Disclaimer: The usual. Not mine, etc.

I am so sorry it took me so long to for me to update this. The Muse kept dropping ideas in my head for new stories, or other stories I've already got in the works, but flat out REFUSED to work on this on.

For those of you who have reviewed, please believe me when I say I appreciate each and every one of them. I am way, way behind in responding, and I apologize for that, but I do read each one, and they make my heart sing. The Muse appreciates them too, which is probably why so many new ideas have been whispered in my ear. I will try to respond, but if I don't get to you (there are hundreds to get through), know that I thank you.

This has not been beta'd, so all mistakes are mine and mine alone.


Sam was staring at her lab, trying to keep her mind busy. She looked around at the boxes in the room where she'd spent so much time, and felt a moment of sadness. She was sad to be leaving the SGC, as she'd seen and done so many amazing things there, but also happy to be moving into a new phase of her life. A life that included Jack, not as her CO, but as her…what? They hadn't been alone together since the night before, though they had stayed up for hours talking on the phone. She loved his voice, and could happily have just listened to him forever. Still, in the hours they'd talked, they hadn't discussed what they were really going to do in their future. She was certain though that whatever happened, and no matter how many obstacles they had to face, they'd get through it. She glanced down at her watch; 15 minutes until they both left, and he was no longer her CO; 15 minutes until her new life began. Glancing up, she saw Jack standing in the door, hands shoved in his pockets, and a smile on his face.

"Hey, you," he said. He'd felt a small pang at the thought that there would be no more dropping by her lab any time he wanted.

"Sir," she replied smiling back.

"Wanna come up to the control room with me? We're about to send supplies through to P5X, something, something, something, and I'm going to watch the gate engage one last time as base commander. Daniel thinks it's significant or something." She could see a hit of sadness in his eyes that echoed her feeling only moments before.

"I'd love to."

They started walking down the corridor. He glanced down at his watch. "Thirteen minutes."

Sam looked down at the floor. She could feel the blush creeping up her face. It was good to know he was watching the minutes tick down too. "Can't wait, Sir," she told him.

"I feel a bit redundant today," he told her casually. "Of course I generally feel that way."

"Is General Landry settling in?" She asked.

"Already looking at new wallpaper samples." General Hank Landry had been in contact with Jack for several weeks now and had arrived the day before for what turned out to be a very brief rundown by Jack. Hank had grasped the finer points right away, thanks to Jack's meticulous paperwork, which Jack told him he'd better not tell anyone about, or there would be serious consequences, and the fact that Walter was there, who Jack explained was the real brains behind the operation.

"It's going to be strange for everyone not having you around, Sir."

Jack looked at her out of the corner of his eyes. "Hopefully some people will still have me around."

"Hopefully," she told him as they reached the control room, and he motioned her in before him. Daniel and Teal'c were standing behind Walter, waiting patiently. "O'Neill, Colonel Carter," Teal'c greeted them.

"T, Daniel," Jack said, nodding at them.

"So, Jack, how does it feel?" Daniel asked.

"A bit nippy, to be honest," Jack replied.

"Come on, Jack! You were on the very first mission. It has to be a bit sad for you to be leaving all this behind."

Jack shot a quick glance at Sam. "Oh, I don't think I'm leaving everything behind. I will miss T's smiling face though."

"Indeed," Teal'c said, inclining his head, causing Sam to chuckle under her breath.

Jack turned looked down at the gate room, and saw SG-5 standing there, waiting to head out. They all looked up towards the control room, and came to attention. "Dial it up Walter," he said. Watching the chevrons lock and the event horizon kawoosh out, and collapse back into itself, he felt a fleeting moment of sadness. He knew Daniel was right; he would miss this. Part of him hated to leave, but in doing so, he was getting everything he wanted. He leaned over and spoke into the microphone, "SG5, you have a go." The entire team executed perfect salutes, which Jack returned. He had to admit he was touched by the gesture. They turned and walked through the gate, and the former SG1 all stood silently watching as the wormhole collapsed, and the gate room stood empty.

"So," Daniel said, breaking the silence. "Tell me that didn't get to you."

Jack considered a smart comeback, but decided Daniel deserved more than that. "I have to admit, I might have felt a little something, Daniel. And, yes, I will miss this place, and the people." He looked over at his faithful gate tech, "Especially you, Walter."

"Likewise, Sir," Walter told him. "It won't be the same without you."

"Probably quieter though, and there will be more cake in the commissary."

"Ja-ack," Daniel said, drawing out his name.

"Calm down, Daniel. It's not like I'm leaving forever. As head of HWS, I will have to come back here on occasion. Of course with you headed off to Atlantis, and T headed back to the Free Jaffa Nation," he looked at Teal'c. "Is that really what you're calling it? It's not very snazzy you know. Doesn't just roll off the tongue. Perhaps you should bring that up."

"I shall consider it, O'Neill."

"Great, I'll have to think up some suggestions."

"I look forward to it," Teal'c said with the slightest hint of a grin.

Jack turned back to Daniel. "Anyway, with everyone scattering, it's not like you'll be here either. Things change Danny, and sometimes it's for the best." He looked over at Sam, and then down at his watch. "Well, what do you know, time's up. Now, if you'll all excuse me, I have plans." He nodded to them all before turning away.

Sam could feel everyone's eyes on her, and blushed. She looked down at her watch too. "Um, yeah, I've got to go too. I'll see you all, um later."

Daniel and Teal'c exchanged glances. "I'm sure you do. Have a good time."

Sam felt her blush deepen, and she turned practically running out of the room.

Walter turned and looked at the still smiling Daniel. "You think they're..." he stopped, unable to finish his sentence.

"Indeed," Teal'c told him.


Jack was leaning up against his truck waiting for Sam. When she finally arrived, he gave her a lopsided grin. "You're late, Carter. What took you so long?"

"Bill-Dr. Lee, cornered me in the hall. I tried to get away as quickly as possible. You know how he is."

Jack did indeed know, having spent more time with the good scientist than he cared for. "Still, you're here now, and that's all that matters."

Sam had the insane urge to kiss him right there. It was only her iron will that stopped her. "Yes, it is."

They stared at each other awkwardly for a moment. "So…"

"Your house or mine?" Sam asked with a grin that sent Jack's heart racing.

"Lady's choice," he told her.

"Yours. Let's go."

Jack smiled broadly. "Perfect. How quickly can you drive?"

"You know me," she said, unlocking the door to her small car. "I like speed. Race you?"

"You're on." Jack hopped in his truck and followed her as she sped out of the parking lot.

They arrived at his house in record time. Jack stared at her, holding his breath. "Are you sure about this, Sam?"

Sam could hear the uncertainty in his voice. She crossed the small space between them, placing both hands on the side of his face, and pulled him down for a searing kiss. Jack groaned, dragging her firmly against his body. Sam's hands moved to his shoulders, the down his sides, until she found his t-shirt under his uniform jacket. She tugged it free, and touched his warm skin, unable to believe she was finally allowed to touch him so intimately. For his part, Jack let his hands roam down from her hips, to the swell of her ass, pressing her into his growing erection. When Jack suddenly pulled away, Sam looked at him in confusion. "I think maybe we should move this inside, don't you?"

Sam's eyes widened with the realization that they were still standing in Jack's driveway. His house was mostly secluded from his neighbors, but still, they were making out like desperate teens, and she could only imagine how embarrassing it would be if someone caught them. Well, Jack probably wouldn't care, but she would. This was so outside the realm of her carefully constructed life that she suddenly felt giddy. "We could do that, I suppose."

"By all means, after you." He followed her up to the front door, and pushed it open.

"You should really lock your door," she chided.

With a quick motion, he turned the dead bolt, and gave her a sly smile. "You're right, wouldn't want anyone walking in on us now would we?"

"No, we wouldn't." Sam's voice was breathless as the thought of being alone with him in his house.

"Nervous?" He asked, seeing her look around anxiously. When she nodded, he blew out a breath. "We don't have to…you know. We could just sit and talk or something."

"Jack O'Neill," she said, stepping closer to him. "I have waited 8 years for this. The very last thing I want to do is spend more time talking. I just want you, and I want you now."


I had planned more chapters, but I think this is the perfect place to end it. No more talking, just full on hot sex, even if I didn't write it (this time). I'm sure you all have lovely imaginations that can fill in the blanks. ;)