This is honestly a short teaser chapter for the next Arc.

Expect a long delay as I will be doing only Four chapters per Novel Volume now.



Radio Noise







Kamijou Tsubaki wasn't a person that people would call sad or depressed, despite her sarcastic and somewhat pessimistic outlook on life at times, she could and would always see the better side of people.

There were only a few that she didn't consider redeemable.

A Certain Family of Scientists.

The leader of the ARC Facility.

Queen Bitch Mugino



Although at times she wondered about Accelerator, she had seen hints of his humanity over the years.

But at times like now she couldn't see a single spark of decency in him.

"Mi-saka-san says slowly as her lungs stop..." Misaka 10030 gasped out with her last breath.

Tsubaki gently closed her eyes and muttered a quick prayer to whichever deity would take the poor girl.

Around her several other Misakas were working to clean up the evidence. It would be quick difficult Tsubaki reflected.

After all, half this damn alley was covered in the poor clones blood, as well as everything below her navel.

Tsubaki clenched her right hand so hard that her blood spilled forth unto the unforgiving concrete.


Geas Secondary Runic Nodule Failure

Aleister stared at the holographic screen before it with a hint of dislike.

"It is failing too fast" It muttered.

"Well then, that's what you get for creating such an opposing Geas to Kami-yan's nature" Came the unconcerned and almost lackadaisical drawl of the rooms other occupant.

Tsuchimikado Motoharu simply leaned against one of the far walls without a care in the world.

"You know why it was necessary!" Aleister rebuked Tsuchimikado.

"Nah, I know why You think it was necessary. But that doesn't mean that it actually was necessary. Did you think that Kami-yan would have taken on the world or something equally as dumb? While she plays the role of the class clown rather well, you and I both know..." Tsuchimikado paused here to stand up and stare Aleister in the face... sort of.

"...That if Kami-yan were to take your power curriculum, she would be the Eighth Level Five of Academy City" Tsuchimikado finished in a voice filled with conviction.

Aleister didn't respond, even it couldn't argue that point.

Tsuchimikado slowly walked to the teleport point as he reached it he stopped and half turned "Ya know, when Kami-yan gets loose of her Geas... There will be hell to pay. I hope you're ready to pay the Devil, because he'll give more mercy then Kami-yan"

Once again Aleister remained silent however the holographic screen that started this conversation drew its gaze once more.

Geas Integrity 1.5% and Falling

Estimate 36 Hours till Complete Failure

Aleister knew who Tsubaki's first target would be as well.

It only hoped that the city would survive their clash.

Accelerator had faced magic before after all.


The battle between Accelerator and Tsubaki will be epic, as to his knowledge of magic... why would the #1 Level 5 be unaware of such a thing, he almost certainly had to have crossed paths with a Magician at some point by the start of Canon.

The Mysterious Geas is straining and about to fail, I wonder why...

So prepare, for the Sister's Arc has begun.
