Alright, first of all I want to say that I know there are stories similar to this out there, but I will try my best to make this story different from the rest. I hope you guys can be just as supportive as you were on the first story, you guys are all awesome. So I hope you enjoy this.

Nothing gave her chills than remembering that night. Heading into the police station, being sat down and told every little detail of what had went on in her own home, the consequences of his actions, not even being able to see him never mind speak to him. To tell him that she loved him regardless, that she always would. They told her… 'he's too dangerous.' But they couldn't tell her about her own husband. They didn't know him like that, not the way she knew him. It was that night where she found out that begging didn't apply to cops, even when she screamed and cried. How could they tell her to go home and get some sleep when her home was closed off with bright yellow tape around it for the world to see, how could she go home and tell Colt what he had done.

Finally seeing him after everything had calmed down, it was like she hadn't seen him in years. He sat across from her, twisting his wedding band around his finger and not staring directly at her. All he muttered to her was…

"I had to do it." Punk said, looking across at April, guilt in his eyes, "I had no choice."

She understood him, she didn't look to him to blame, she looked at herself, if she hadn't ever brought up his brother to him before, all the way back to when she was pregnant with Scarlett, he wouldn't have been so worked up about him for the years that went by. He didn't deserve this. Punished for protecting his own family, for standing up for his own wife, his kids. He didn't deserve punished.

But the punishment wasn't being in prison, the punishment wasn't wearing the same clothes nearly every day or sharing a cell with some stranger, lying on a rock hard bed, freezing cold, it was the punishment of being locked away from the people he loved who was told he was too dangerous to visit, that he wasn't all connected in his brain just yet. That was his punishment.

It had been a long five years. Each day dragged, each Christmas, each birthday, his included, the days went on and on, she found herself being less stable as each day passed. The one thing she feared, the one thing she was always scared of, was being alone. Her children having no father anymore, not that they even remembered who or what a father was, especially Kaia. All they knew was their mother and their uncle. Nothing else about dad clicked in their minds. And that, was his punishment.

"What age she now?" His cell mate walked in through the steal door, looking at the heavily tattoo'd man, doing what he done every year on this particular date, tally marking the back of a picture of Scarlett.

"7." Punk croaked. He done it with all of his pictures that Colt had handed into him in a letter, unfortunately not being able to give face to face, but wanting him to still get them. The back of Kaia's picture had 5 tally marks, the back of April's had 32 and the back of their wedding picture had 6.

"Second grade?" His cell mate, Ben asked.

"Yeah." Punk nodded.

"Remind me why you still haven't been allowed out to visit yet?" Ben asked, lying up on the bed across from Punk.

"Wish I knew the answer to that." Punk said, collecting all his pictures up together, sitting them on the stoned wall above his bed.

He was glad he was landed with a nice guy for a cell mate, just like Punk, Ben was in for similar reasons, but yet Punk was treated differently from him.

He had just spent the past five years wondering. Wondering what his daughters actually looked like now, he didn't know, he hadn't seen them and he hadn't seen April either for her to show him pictures of them. He sometimes wondered if they were even in Chicago anymore. Had April found comfort in another man, he prayed to god she hadn't. He just wanted to know they were all ok, that was all he wanted, but even he knew, if he was allowed visitors now, things would just be awkward, he'd want to hug her and kiss her, talk to her for hours and he couldn't do that.

"Hope she had a good birthday man." Ben smiled over to Punk.

"Me too." Punk muttered under his breath.

With April…

To this day, she still didn't know what had went on that day, she knew it was clear to see, Punk killed his brother, out of years of frustration, years of pain, but she didn't actually know what happened, she never thought she would. She went to the prison once a week, just to see if there was a small chance of seeing him, but she got turned down every single time. She wondered why she even bothered anymore.

Even though she was mad at him in the beginning for only beating up Mike, people must have thought she was insane to stick by Punk after killing him. She knew him, she knew him better than anyone and she knew he wouldn't have killed him out of pleasure or because he just felt like it, but because his family had been called into the situation, for what Mike done to her that still gave her nightmares, he done it because his love for his family was too strong and he couldn't bear to know that his brother was still out walking in the streets free after attacking him and his family.

The aftermath of everything was horrible, after court, having to say that one final goodbye, not even allowed to have one night together, one last night, all she had was a few minutes in a room to express her love for him and it wasn't enough, she still had nightmares of the way they just came in and pulled him by the clothes, slamming the door away from his image, knowing that was the last image she was going to see for the next 6 years until he was let out.

People walked by on the street, shouting things to her, telling her he got off easy, and she wondered how could they possibly think 6 years away from his family, his children, his friends, how was that being let off easy, she understood he could have been given a lot more years, but six was dreadful and almost too hard to understand.

WWE had erased him from everything, absolutely everything. They even banned people from wearing his past t-shirts to shows. His legacy died, the respect he had amongst everyone in WWE and outside in the universe was lost.

She sent things to him, letters, new pictures, telling him about everything that was going on, but she doubted that he ever got them, the only thing he had ever got was the first letter from Colt which had some pictures and a loving message from him, everything else went straight from April to the cops trash can.

She was told that if Punk didn't have a restraining order against Mike, Punk would have got sentenced to 12 years in prison, but because Mike was seen as a criminal in his own defence, Punk got let off 'easily.'

She missed him so much, the little things were what got her the most. When she lies on the couch these days, she just waits for him to come over and sit down, shuffle head on his lap and feel him stroke his hand through her hair, or how he'd spell out her name with the syrup when he made her pancakes in the morning, or going to the ice cream shop with the girls and accidentally ordering an extra mint choc chip to take him and realising the only person receiving it would be the freezer.

It was hard, life without him. It gave her a glimpse of how cruel the world was without having someone that loves you by your side. She missed holding his hand, stealing a kiss from him whilst he made dinner, watching him play with the girls until her eyes got sore. In a way, she was also being punished as well as him, the only difference was, she still had her baby girls, she had got to watch them grow, one of the most precious things in life, but she had to do it alone and that was what hurt the most.

"Mom!" Scarlett screamed as she ran into the house, her sister trailing behind rolling her eyes, Colt closing the door behind them after picking Scarlett up from school and Kaia from kindergarten.

"There's my birthday girl." April smiled in the kitchen as she went and hugged Scarlett, crouching down a little to her height, "Did you have a good day?" She asked.

"Yeah." Scarlett nodded, "Can I go open my presents now?" She said with a hopeful smile.

"Yeah, on you go." April nodded, watching Scarlett run into the living room.

Kaia just looked up at her mother, "I'm hungry." She frowned.

"Kaia, you're always hungry." April tutted with a laugh.

It was sometimes a little hard to be around Kaia for April, she was just like Punk, The way she spoke, her attitude, the way she liked to dress without caring, but yet it made her smile to be reminded by Punk every day when she looked at her. It was sometimes nice.

"Go help your sister open her presents, there might be something for you there too." April nodded to her watching her face light up and run away from the kitchen, into the living room.

Colt was the same, he didn't really know what happened with Mike and Punk that night, how the police found out so quickly? Why Punk was so stupid to kill him? All he could remember was getting a screeching phone call from April in hysterics, barely being able to make out what she was saying.

"You alright?" Colt asked her, coming into the kitchen.

"Yeah." April nodded, "Why wouldn't I be?" She asked him.

"I don't know… You normally get a bit worked up around their birthdays." Colt said.

"Well I think that's normal. You know, kids are meant to see their father on their birthday." April snapped at him.

"I know." Colt nodded in understandment, "Have you been round to the prison this week?" He asked.

"No. What's the point? They turn me down every single week. It's obvious I'm not going to see him until he walks out they gates." April said, trying to focus on making dinner.

"You got another year until that happens." Colt said.

"I know. Thank you Colt." April nodded, "It's nice to be reminded how many years I have left until I see my husband by you every single day." April said, throwing the dish towel down and walking out of the kitchen.

Colt just leaned against the counter and sighed, running his hands over his face. He was nearly at the point of breaking down too, just as much as April was. He didn't think he could go another year now without Punk. He'd already done five, wasn't that enough?

Later that night…

"Did you have a good birthday?" April asked, Scarlett on one side of her, lying against her on the couch, Kaia on the other side lying against her too, both of them in their pyjamas as they watched the TV.

"Yeah." Scarlett nodded with a content smile, having had a great day with her family, which were only her mother, sister and Colt. That's all she knew to her family. Long after her third birthday, she stopped asking where daddy was and just got on with her life, just so easily, like her brain only thought Punk was just some sort of a person she had for her first two years on earth and then all you need is your mother. It broke April's heart to see her slowly forget him and not really remember him, who remembers things or people from when they were two? She certainly didn't.

"I love you." April said, kissing Scarlett's head, "And I love you." She said, kissing Kaia's head, watching them keep their eyes on the TV.

"And I love you." April muttered under breath, looking down at her wedding band.

"Mom." Kaia laughed, "You already said that." She chuckled, having heard her mother say the third I love you and wondering who it was to. Scarlett joined in with Kaia in chuckling adorably and April just smiled.

"Silly me." She said, hearing them giggle quietly, both of them snuggled into her. She was all they had, she was all they knew and she wouldn't let them down, not one step of the way would she let Scarlett or Kaia down, they were the only thing keeping her going to next year, to see Punk.

Bit of a undetailed start, I know. We still don't know what went on that night. Punk seems to be having a hard time as well as April. Will he get out before another year? How will things go when he does get out? All coming soon. REVIEW, FOLLOW, FAVE. Thank you for reading!

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