Hello and welcome to my new fic! This is my first shot at a Lord of the Rings fic, so please be gentle.

Summary: Elves are immortal, right? So what if Legolas was real, and had lived through all the ages of the world? This is set up in a "The Vampire Lestat" form, since I have been reading The Vampire Chronicles, and am getting quite obsessed. The first chapter is abnormally short, but it's just an introduction, the later chapters will be much longer. This is the story of Legolas' life. He tells all! Will his story be interesting? I sure hope so! Please Read and Review!!


I'm Legolas Greenleaf. Though, I suspect you now that, right? In a sense however, I'm not entirely the Prince of Mirkwood.  Allow me to explain. You probably realize that in this modern day and age, Legolas isn't a name many people have, so I changed it to something more reasonable. Jordan Smith. The title doesn't suit me as well as "Legolas Greenleaf, son of Thranduil, the Elvin archer Prince of Mirkwood," does it? You see, when a large percent of the world knows your name, your considered what modern mortals call 'looney' to say that you are a 'fictional' character that happens to be one of the oldest living things on the earth.

Ah, but perhaps after reading the "Lord of the Rings" you did not get a good enough visual of me. I have a limber form, as does any elf, and I move with smooth, swift cat-like motions. I can fit an arrow and aim in the blink of an eye. Better yet, I can fit two arrows and aim and shoot in less than the blink of an eye. Don't begin to think that I'm full of myself; everything I just said is quite true.  I have piercing blue eyes that can look almost artificial they are so vibrant. Inhumanly vibrant. I once had smooth, flawless skin, but the passing years have added a few lines to my features. It's still skin that mortals who have been around as long as I can only dream of.  My long blonde hair has been cut short, but it's still long enough to cover the tips of my ears. It is, however, still soft as silk, and it still glistens like a thousand pearls in the light. I stand at nearly six feet, which was once slightly taller than the average mortal. It's a very common height now.

I'm one of the last elves alive. But it's not time to get into that now. You'll hear everything in due time. I also suppose you already know of the fellowship, don't you? Well then, I say you don't need my views on that. We'll see how I feel about telling you when we come to it. If we don't come to it, and you haven't heard of it before, then you shouldn't be reading this, really. But if you must read this, then afterwards, you must read the one book that can tell the story than I would like to at the moment.

But, as I said, it depends on how I feel when we come to that time in my life.

Being one of the last elves alive, I would like to share my story. That would explain why I have slid a floppy disk into my computers disk drive, and have begun typing, no? If you pay attention, you'll soon know a Legolas you never knew existed.


Well, what do you think? It will get better, and longer, I swear!! Please review, and be patient, it might be a little while before I get the next chapter up. Look for it sometime during the next two weeks. Thanks for reading! Now please, please review!!

Also, there are undoubtedly several grammatical errors in here, point them out if you want, it will keep me from making them again, but I'd rather you didn't.