Hello there! So, I've been wanting to do an OCxDiscord story, since a certain friend kept rubbing her OC and her crush story in my face (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE). Plus, this is something a little different I'm trying outside of my writing style.
For one, I've never been good at first person. I've always done better at third person view. Since this story is mostly from the OC Cece's perspective, I found third person unnatural to be in a story like this.
WARNING: This may also bash some certain Discord ships. If you're offended, I honestly don't care.
Finally, I'm trying to make the OCs in this story as non-Mary-Sue as I can. If you have any advice, feel free to leave it in the reviews. I always appreciate constructive critisim!
It wasn't like I was all that special. I was your average female teenager, going to school, eating, and doing whatever I enjoyed until I had to go to sleep that night. I honestly couldn't see why such a thing would happen to me.
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Cece Thompson. I was a junior in high school, and was about to become a senior in a couple weeks at the end of summer. My family included my tight-fisted mom, my troll-dad of a dad, my little sister Caroline, and my mixed-breed dog, Zoe (yes, I considered my dog part of the family). We lived in the suburbs of a small and quiet eastern U.S.A town.
It was late morning. I awoke from a peaceful sleep to find my dog Zoe sleeping at the foot of my bed. She was black and brown, and very, very furry, rivaling the fluffiest of Tibetan Mastiffs. Heck, she probably WAS part Tibetan Mastiff, except she was much smaller than one.
As I rose from bed, Zoe yawned lazily, showing off her pink tongue. I look at myself in the mirror, slipping on my sleek, bookish black-rimmed glasses. I looked at my messy, sandy-blonde hair. I had some small zits that dotted my cheeks and forehead here and there, but they weren't super noticeable. My eyes weren't very striking like all the other girls I knew. They were a dark blue, almost gray-color that really didn't stand out, no matter what outfit I wore. I changed out of my pajamas and into a pair of jeans and a shirt.
Since school was out, my life had been boring. Occasionally, I would visit my best friend, Patrick Hamburg and we would hang out. However, it was always awkward because both the Thompson and Hamburg family assumed we were dating. We were friends, just friends. He had said before that he thought of me as a friend as well, so it was clear that neither of us had feelings for each other.
Usually in the summer morning times, Mom would drag me and my sister out to run a bunch of uninteresting errands. Dad was a police officer and was often gone for days at a time, while Mom was a stay-at-home mom, taking care of me and Caroline, even though I was old enough to take care of myself and Caroline both.
After the errands, we would get home and eat lunch. I might read or draw after finishing lunch, or play with Zoe. In times when I actually felt social, I'd call up Patrick and we'd go grab a pizza and talk about the latest episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
Forgot to mention. Yup, I'm a fan of the show meant for little girls. Honestly, one shouldn't judge it just for that. It's actually rather action-packed and awesome. Plus, I prefer its clean humor, comparing to all the crap they show nowadays.
Anyways, at dinner we would have, well, dinner. I would then lock myself in my room, devoting my time to drawing and writing. When I got tired enough, I would fall asleep and repeat the process all over again. This was my life during the summer, and it was more boring than one could imagine. Some of my schoolmates complained that I was spoiled, but honestly, I didn't think we had that much money. We were always trying to save, almost never going out to eat and only buying the absolute necessities (although Mom would always go out and buy things that weren't needed while Dad was gone. She was a spender).
But my life wasn't interesting, apart from the watching-of-My-Little-Pony. Speaking of which, most people usually watched the show for, well, the "mane six" as the fandom calls them. But honestly, I didn't really care about them. They could hurl themselves off a cliff and I would not even bat an eye while every other fan freaked out and cried for a good three weeks.
Now, if we got on the subject of Discord doing what was stated above...
When you first look at him, Discord looks like nothing more than a goofy, cartoon bad guy who likes to troll the other characters of the show. I for one saw more in him (probably more than, ugh, Fluttershy). To me, he was pure awesome. I loved his design, personality, voice, everything, including him himself.
Now I know what you're thinking: "Cece, how can anyone love Discord? He's creepy and ugly!" That's just you being shallow. Think about it. In any other species -for example, an alien from an entirely different race- may be ugly to us. But to another alien from the same race, they are attractive in their own, alienistic ways. Yes, Discord may look weird, but I didn't look at his appearance (even though that was also awesome).
It may be weird for a human -a human teenager at that- to be crushing on an antagonist character from a "little girl's television show", but I really didn't care what people thought. I usually tried to not judge people, because I could be judged right back. Plus, it was just plain wrong. Don't get me wrong, I definitely still judge some people, but then again, what human being doesn't?
I suppose I should stop with the introduction. I tend to get off track when I talk about Discord, whom I constantly fangirl over. What was I doing...? Oh right, story. Duh. You obviously came here for a story, didn't you? Well, enough of my rambling. Let's get on with it.
It was a quiet, weekend night. We had finished dinner and I had already gone up to my room and locked myself in. Zoe was laying with me on my bed while I drew in my sketchbook. I had almost filled this book to the brim with random doodles of Discord, whether he was just sitting there, giving a mischievous and playful look, or dangling my "imaginary arch-nemesis" Fluttershy over a boiling lake of chocolate milk.
The reason I disliked Fluttershy so much was because she was shipped with Discord. Any average fangirl -or fanboy, for that matter- would know the infuriating feeling of having another female/male shipped with the character you loved the most. Yes, Fluttershy was a fan favorite, but I loathed her.
It was around midnight. I knew it was getting late because I could hear Zoe snoring and twitching in her sleep, possibly dreaming of chewing on her favorite rope toy she had as a puppy. I slid my notebook underneath my bed (because if my parents found it, they would kill me. They did not approve of my love for My Little Pony), and quietly rose from my comfy mattress. My family had all gone to sleep, and downstairs was dark and creepy. I hated going downstairs because of this reason, but since I had the bladder the size of a pinhole, and since our only bathroom was downstairs, I had no choice.
As quickly and quietly as possible, I ran down the stairs and to the bathroom, where I quickly shut the door behind me and turned on the lights. After I finished, I ran back up the stairs and to my room, locking the door behind me. Anyone who had an upstairs bedroom and a downstairs bathroom would understand the intense fear of the feeling of being stalked by an invisible, shadowy being or some other imaginary monster.
As I came into my room, I noticed Zoe was scratching at my closet door. She growled and sniffed around, before she scratched again. Then, she started barking at the closet, and she wouldn't stop.
"Quiet!" I hissed. I gave her a light pop on her rear, which usually shut her up. However, she just continued to bark and scratch at the closet. I groaned and tried to pull Zoe away from the closet. She scratched my hand and immediately went back to the door.
"You stupid-!" I started to shout to the dog. However, that's when I heard it: my clothes being pulled off their hangers and falling on the floor of the closet. I jumped and the hackles on Zoe's back rose as she bared her teeth.
I realized someone was in my closet, hiding away in my closet. They couldn't have been there for long, or else Zoe would have been barking at my closet long before now. I knew it had to be some sort of burglar or psycho killer, so I grabbed the shotgun my father had given me for my seventeenth birthday that I hid under my bed. Our family was a firm believer in the Second Amendment, let's leave it at that.
I approached the closet with Zoe at my side, standing completely still like a hunting dog. I knew I probably should have gotten my parents, but if it was a psycho killer in my closet, they would probably come out a murder Zoe. I loved my dog, and wouldn't let that happen. I reached for the door knob with a shaky hand and slowly turned it. I then whipped the door open and held up the shotgun towards the shadows of the closet.
But there was nothing there.
I lowered the gun and breathed a sigh of relief before looking to Zoe with a smile on my face, "Well, guess I was just imagining things, huh Z?"
However, Zoe had turned her attention to my bed. Her fur was laying flat, her tail was tucked between her legs, her ears were back, and her legs were bent, making her look much smaller than she usually did. I knew she saw something that was terrifying, and I was afraid to turn around. However, I forced myself to turn and look. What I saw made my mouth drop open.
Laying there on my bed in the flesh and blood, reading a map upside down, was the oddity of a creature that I loved so much. That eccentric... What-ever-he-was that I geeked out over whenever he came on screen. The shotgun fell from my hand, luckily doing nothing since it was unloaded in the first place. Zoe ran to hide under a pile of my unwashed clothes, whimpering as she did.
"Oh hello, strange, hairless monkey thing." Greeted Discord, "Do you mind telling me where I'm at?"