A/N: Ah, hello everyone! This is my first fanfic to come out to the public. Nothing's gotten past a notebook or piece of paper, haha. That being said I do hope you enjoy the first chapter of this story. Please consider leaving a review to support my work if you truly like it! It would mean a lot to me. So, enjoy!

The months between August and December had gone by in a flash. But with every day the Pines twins, Dipper and Mabel, would think of their most recent summer that they had spent with their Grunkle Stan in Gravity Falls. They didn't dislike their actual home, but their summer vacation had been the most excitement the now teens had experienced in their young lives. The next summer felt too far away until they received the news from their parents about going back for their winter break and to stay for Christmas and New Year's Day. At first they questioned the decision considering Christmas was more of a... Close family sort of holiday(not to say they weren't close with Stan.) Their parents chuckled warmly at their bewilderment and explained that they, unfortunately, would be leaving town for a conference relating to their jobs. They had tried to get out of it, but didn't let it bring them down since they knew their children had deeply enjoyed their time in Gravity Falls. The twins shrugged it off almost instantly and ran upstairs to plan on what to bring. Their winter break was beginning in a mere week.

When the time finally came to get on the bus to Gravity Falls, their parents waved them off with jubilant smiles. Dipper and Mabel returned them, waving back from the back window of the bus. The young pair took their seats properly when the vehicle began moving. Surprisingly, the bus was heated rather well. Dipper removed his coat, revealing his usual dark blue vest which rested on a now long-sleeved red shirt to accommodate the colder weather. Mabel did the same, though her outfit choices hadn't changed. The only difference were longer pairs of socks to make up for her continuing to wear skirts despite the dropping temperature.

"Ooh! This is so exciting, Dipper!" Mabel gushed, practically bouncing off of her seat. "I'll get to see Candy and Grenda again! And Waddles! Do you think it's gonna snow? Maybe there's already snow!"

Her excitement was evident, earning a soft laugh from her twin. He too was excited, but had a bit more self control than Mabel. Dipper would occasionally look out the window to check the progress of their ride. He wondered if anything might be different in Gravity Falls during winter. Were there new creatures to search for? Maybe an evil Santa beast similar to the Summerween Trickster. There was so much to look forward to and it all made the bus ride feel excruciatingly long.

"Hey! Let's play bus seat treasure hunt," Mabel suggested, she too feeling a bit stir crazy from the seemingly never-ending bus ride.

"Alright. I guess it would help pass the time a bit," Dipper reasoned, a small smile on his face.

The two scooted apart and lifted up the bus seat, examining the contents hidden underneath.

"Let's see..." Mabel leaned in closer for a better look. "We've got some pebbles, a used tissue... Plenty of chewed gum and- Woah! Ten bucks!" She made a grab for the money and let the seat cushion fall back to its original spot.

Dipper leaned over, amazed that something actually valuable was under one of the seats.

"As the older twin, and also having suggested we look, I say that I deserve this," Mabel claimed, smiling proudly to herself.

Dipper rolled his eyes, "If you say so." He already had his own supply of money which he was rather frugal with, so allowing his sister to keep this small amount wasn't a big deal. Chances were she was going to spend it on something silly like glitter. Or worse, smile dip.

It seemed that their little bus adventure did pass the time because the twins noticed the familiar "Welcome to Gravity Falls" sign. They both gasped in the realization that they were almost there. Dipper pulled his coat back on, nudging his sister to coax her to do the same. Though she seemed more interested in taking the familiar sights of the town they had been in only a few months earlier. Their bus came to a halt and the twins hurried for the bus door with their luggage. The ground was powdered white, suggesting it had snowed not long ago. This earned a joyous squeal from Mabel. It meant the possibility of a white Christmas was definitely there.

"Dipper! Isn't it great to be back?!" Mabel looked expectantly at her brother who smiled and laughed in response.

"It is," he replied simply.

The two practically ran all the way to the Mystery Shack, unable to wait any longer to get settled in and start having some fun in their summer paradise. They approached the shack, taking in the familiar sights, including the fallen "S." Mabel ran inside first, being closely followed by Dipper. The door creaked softly as they entered and called out for their great uncle. Wendy was still around, working the register and immediately came over to her familiar friends.

"Hey! Mabel. Dipper. I didn't know you guys would be coming up here. What's up?" She patted both their heads, a huge smile taking the place of the usual bored frown she sported while working.

"Our parents had to travel somewhere for work so we get to stay here for our winter break," Dipper chimed.

"Dude, that's sick. I'll be working, like, everyday so we can hang out or something."

"What about spending time with your family?" Mabel questioned.

Wendy snorted and shook her head. "Trust me. Working here is way better than spending the holidays with my dad."

The twins could believe it easily. Wendy's dad was certainly... Something.

"Do you know where Grunkle Stan is?" Dipper looked around the gift shop, expecting to have seen the old man around.

"He's out giving a tour right now. But I'm sure he'll be back soon. He probably didn't know when you guys would be getting here."

Dipper nodded in understanding, "Yeah, I guess he didn't know if the weather would be bad or not. Well, I guess we'll go put our stuff up in our room."

Mabel led the way as Dipper waved goodbye to Wendy who took her spot back behind the register and began reading a magazine. The attic was the same as usual, minus the covers on the beds, and bare walls next to them. The same old mold spots were up on the rafters which Mabel has named fondly back in the summer. Dipper threw off his coat and flopped onto his bed.

"Our whole winter break in Gravity Falls! This is gonna be great."

His sister nodded rapidly and began unpacking. This was going to be one the greatest Christmases they would ever have. Partially because this was their first Christmas away from home. Dipper pulled out his journal from his suitcase and flipped through the familiar pages. The mysteries of Gravity Falls were once again in his reach. Nothing was going to ruin this vacation.