Summary: There are a lot of things Hiccup Horrendous Haddock is not: strong, athletic, popular— anything that helps not make high school hell. But he is the world's best hacker... not that anyone knows it. During a go to show the world his worth, he falls upon an illegal project labeled "Night Fury". Now Hiccup's stuck with a cyborg dragon and enemies on his tail. Yay...

How To Hack Your Dragon

This is Berk. It's twelve days North of hopeless, a few degrees south of freezing to death. It's located solidly on the Meridian of Misery. Okay, okay. Berk is nowhere near where I just explained. It's actually an island in Alaska. My village, if they still call it that anymore is, in a word, sturdy. It's been around for generations, and no one's moved away. And why would anyone want to? We have fishing, hunting, and a charming view of the sunsets. The only problems are the people themselves. They're all pure muscle and experts with anything that has to do with the word "strength". Everyone was the same— except me.

The oh-so-pleasant blare of my alarm clock shoved me out of bed. Quickly, I switched it off and anxiously listened to see if my dad had heard the noise. I breathed a sigh of relief as I heard snoring. If there was one thing I could always count on, it was the fact that my father could sleep through the Revolutionary War— twice.

To be honest, it was a bit of a stretch for my father to get me an alarm clock; we were those kinds of people. Well, he was. I think I would have died if I were that kind of person. Main reason that I was getting up before the sun; to get Gobber to open up the doors to school computer lab so I could live my life. My only— extremely lonely— life.

As I said before, almost the entirety of Berk's population was burly sport champions. It would be the entirety of Berk if it weren't for me: the walking fishbone. But I could also say the same about their intelligence. Almost the entirety of Berk needed their fingers in order to count. I didn't. Well, it wasn't only me: Astrid and Fishlegs had a brain too. They just... weren't like me.

I pulled on my jacket and grabbed an apple before I slipped out the door into the cold winter air. I walked to school as the sun began to rise, which was a spectacular sight, but I didn't have time to gawk over it. Just keep walking, just keep walking... For us, sunrise meant wake up time, and I would have been dead if anyone caught me. I sped up as I saw the doors to the school. For some reason, Berk actually wanted to be original for once, likely so that they could compensate for really everything else, and named it Dragon Academy, as if it were a private school. Which it wasn't.

Instead of waiting at the gates, I went around the back, where I was met up with Gobber, my two-limbed and easily swayed school counselor.

"There ye are. I thought the coyotes got to ya!"

"No way," I puffed out my chest, making fun of Snotlout in the back of my mind, "What would they do with all... this?"

Gobber shrugged.

"Well, they need toothpicks, don't they?"

I rolled my eyes as Gobber opened door to the computer lab.

"Now doncha go wild in there."

I smirked.

"Got it."

Gobber knew what trouble I could do with a computer; he taught me the basics. From there it just... escalated. Gobber didn't know how much until he found me looking at Snotlout's grades. And really, he still didn't know. I always played with him; it took two clicks of a board to get Gobber on a wild goose chase until I was done doing his thing. But today I was going to make my mark. Today—

"Also, I forgot to tell ye. The 'others' are doing their homework in there."

I groaned. Just what I needed; people who absolutely hated me. Gobber didn't have anything against what he called the 'others', but he helped me with them majority of the time. Today, apparently, wasn't one of them.

"Less got it."

"Ye'll be fine. Just don't draw too much attention."

I knew that I didn't have to draw attention to be noticed. Without another word, I opened the door just wide enough to slip myself through and closed the door. Quietly, I took a seat on one of the computers at the back end. Unfortunately, I realized too late that that was exactly behind Snotlout's seat.

"Hey, Useless! What are you doing up so early?"

That got everyone in the room's attention. Let me explain 'everyone'. We have Snotlout, who is a perfect picture of what Berk is: big, burly, huge egos, and miniscule brains. A few seats beside him was Tuffnut. He's not quite as big, but he's got the egos and the 'brains' that Snotlout has. Two rows in front of them are Ruffnut (Tuffnut's twin, enough said), Fishlegs (he's got major A's and is a little too big), and... Astrid.

Astrid. Astrid was a) probably the only person in this town without a nickname and b) My long-time, well-reasoned crush.

Unfortunately, she, amongst everyone else in this school, only knew me for my nickname 'Hiccup'. That's right. That's what everyone in this town calls me: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock. My real name is Princeton Landon Haddock, but whatever. It could have been worse.

Actually, it couldn't have. I was labeled Hiccup after a very unfortunate incident including an experiment in my first-grade class that gave me the hiccups for weeks. Horrendous... oh that one was a fun story. Remember how I said that this town had the best athletic people? Well, my dad is THE best, and it's really the reason why he's mayor. Not that he didn't have other... more society-important skills. And I'm... well, me. Therefore, they all just knew me as Hiccup the Horrendous Haddock.

Tuffnut looked at me weirdly.

"What is he doing here anyway? His homework was probably finished, like, last week."

It wasn't true. I finished my homework the night before, like any other person. Tuffnut, however, probably would find me insane to do even that.

Astrid punched Tuffnut.

"Never mind," Tuffnut murmured.

I looked to Astrid, despite my best attempts, to find her once again engaged in whatever she was doing. I wasn't sure why she was doing it; Astrid was so much of a perfectionist it seemed irrational for her to be here. Then again, why was I here?

Snotlout took another look at me.

"He probably screwed it up and has to do it again. It's what he's best at!"

I promptly ignored that and sat down in the chair, my fingers clicking away at the keys madly. Snotlout suddenly gave a yelp.

"What's going on? Why isn't my homework showing up?"

It took all of my strength not to snicker. No, I probably shouldn't have done that, after all, from what I saw, Snotlout was halfway done, but it was some revenge. Plus, it got him working and away from me. A chill ran up my spine, though, when Astrid gave me a sideways look. I had a feeling she knew exactly what happened to Snotlout's homework. Whatever, I didn't have time. Today was the day. The day I showed my dad my worth, not by winning some dumb football game, but by finding the information from the candidate that was running against him that year.

I quickly searched up the name: Drago Bludvist. It wasn't long before I found the candidate page. From there, I did my thing. Soon, I was into the secure folders. Immediately, I went to go for the one labeled 'mayor election' as saved it onto my flash drive. I almost logged off, but something caught my eye. It was a file protected to the extremes, and I wondered...

It took me half and hour to crack it. Nearly everyone had left, except for Astrid, who I caught looking at me every now and then (and trust me when I say I was not flattered).

Project Night Fury was open in front of me. All I had to do was...

The bell rang. I had to go. With only a moment's hesitation, I saved it onto my flash drive. It wouldn't be missed for too long... right? I spun my fingers around the keyboard, quickly erasing my presence, which, however, took longer than normal. The late bell rang and I dashed off with my flash drive without a second thought.

"Is it ready?"

"Yes, sir, but..."

"Then awaken it!"

"That's the problem, sir. Someone went into our systems and. well, its gone! The remote... it's gone!"

Drago Bludvist let out a roar.

"Then find him! After years of researcher we will awaken that dragon once and for all!"

A/N: For the record, I have absolutely zero knowledge on hacking. I'm just winging it. Any advice on how to make it more realistic would be appreciated. So, um, review with your favorite part!

Review = Update

~ Sam