Astrid awoke late the next day again. She looked over to see a dark haired woman with a dragon tattoo on her face writing in a journal. She weakly tried to get up, but she couldn't and this only served to get the woman's attention, "Good morning, Astrid. How are you feeling?"

"Who are you?" Astrid flinched as the woman gently felt her forehead and cheeks.

"My name is Aislynn. I am from Eire, the islands to the east of here. Toothless came and got me when Hiccup didn't know what to do. I'm a healer, among other things. You have yet to answer my question though."

"I feel weak."

"And probably hungry too I'd wager. Let's get some tea and broth into you, get you into some fresh clothes and change your bed clothes too, and then we'll see if you're hungry after that. I have some good stew for you if you're feeling up to it."

"Where's Hiccup?"

Aislynn smiled, "He's over there on the cot. He was making himself ill worrying about you. I had to dose his tea to make him sleep. He should be waking up soon."

She poured Astrid some broth and tea and had her drink both. Astrid felt humiliated by having to have Aislynn feed her. She was as weak as a newborn kitten. Aislynn was gentle and kind, "I hate getting ill. It's frustrating when you want to do things and you can't because you lack the energy to do it. I guess the good thing is that the people who love and care for you don't mind doing it."

Once Astrid finished Aislynn helped her clean up and remade the bed. After she helped Astrid back into the bed and propped the pillows behind her she put a shawl over her shoulders and gave her a bowl of stew. At this point Hiccup woke up, Aislynn quietly took her leave.

Hiccup gently but firmly hugged Astrid and sat on the edge of her bed, "I'm so glad you're ok. I was scared I was going to loose you."

Astrid looked at him dumbfounded. "You were?"

"Yes. I care about you Astrid. Very deeply. I always have."

Then he did something that surprised Astrid. He kissed her.