Disclaimer I don't own Percy Jackson or his friends, etc.

Warning many contain spoilers!

Right before going Delos the island which holds the God twins Artemis and Apollo Percy, Annabeth, Jason, and Piper go to another island close to have a picnic while Leo, Hazel, and Frank prepare for Delos and sturdy the ship after the massive storm.

The four of them were talking about all the adventures they had leading up to this. However it was mostly Percy and Annabeth. While talking the came across a few interesting things from Percy's powers.

"Yeah and then during my first capture the flag game Annabeth set me up as bait and I almost died" percy said as he glared at annabeth.

"Hey you should be thanking me that is when your father claimed you."

"Wait I know that when Percy is in water he is stronger and it heals him, but have ever tried to heal other people with water?" Jason asked

"Um, I don't think I have ever tried that..." Percy trailed off while pondering a possible power.

"Percy, you know what let's try it right now" Annabeth said eagerly while she pulled out her sword and gave a quick cut on her shin.

"What the hell Annabeth?" Piper and Percy yelled at the same time.

"Percy hurry and get some damn water and try to heal her, I'm going to grab some ambrosia from the ship in case you fail." Jason said as he flew into the air.

Percy was scrambling unsure what to do. Luckily Piper was able to calm him down with her charm speak.

"Percy get some water and calm down." Piper said without even realizing the charm speak.

Percy whisked some water from the ocean and brought it over annabeth's cut.

"What do I do know? What if the salt stings? What if I screw up?" Percy kept asking.

"Percy you can do this just focus on your power and think about it surging through and healing, think of the water as holy healing water or something" Annabeth said as she grabbed his hand.

Percy focused on the idea of holy healing water. Then he placed water all around his hand like a glove and set his hand on her cut. She didn't even flinch or love she hardly noticed he was touching her.

"Are you sure that is salt water? I mean shouldn't it be stinging or something?" Annabeth asked confused.

"Woah," Piper said staring at Annabeth's leg. "It's healing..."

Percy stopped and moved his hands. Annabeth's cut was closing, then fading, and the completely disappeared. Piper asked if she could take a small sip of the water. Percy motioned a small drop into her mouth.

"Woah, again," Piper said. "That doesn't taste anything like ocean water. In fact I don't think I have ever tasted anything like that before".

Percy took a sip and nodded slowly. "Your right it is different."

"Okay guys I brought extra ambriosa and nectar in case Percy just fucked her leg up more" Jason said as he flew down.

When he touched the ground he dropped the supplies surprised to see annabeth's leg fixed.

"Did you..."

"Yeah he did" Piper said in response.

Annabeth still sat on the ground pondering how Percy had the power to not only change the water but heal her leg.

"How did-" she started

"I don't know," Percy finished.

"Well Percy can create storms, breathe underwater, talk to fish and horses, health with water change water, and control water. Great definitely tops me." Jason said.

"No Percy can't control just control water, but any liquid..." Annabeth trailed off as she remembered watching Percy suffocate the goddess of misery with poison.

"What?" Jason asked

"I kinda controlled poison down in Tartarus..." Percy trailed off remembering the weird power he felt inside him and Annabeth's horrified face.

"Okay great...quick question can you control all forms of water?" Piper asked.

"Uh tell me what you mean by that?" Percy asked

"Oh my god Percy this is why you need to finish high school!," said Annabeth while playfully hitting him in the arm.

"As in can you control ice? Or maybe like water vapor in clouds?" Piper said.

Percy stood up. "Well I don't have any ice but Jason I bet you would love to bring a cloud down and then go get me some ice..." He said with a smile towards Jason.

"Only for the little mermaid" Jason said as he bowed and flew into the sky.

Jason retrieved to clouds. Briefly saying one was full of water vapor and the other full of forming ice crystals. Then he flew away to get actual ice.

"Okay let give this a shot," Percy said he focused on the cloud with water vapor. He thought of making in rain intensely hard. Next thing he knows he hears Annabeth and Piper screaming. He made it rain so much that the cloud was flying in circles out of control and soaking the girls.

"Percy, I really liked this outfit" Piper complained.

"How the hell did you get it to produce so much water?" Annabeth asked.

"Sorry ladies but once again an answer I don't have."

Then Percy got another idea if we was to try to control ice; freezing and melting it, maybe he should try evaporating it. He stuck out his hands towards the girls and imagined the water evaporating back into the sky. When he looked up both girls gasped.

"Percy? How did you do that?"

"I don't know"

Jason flew down with a bucket of ice, "hey guys look what I found. Wait why are you guys standing on an island in a large puddle of water?"

"Percy soaked with a rain storm and the managed to evaporate the water of us." Annabeth said.

"I guess that's another cool thing we can add to the list."

"Okay Percy try to unfreeze the ice cubes than re freeze them." Piper said watching closely.

Percy once again stuck out his hands and focused on water, pure liquid water. He choose not to open his eyes after hearing a few light gasps. He then started thinking about ice, and the solid form of water.

"You did it!" Piper said.

Then Annabeth and Piper started discussing.

"Woah man this is intense, but like air has water right. See that plant over there. Try to imagine a little sphere around it and try to imagine you are extracting all the water from that lite sphere."

Percy's head went why not? So he placed his hands out in front of him he did exactly what he Jason said. When he opened his eyes there was like a quart of water circling my hands and the flower turned brown and withered and the soil was dry.

"Woah, cool!" Jason said.

Before Percy could say anything Annabeth and Piper both came back.

"We figured it out." Piper said.

"Okay Percy can control water, but since the sky and clouds are in Zeus's domain Poseidon probably stays clear. Plus all Percy did was will the water not set the storm off." Annabeth said.

"Yeah and with the freezing and evaporating Percy isn't like Khione or Apollo or anything, but Percy wills the bonds in the water to change." Piper said.

"So I have full control of water and liquids because I can move them, will them, and change them, COOL!" Percy said.

"Don't get to ahead of yourself Percy. You can't drain all your powers. But hey to storm or fire the world must fall. What if we some how incorporate both. With Percy, Jason, and Leo the three of them could create the most massive storm and if they work together the least likely one will burn out."Annabeth said.

"Yeah that is great let's tell Leo, Frank, and Hazel when they get back."

The four returned to the ship with a new plan.