I just wanted to say a few things before I started this story. I am not an English major or anything like that, so there WILL be some mistakes in my story. I am not perfect. Also, I rated this M because there will be a few lemons, but it might be a little while before they happen. Also there might not be a ton in this story, because honestly I don't think I do them justice! Ha. I will try my best! I hope you like this story! Leave me a review letting me know if you like it! Thanks for reading!

It's the first day of my junior year! Ughhh where did my summer go to? One more week, just let me have one more week of sleeping in!

"Let's go Ana," my dad Ray yells from outside of my bedroom door, "If you don't get up now you will be late for school!"

"Ok Ok! Im getting up!" I yelled back at him.

"Breakfast will be done in 5! Is Kate coming by for breakfast or is she just picking you up?"

"Make her some to; you know how Kate loves your food!" I say as I stretch and roll out of bed.

I walk to my bathroom and look in the mirror.

Wow Steele, don't you just look lovely this morning! Not!

I run and grab my phone and realize Kate will be here in about 5 minutes! No time to take a shower so I guess this mess you call hair will be up in a messy bun!

I quickly brush my teeth and run to my closet to find clothes.

I decide on a pair of distressed denim capris, a white tank and brown sandals. I choose some brown bangle bracelets and some gold earrings. I grab my brown purse and throw my shades on top of my head. I run back to the bathroom and wipe my face down with a cleansing cloth and quickly put a little bit of make up on. I decided to do simple and natural.

After I put my makeup on I run downstairs to see Kate shoving her face with food.

"Finally Steele!" she said with a mouthful, "you are going to make us late!"

"Sorry!" I said pouring me a glass of milk and sat down. I quickly ate some bacon and toast and we left.

"So, I wonder if we will have any classes together this year. Last year we got lucky! I doubt we will have every class together again!" Kate says as she parks, her new 2014 white Lexus she got for her 17th birthday, in a very good parking spot.

"Where was Rainey going to meet us?" I asked Kate as I shut the car door.

"Umm... I'm not real sure let me send her a text real quick" Kate said grabbing her bag out of the back seat and walking around the car.

"She said she is by our lockers! I am glad we came last week and got them so we were able to get three beside each other!"

"I know" I replied, "So Kate, who do you have your eye on this year? After all, you do have a new boy toy every year."

"Well… I don't have anyone in mind at the moment… Do you have anyone in mind? I mean come on Ana you and Jackson broke 5 months ago. He was such an ass."

Jackson Harris- I think I might have loved him, but I am not sure. I don't have anything to compare it to. He was a senior and I was a sophomore. To say he just sweep me off my feet would be an understatement, but after it was done, I wasn't sure if it was love or just lust. He was one of the hottest guys in our school. He was a jock, and knew he was good looking. We started dating about 2 weeks into my sophomore year. We dated for about 7 months. He was very patient about waiting on having sex until I was ready. Finally I decided I was ready; well let's just say he went from patient to rough. He wasn't gentle at all. It was my first time and it hurt so bad. He, of course, afterwards said how amazing it was and didn't pay any attention on how much it hurt me. We only dated for about 2 more weeks. He constantly tried having sex with me again, but I didn't want to. Especially if it was going to be like the first time. He ended up getting mad and we broke up. I was a little heartbroken at first, then he started screwing the school slut and that got me over him pretty quick!

"I don't really know if I want to date anyone right now Kate! I am OVER Jackson; I just don't think I care to date anyone right now. Unless for some reason my prince charming comes along and then maybe just maybe I will date!" We giggle knowing finding a prince charming at this school would be like finding a needle in a haystack!

"Ana, Kate!" Rainey comes running down the hall to us, "I thought you two would never get here!"

Kate cleared her throat, "Someone didn't want to get out of bed this morning!"

"What's new," Rainey joked as she put one arm through mine and one through Kate's and we walk to our lockers.

We don't even make it to our lockers and she is squealing and running back down the hall towards Derrick. They have been dating since her freshman year. He is a senior this year. They were the cutest couple ever. They were so in love it was crazy, and sometimes even sickening.

Well Kate and I didn't get so lucky. We discovered we only had one class together. Kate and Rainey had 3 classes together. Not fair. I didn't have any with Rainey and only one with Kate. This was going to be a long semester!

My first two classes went by pretty quick, Algebra II and English III. Next is Art class and we go to lunch right after. Then it's my last class physics. I went to Art and Derrick was in there. We were pretty close. I sat down by Derrick and he was talking to his friend. I think his name is Christian or something like that. I have never actually talked to him. He moved here a year ago. As I sat down Derrick turned to me, "What's up Ana."

"Hey Derrick, Christian!?" I said.

Christian nods his head and throws his hand up slightly as to say hello.

"This is going to be a fun class," Derrick said excitedly.

"I guess," I said, "I'm not very good at art though. Just taking this as one of my electives."

"Same here," Christian said. I turned quickly; I don't ever think I have actually heard him talk.
Rainey says he is totally different outside of school. He talks and is actually a pretty fun guy.

He smiles at me and I smile back. The teacher gives everyone our assignments and we all get started. We had to get a blank piece of paper and draw whatever we chose to on it.

I personally don't think I can draw a lick, but I can doodle. That is exactly what I did too! I doodled on the whole piece of paper until the bell rang for lunch. I looked over a Derrick who drew a baseball and a baseball field. It looked pretty good, and then I looked over at Christian's paper. My mouth dropped.

"I thought you said you couldn't draw?"

"I can't"

"I beg to differ. That feather looks amazing and with the birds flying away… I want a tattoo similar to that."

"A tattoo? Really?" he made a face.

"Yes, a tattoo. I might even let you draw it for me if you want. That feather looked awesome."

"I don't really like tattoos on girl," he said and walked out.

"Wow. Rude much?" I asked Derrick.

"You have to look past that. He is a really good person, he just has that bad boy attitude sometimes and doesn't care what people think. He also doesn't have a filter either!" he laughed and we walked to the lunchroom where Rainey and Kate where already waiting.

"Over here," we heard Rainey scream making us both laugh as we walked over to the table.

"The lunch sucks today," Kate says snarling her nose up.

"Its fine, I'm not hungry anyways," I said to her.

Christian, who was also sitting at the table quietly, looked at me as if I had two heads.

"What?" I said still aggravated at his comment earlier.

"You're really not going to eat anything?" he asked.

"Nooo.. Is that a problem?" I asked.

"I guess not, but there are starving kids that would love to eat this 'crap'" he said taking a bite.

I looked over at Kate and Rainey and we all rolled our eyes. I will have to tell him about that comment about the tattoo. They probably wouldn't like it either, because we plan on going and getting matching tattoos once we are all 18.

Lunch couldn't end quickly enough. I couldn't help but notice Christian staring at me the whole time. What was his deal? He is cute and all… well he is HOT, hotter than hot actually, but that doesn't give him the right to be rude and then stare at me.

Kate and I walk together to our class. I was excited; finally I have a friend in class with me. Yea Derrick and I are friends, but I wanted it to be Kate or Rainey in my classes. We walk in to Mr. Gregory's class and find two seats together. I quickly start telling Kate how strange Christian is acting and stuff, and right on cue in walks Derrick and Christian.

"Oh for the love, you have to be kidding me," I whisper to Kate.

She giggles knowing exactly what I am talking about.

"Ok class, welcome to Physics. If you are not supposed to be in here this is the time to go find your correct class. I will start my calling the roll. Once I have that done we will discuss lab partners," Mr. Gregory said as he grabbed his paper with the class roll on it.

"Yay hopefully he will let us choose our own partners," Kate squeals as he calls roll.

After he is through he grabs another piece of paper off his desk.

"Ok, everyone can grab their things and walk to the front of the room. You and your lab partner will be sharing a table the entire semester. I will call your names and left you know which table to go to. The tables are marked by numbers as you can see."

He starts going through the names on the list:

"Laken Brown table 1, Kimberly Davis table 8," and so on and so forth until he says, "Christian Grey table 5, Derrick Jones table 4," they grab their things and shrug their shoulders bummed that they aren't partners, "Katherine Kavanagh table 4," we both have pouty faces, finally he says, "Anastasia Steele table 5."

My mouth drops. I don't want to be his lab partner. Out of this whole class, why did I have to be his partner? We look at each other and give the other a not so pleased face.

I grab my things and walk over to the table. We sit silently waiting for the teacher to give us instructions.

"Ok today you are just going to get to know your partner. I want you to ask your partner these questions and write down their answer. This will go as a test score, so that means it is definitely mandatory." He passed the papers out and went back to his desk.

I reach in my purse and grab a pen. Might as well get this over with.

"Ok so question 1- What is your full name?"

He answers, "Christian Trevelyan Grey and yours?"

"Anastasia Rose Steele," I said reading the next question.

"Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

"Yes, a brother and a sister. Elliot and Mia. And yourself?"

"None. I am an only child. What's your favorite movie?"

"Hmmm…" he thought about it for a minute, "Probably Taken."

"I like that one too, but I think my favorite is… Sweet Home Alabama."

He laughs a little, "Really?"

"Yes!" I smile as a matter of factly.

"Do you like sports?" he asked the question this time.

"They aren't my most favorite thing, but I don't hate them. You?"

"Not really my thing anymore. I played baseball at my last school, but I haven't played since I have been here."

"What do you do in your free time?" I ask.

"I go to parties, play the piano and guitar…You? What do you like to do for fun?"

"That wasn't really the question. I like to read and dance in my free time and sometimes sing."

"You can sing?" he asked.

"Well anyone can sing, but not everyone is good at it. I don't really know if I am good at it, I don't ever let anyone hear me."

"I'd like to hear you one day," mumbled a little and froze as if he didn't mean to say that out loud.

"Ok… We have 5 questions left. Who is your best friend?" I ask not even commenting on his last remark. He must be bipolar or something.

"Derrick," he says, "Yours?"

"I can choose. Both Kate and Rainey are my best friends."

"Ok, I will just put them both down. What is your favorite drink?"

"Milk, yours?"

"Milk? Wow ok well if I'm being honest alcohol, but let's not put that, so I will say water." He smiled real big.

Wow that smile. I could get used to seeing that for sure. He definitely has a panty-dropper smile. Is it hot in here to anyone else…? Whew!

"Water; got it," I say, "What is your favorite possession?"

"My piano and guitar" he says.

"Mine is my mother's wedding and engagement ring," I say sadly, "she died from cancer 3 years ago."

"I'm sorry," he said.

"It's fine. Ok 2 more questions. What are your life goals?"

"I want to own my own company and become a billionaire."

"Whoa. Ambitious one aren't you? I would either like to own my own dance studio, or do something in publishing."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

I looked down on the paper quickly, because I know that question was not on it.

"Ummm… No, but that wasn't one of these questions either."

"I know! I was just curious," he said.

"You do know curious killed the cat right?"

He smiled, "If you could talk to one person for 10 minutes, and it can be ANYONE, who would it be and why?"

"My mom," I replied, "Because there are so many things I wish I could talk to her about. Love, girl things, boys, everything! Ten minutes would not be enough though…" I look away fighting back the tears, "And you?"

"My mom," he said just looking down at his paper.

We sat in silence for about 5 minutes and I broke the silence.

"It says here at the bottom that we have to take each other to one of our favorite spots. We have until next Friday to go and we have to take a picture together at each place so he will know we actually went."

"Ok. I am free whenever. Here's my number," he grabs my hand, opens it, then writes his number down. Whoa I wiggle my fingers a bit. What was that shocking feeling? I think he felt it too, because he turned and shook his hand. I wanted to test it so I grabbed his and wrote my number on his hand and sure enough there it was again.

I have a feeling this is going to be a very interesting class.

Thanks for reading!

I hope you liked the first chapter. Please review and follow! (: