabeth asks.

Jason shakes his head; "No."

"Do you know where he wants to meet?"

Jason nods; "The Big House."

I cross my fingers behind my back, slowly enough so Percy and Annabeth wouldn't see as they quietly discussed the idea, too softly for us to here.

"Please," I say, slipping some charmspeak into my voice. They both seem to pick up on it, but don't resist it.

"Let's go wisegirl."

The pair stand, Annabeth first, pulling Percy up, who flops a bit at first, making it really difficult for her. She just smiles at him, giving his butt a small kick, before hulling her boyfriend up with her, and him turning around, letting her jump on his back, slinging her arms around his neck.

"You two are cute," I say. Annabeth just smiles in response, and Percy gives a thank you.

The sun is warm as we walk out of the cabin. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust, watching Annabeth shade Percy's eyes as they (Percy) walk towards the Cabin 9. Jason and I following shortly after, our fingers intertwined.

Okay so YES this is a redo. I'm completely rewriting this story, taking off all the chapters slowly, once I've finished rewriting it, and slowly re-uploading. It will not be weekly as I'm in my second to the final year of school and Australian school is literal hell and it's stressful as all fuck.

So, I hope you have enjoyed the newly rewritten, and much better version of this chapter, and enjoy the updated version of this story.

First three reviewers get a sneak peek!

Also, I'm considering re-naming this fic, as 'Resting Place' is a little bit...emo. I'm considering something like 'Changes' or 'The Overpass' or 'Caught in the Middle', any suggestions/approvals.

I missed you guys.

~ Georgia