We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light - Plato

Dear Uncle

I have so much to tell you. Do you believe in love at first sight? I know I never did until today when I came upon the most beautiful girl in London. As part of my schooling I am allowed to take part in extra-curricular activities after class. I was searching for something to occupy my time outside of study when I came upon a flyer for the London Theatre Company's production of Romeo and Juliet calling for people to audition. I thought it would be an interesting thing to do, so I went to the auditions.

I was sitting there in the theatre, one of at least one hundred people. The theatre was full of people from all walks of life. It was quite an interesting mix of class if I do say so myself. In any case I was sure that I did not stand a chance amongst so many people (most of them I am sure accomplished actors).

I was minding my own business, busily trying to remember the audition piece I had chosen when I saw a girl walk into the theatre out of the corner of my eye. Uncle I do not know how else to describe it but she just took my breath away upon first sight. She was not the type of girl that typically would draw my attention, she was somewhat short and had jet black hair. However there is something special about this girl that allures me. I cannot describe it.

Anyway I was sitting quietly, awaiting my audition when the Director called my name to audition. They also called for a Maria. I did not hear the last name as I was so nervous about the audition. I made my way up to the stage, turned around and guess who was standing before me? Would you believe the very girl who had drawn my attention earlier! If that is not a perfect example of fate I do not know what else is!

Upon admiring her from a shorter distance I was able to notice her incredible eyes. Uncle I do not speak falsely when I say they are truly the colour of the ocean. They seem to sparkle just like the ocean does in the sunlight as well. Listen to me, I really do sound smitten.

Anyway the audition piece that we had to perform was the balcony scene between Romeo and Juliet. Maria, the girl before me was an amazing actress and I am afraid made me look much more capable than I truly am. Much to my surprise, I somehow got through the scene without completely embarrassing myself, and would you believe it, we both got the roles. I have to say I am so excited! Please promise you will try and make the journey to London to see the play on opening night?

Robert Watson

John put down the letter from his nephew and decided to write a reply while he had a spare moment.

Dear Robert

To answer your question, the only thing that I really believe in is hard work. I am probably not the best person to ask about love. My heart has proven to be a miserable compass throughout my lifetime. I only hope yours proves to be a better guide than mine.

I will say this though. Do not let this young lady and her eyes of the ocean distract you from your schooling endeavours and your ultimate ambitions. It is your education that will allow you to follow your passion in medicine. It is likely this girl will provide you with a distraction at best.

I will attempt to come and see your play although I cannot make any promises.

Best of luck with your upcoming exams.

John Thornton

Some years had passed since John Thornton had bid farewell to Margaret Hale. His dreams had been haunted by the memory of her stepping into her carriage and being driven away, disappearing forever into the white snow, never to be seen or heard from again. The immense heartbreak that John suffered was not without consequence. His soul was lonely, his disposition ridged and his manners short.

Despite on occasion enjoying the company of a woman for a price, John remained an adamant bachelor and devoted himself to his work. He had been fortunate that some years ago when all seemed lost, a London investor took an interest in cotton and provided finance sufficient for the mill to continue operation. The same person had bought the land from Margaret Hale within 2 years of her leaving Milton to become his landlord.

What started out as an excruciating ache in his heart wanting for Margaret eventually became a numb void in his soul. It was a void that he never acknowledged openly or even to himself for that matter.

The only thread of love in John's life was that of his sister Fanny and nephew Robert. When his brother in law Watson passed away, Fanny and Robert moved back into the old family home despite the inheritance that they had received from Watson's estate. John loved Robert like a son and provided everything that a father should provide and more. He also ensured that Robert had the best education opportunities available as John valued education highly and always regretted never being able to pursue his education to satisfy his thirst for knowledge.

John shook his head sceptically as he imagined Robert being distracted by the first pretty face that he saw in the theatre. He promptly put the letter into the envelope, sealed it and continued with his large stack of paperwork by candlelight.