I'll admit; I'm not a massive fan of Destiny. The game was enjoyable but felt like it only tapped a small percentage of its potential. The 'Ruthless Queen' was a fascinating character but we tragically saw little of her or the Reef that treads light and dark. This is an attempt to at least give her some time to shine. This fic will be seen through the eyes of a female Human Warlock though, and yes, I took one or two liberties, the game hardly explains all.

Chapter One

It was strange. After the final fight against the old God in the Black Garden, she expected things to have changed somehow. Like the fight would have shaped the entire galaxy. That Guardians would strike back at the Darkness in an unstoppable tidal wave of righteous fury, reclaiming what was lost so long ago.

And yet, very little had changed.

The Fallen still pressed at the borders of the last City. The Cabal, despite the Guardians seemingly devastating strikes against their leadership had quickly reorganised and tightened their grip even further on Mars. Hive still lurked in the shadows.

Even the Vex, despite losing, from an outside perspective at least, a crucial part of their war machine, still managed to hold their own on multiple fronts.

Despite all the speeches and praise that the Speaker had lavished on the Guardians upon their return after the victorious fight, it had only bought breathing room and little else. Vague predictions of the Travellers healing were all well and good to the hopeful, but for others used to cold hard facts felt differently- it was a worrying idea that the Traveller may have been starved of life too long to be functional once more.

Sighing at her own melancholic thoughts, Elissa pushed away from the railing that supported her view of the sprawling City.

Perhaps her victory had provided the morale boost the City desperately needed to push the Darkness back further, it was hard to tell. One thing that was certain though was that overgrown organ needed to die.

And die it did. Elissa thought with a smirk, rolling her shoulders to loosen some of the muscles.

The fight had been long and hard and not without scars. Elissa winced as her ribs groaned in protest as she continued to experimentally test her body's limits. She had been impaled by a teleporting Minotaur that like its ancient namesake of old had charged her. Had it not been for her ability to summon arcane powers, the machine likely would have ended her.

Elissa's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps echoing behind her, making no attempt to hide their presence. Perhaps wary of the last time someone had snuck up unannounced on the Warlock.

Elissa continued to browse the wares of the gunsmith hoping in vain he was selling something worth spending her bottomless pit of glimmer on. No such luck though, as he continued to stock low quality weapons unsuited for a Guardian of her ability.

Just before she turned to leave, a hand appeared and grabbed her by the shoulder. Reacting automatically, Elissa pivoted on her left foot and used the momentum of her right leg to sweep away the legs of the person who had dared to touch her.

The man went down with a crash, all limbs and a flamboyant cape that revealed the identity of her unfortunate victim- her Hunter team mate, Crayta.

Elissa had apologised profusely afterwards of course, she was a warrior but not unversed in social manners. After all felling Guardians in full view of the courtyard was considered rude. Crayta had laughed it off though, as he did most things. Hunters tended to be less serious than most, certainly more light-hearted than her other teammate, Xon, the Exo Titan who made the third member of her team.

"You should be relaxing with your fellows, Guardian" The docile voice from behind said. Elissa didn't even need to turn to know who was addressing her- The Speaker.

Turning on her heel, Elissa dipped her head low in acknowledgement. While technically the Speaker only guided the Guardians, everyone knew he was the true authority in the City. New Monarchy beliefs notwithstanding.

"I find quiet contemplation a balm for any ills I have".

The Speaker, as he often did, stayed silent for a few beats before answering. "Your wounds trouble you."

"I am fully healed and ready for action." As if in response to the words, Elissa's body thrummed with pain and she stooped slightly- traitor!

The Speaker titled his head in a silent question and the red head cringed at her own weakness.

"Perhaps I am not ready yet" she grudgingly admitted.

"I know you feel frustration that you are unable to return to the fight just yet". The Speaker said, moving to stand alongside Elissa to stare out at the vast City. "But perhaps there is another way you can serve."

Excitement briefly coursed its way through Elissa as she considered the possibility of returning to the field which was followed immediately by dread as she considered the option that she may be about to be retired to a desk job, or worse, selling scraps of armour for tokens.

She could never have guessed the Speaker's true intentions however.

"The Queen of the Reef has reached out to us. It seems she has been impressed by the Guardians destruction of the Black Garden." The Speaker turned to Elissa before continuing. "She has discussed opening diplomatic channels."

Elissa's brows shut up as she considered the possibility; The Awoken in the Reef had survived for an age, isolated and alone. Their expertises, knowledge and military support could make a real difference to Humanity's last City. If the Queen was making a show of friendship, it was only logical the chance be seized upon.

"Will you be sending diplomats to speak with her?"

The Speaker studied her closely for a second before answering.

"Just one actually."

She couldn't be sure, but Elissa could have sworn at that point the Speaker was smiling. "It is of course your decision, who will be you sending?"

The silence was deafening, and an answer in itself to Elissa.

"Me?" She asked quietly. Upon not getting a response she continued "but I'm just a soldier. My skills include shooting people in the head occasionally punctuated by hurling glass cannons at other people, not talking the leader of a sovereign nation into aiding us."

This time the Speaker did deign to answer, and shook his head slowly before answering. "You have successfully negotiated with the Queen before, and it is my belief she will be more amenable to your presence as a warrior than a trained diplomat; they respect strength Guardian. Sending someone unfamiliar with combat will make us appear weak in the eyes of the Awoken."

Realising she was running out of logical arguments, Elissa flailed her arms against the notion. "Why me and not Crayta or Xon then? They were just as influential as I was to ending the threat of the Black Garden?"

This time the Speaker actually did laugh. "Your companions, while loyal and potent warriors, lack the certain... finesse you do."

What? The Mohawk inappropriate Hunter and the silent may-be-a-sociopath-Titan are not diplomatic material?

"And unlike you" The Speaker said softly "They have returned to the field. You are the best choice for this mission Guardian."

Elissa leaned back against the railing and sighed while running her hand through her flame coloured hair. "Of course, I'll serve in whatever capacity the Traveller needs of me."

"This mission is of upmost importance Guardian" The Speaker said more firmly "I should not need to mention how beneficial any potential alliance would be."

Elissa straightened at the prospect of making a difference and sharply saluted. "I'll do my best. When do I leave?"

"Immediately, it would be unwise to keep the Queen waiting." The Speaker turned to leave before stopping "Light be with you, Guardian." And then he was gone, leaving the Warlock to digest the information alone.

Tapping the device on her wrist, Elissa pulled her Ghost from his storage.

"Why couldn't you have just enjoyed the rest like a normal person" He complained, shaking his head at the same time.

Elissa smirked before starting off in the direction of the hangar bay. "And miss all the fun? Never."

The Ghost made a noise that suspiciously sounded like groan before answering "If I had a speck of light for every time I regretted reviving you we wouldn't even need the Travellor. I could smother all our enemies in a loving shroud of death."

"Aw, you love me really" Elissa teased, not in the least put out.

"Let's just get this over with." Ghost grumbled, as he and his human descended towards their ship, ready to start their long journey to the Reef.