Author's Notes: Hey guys. I'm sorry I took so long to put this up, but I plan to get back into writing. The thing is I won't be able to update all the time because of work and band. I work at least 6 hours a day , either in the morning or late at night, so when I'm not at work I'm sleeping. Then I have marching band every Tuesday, so updates and all that will be random. Though I will try to do it once a week, but there is a bright side to this. I have at least 2 chapter of everything typed, and some written that still need to be typed. But I hope you all enjoy this Final.
Warning: None
Disclaimer: I own nothing from Yugioh
Last Time:
Yugi raised an eyebrow at the women but said nothing as he watched her walk into the room and over to the machines that he's still supposed to be hooked up to.
" I see. You undid yourself. No wonder your info wasn't showing up on the screens." she turned to Yugi and smiled " By the way. My names , but you can call me by first name.. Addy."
Chapter 12
It's been 3 days since Yugi had tried to kill himself, and somehow word got around the school. The only downside was how twisted the event had become to the people. The story became so twisted that a smart person could tell how fake it was. How impossible it was. The fact that the event that now haunts those 3 high schools had become so twisted saddens and angers them. Even disgusts them. It disgusts them that something so sad could become so twisted for other people amusement. Even those 3 don't even recognize the story anymore. Only those 3 know what really happened that night, and with each twisted tail that they hear... It's like a slice of their skin... Just like his.
Now no one has been allowed to visit Yugi in the hospital, and they hadn't heard anything from anyone there either. Not even his own grandfather has been allowed to visit the boy he's raised, and to make it worse... It's all under Yugi's request. It's under his request that no one visits him, and that's not only killing the old man but also those 3 high schools as well. That one who acted like he did not exist, and the two that played a cruel joke on him.
Now in those 3 days, Yugi has made some new friends and has met some old ones.
When those 2 old friends heard about what had happened from a friend at the hospital they took a flight right over. At the moment only those 2 are the only ones allowed to see Yugi, and there even allowed to stay with him in the hospital.
Patient Report 3:
Yugi H. Muto
Yugi H. Muto is suspected to be released from inpatient at Domino hospital in about a week or 2, but he will only be returning to school in a week after his release.
He will not be staying with his grandfather after his release for an unknown amount of time. He will be released to both Ryou B. Hikari, and Malik M. Ishtar.
His grandfather will not be informed of the above information.
I hope all of you liked it, and you all can kill me now. Like you can hunt me down and murder me in my sleep because this is the last chapter...
BUT there is a sequel in the works... See there's a silver lining to everything.