"Daisuke's New Start"
This is a crossover story of Digimon 02 and Digimon Tamers. I own only my ocs and the plot for the story. Now, Daisuke is voiced by Chantal Strand while my two ocs Kosuke is voiced by Vic Mignogna and Lisa is voiced by Willow Johnson. For those of you who don't know, and I really hope you do, Chantal voiced Lacus Clyne from Gundan Seed and Gundan Seed Destiny, while Willow is known for voicing Kikyo from InuYasha and Vic is popular for voicing Edward Elric from Full Metal Alchemist. If you didn't know any of this, then I am stunned! Please enjoy and review!
In a dark space, a green and blue card spun in the air before a hand reached out and grabbed the card and tilted it to the side to reveal Takato.
Next, Henry was shown holding the same type of card as he tilted it to the side as half of his face was hidden in the shadows.
Rika was then shown holding the card as she moved it to the side as she was mostly blending into the shadows.
Finally, Daisuke was shown holding the card as she lifted it up out of her face to reveal herself as the shadows were behind her head.
Takato's hands are then shown slashing the card through the slot of his white and red D-Power and then Henry was shown in full body slashing his card through his D-Power as Rika did the same and then Daisuke slashed a card through D-Power and finally Takato was shown doing it as well.
Guilmon is then seen in red lights, then Terriermon fades in covered in green lights, Renamon in shown standing in blue light and Veemon jumps in with a golden yellow colored background.
Henry is then shown running forward as his D-Power that's strapped to his hip is releasing white light.
Daisuke is shown holding her D-3 and D-Terminal that are then covered in light making her cover her head with her other arm as her devices are transformed into a D-Power.
Rika is seen staring up into the air holding a sharp stick.
Guilmon then releases a blast of red flames from his mouth as the scene cuts to Calumon who's mark is glowing bright red.
Renamon is sailing through the air ready to strike and then Impmon is shown standing on a tree branch as he throws a fireball.
Veemon sommersaults onto the ground as he slams his fist into a boulder, breaking it.
Yamaki is then shown taking his sunglasses off as he glares up at the sky.
Takato is wearing his goggles over his eyes as he floats through a foggy area.
The scene then cuts off to Guilmon, Renamon, Terriermon and Veemon as their skin is being peeled away to reveal the data beneath.
New data then appears over their bodies, changing them as they grow bigger and Digivolve into Kyubimon, Gargomon, Veedramon and Growlmon.
Rika is then shown riding Kyubimon as she tosses her cellphone to the side; Henry is running down the street with Terriermon clinging to his shoulders, Impmon is standing in a tree as he flinches back, and Yamaki swerves his head to the side to stare at something.
Terriermon then jumps off Henry's head, then Takato is shown standing with Guilmon as he throws a card and Daisuke is sitting on Veedramon's shoulder as he charges forward.
The background is filled with blue data as a red diamond is shown spinning around with Calumon's smiling reflection in it.
Riley and Tally are then shown hooking up to two electronic chairs as they wave their hands over the key pads in front of them that are beeping and flashing different colors.
As the screen closes in on the colors, Takato is shown standing in a green data field and then the scene cuts off to the Digimon.
Guilmon slashes his claws as Growlmon, WarGrowlmon and a shadowed Digimon are shown behind him.
Veemon punches the air as Veedramon, AeroVeedramon and a shadowed form are seen behind him.
Terriermon spins onto the screen as Gargomon, Rappidmon and a shadowed form appear behind him.
Renamon then jumps back as Kyubimon, Taomon and a shadowed form are shown behind her.
The park area is then shown as it closes in quickly on Calumon who has Impmon beside him.
Rika is then seen hooking her D-Power and card pack onto her belt and then Renamon is shown releasing her Diamond Storm as the scene fades in to Rika taking off her sunglasses.
Gargomon is shooting his lasers as the scene fades out to Henry who lifts up his sunglasses up onto his head.
Veedramon is then shown roaring as he uses Magnum Punch in the center of the screen and the scene fades out to Daisuke who is pushing her goggles down around her neck as the Crests of Courage and Friendship flash in the goggles' lens.
Growlmon is then seen using Dragon Slash as the scene fades to Takato lifting his goggles up onto his head.
Takato, Daisuke, Rika and Henry are then shown standing in a green field with data surrounding them as Calumon swooped down beside them as Terriermon, Veemon, Guilmon and Renamon stood behind the group.
The shadowed forms of children and Digimon then appear behind the group as they lift up their D-Powers and they each release a beam of white light that make the words 'Digimon: Digital Monsters' appear above them.
The sun was rising into the sky and shone down on a wine colored two story house with a black roof and colorful glass windows; the light shining in through one of the rooms' windows and onto the figure lying in a bed.
A girl with raspberry hair and tanned skin was sleeping peacefully in her bed, her hair fanned out around her head.
Suddenly, her face twisted into a frown as she moaned in distress when a nightmare assaulted her.
Images of 12 different strange creatures appeared in her mind; a snake, a horse, a monkey, a rooster, a tiger, an ox, a ram, a rabbit, a rat, a boar, a dog and a dragon.
Shaking her head back and forth, the girl tried to escape her nightmare as she saw the 12 creatures attacking a city and people were running away from the destruction in terror.
Whining, the girl rolled over in her bed and her hand gripped her sheets tightly as sweat started to bead around her face making her hair stick to her flushed skin.
Voices screaming and crying out for help filled her mind when suddenly, everything went black and a small blue dragon was left standing in the dark void with a sad face.
"Daisuke..." He whispered.
Gasping, the girl then shot up out of bed, but her legs were tangled in the sheets and she fell to the hard wood floor making her cry out in pain.
"Ow!" She whined from the impact.
The black digital clock on her white bedside table then started beeping as the teal lights showed off 6:30, meaning it was morning.
Growling in frustration, the girl pulled her white comforter that had green, blue and aqua polka dots off of her head and threw it onto her bed.
"That is the last time I eat junk food before bed." She said.
A knock was then heard at the door making the girl perk up as she watched as the oak door was opened up to reveal a woman with long black hair walk into the room.
"Up and at 'em young lady! Hmm?" The raven hummed as she blinked her chocolate brown eyes at the sight of her daughter lying on the ground.
"Daisuke, what happened?" She frowned.
"Well, um, I sorta fell." Daisuke Motomiya gave a nervous grin.
"Fell? Is that what that noise was? I thought that you broke your alarm clock again." Lisa Motomiya sighed as she shook her head.
"Heh, I guess I would've done that." Daisuke chuckled.
"Get ready. Breakfast will be done soon. And don't forget, today is your first day of school." Lisa reminded as she closed the door behind her.
"Oh, yeah. How could I forget that?" Daisuke muttered as she stood up and shook her messy hair out of her face.
Her father Kosuke Motomiya worked at a video game company and had gotten a job transfer to a town called Shinjuku.
The family had then spent the month of August preparing for the leave since it had come so suddenly, only four days after Daisuke's 13th birthday.
Jun Motomiya, a 15 year old boy crazed girl, was not happy about the sudden move at all since it would take her away from all her friends.
Daisuke also wasn't happy about being taken away from Odaiba and the sisters had both thrown a temper tantrum at this outrageous move much to Kosuke's grievance.
Lisa had gotten angered at her daughters and yelled at them both to stop acting like spoiled brats and told them that the move was happening, therefore they should start packing and say goodbye to their friends.
The Motomiyas had been in Shinjuku for a week now to settle in and the school year had already started, but the teachers were already informed that the two girls would be starting late.
Shaking those thoughts from her head, the raspberry haired girl gathered up her clean clothing to change into after her shower.
"Man, what was up with that freaky dream?" Daisuke muttered as she walked into the bathroom.
A few minutes later, she was freshly showered and dressed into a pair of jeans, white socks and a black spaghetti top that showed off her midriff.
She had used a hair dryer on her thick hair since she didn't want to wait for her hair to dry naturally and then tied it up into a ponytail while her bangs hung around her face.
Around her neck was a gold chain that had a pink crystal with blue flecks attached to it.
Finally, she grabbed her silver colored goggles that were given to her by her mentor and placed them on top of her head.
"I don't know why, but I think those monsters were Digimon." She muttered as she walked downstairs.
Making her way into the kitchen, she found her family already inside.
Kosuke, the scarlet haired man with fair skin and violet eyes, was seated at the table reading the newspaper and was dressed in a gray suit.
Jun, the wild magenta haired girl with chocolate brown eyes and fair skin was eating her pancakes with a happy grin.
She was dressed in the high school uniform of the Shinjuku area which consisted of a white short sleeved blouse with a red scarf and a gray skirt.
"Morning!" Daisuke chirped as she walked into the aqua colored kitchen making the adults and teenager look over at her.
"Morning, Daisuke." Kosuke greeted with a cheerful grin.
"You're late, squirt. Usually when I come into the kitchen, you're down here scarfing down the food." Jun commented.
"Not my fault you take forever in the shower." Daisuke stuck her tongue out at her sister making Jun huff as she stuck her nose in the air.
"Girls, no arguing at the table." Lisa warned as she placed a plate with pancakes in front of her youngest daughter.
Smiling at the sight of the pancakes, Daisuke grabbed the bottle of maple syrup and poured the sweet confection over her breakfast.
"Slow down, squirt. It's not like we're gonna run out of food any time soon." Jun drawled out as she ate her pancakes.
"Knowing you girls, I think we would." Lisa smirked making her two daughters glare at her as Kosuke chuckled in amusement.
"Now, now. Calm down girls. We don't need the kitchen to suffer." Kosuke joked.
"She started it!" The two sisters stuck their noses in the air.
Realizing that they had said the same thing at the exact same time, the sisters turned to each other and stuck out their tongues.
Lisa sighed at this as she shook her head.
Jun and Daisuke would never change no matter how old they get.
Checking the clock hanging on the wall, Kosuke stood up and carried his dirty dish, glass, fork and knife over to the sink.
"All right, girls. We need to get moving now before we're all late." the redheaded male called over his shoulder.
"Coming!" Jun said as she stood up and carried her table wear to the sink and Daisuke followed after she gulped down the rest of her milk.
Walking up to her husband, Lisa leaned up and kissed Kosuke on the lips making the man smile as he returned the gesture and hugged her.
"Have fun at work." Lisa smiled up at him.
"I'm gonna be playing with video games all day long. How can I not have fun?" Kosuke joked with a bright grin.
Daisuke giggled at that while Jun smirked at Kosuke and Lisa rolled her eyes at her husband's sense of humor.
"Okay, all three of you get yours butts out the door. Go, go, go!" Lisa clapped her hands as she waved the trio off.
"Okay, okay, okay! We're going." Kosuke laughed as he grabbed his brief case and walked out of the house with his daughters following.
"Good-bye, girls! I love you!" Lisa called.
"Love you!" Jun and Daisuke called back as they grabbed their school bags and rushed out the door.
"Do you girls need me to drive you or can you walk?" Kosuke asked as he unlocked the door of his dark gray pontiac.
"Ugh, Dad, I'm a teenager! I can't have my dad driving me to school. Besides, walking will give me a better chance at meeting new people." Jun said.
"I'm good too, Dad. Just hurry up before you're late and Mom yells at you." Daisuke smiles.
"If you say so. Have a good day, girls!" Kosuke said as he stepped into his car.
Jun and Daisuke start walking down the sidewalk and wave at their father when he drives by them and honks his horn in farewell.
Once they were left alone, the magenta haired teenager frowns as she turns to her younger sister with an accusing gaze.
"All right, spill it. What's going on with you?" Jun demanded.
"Huh? What're you talking about?" Daisuke blinked at Jun in confusion.
"Something was up with you when you came downstairs and I want to know what it is. Especially if it has anything to do with those freaky monsters." Jun said.
"Veemon wasn't a freak, Jun! And what does it matter to you anyway? The portal to the Digital World closed last year. You have nothing to worry about." Daisuke said as she started walking.
She hated the fact that Jun always had an issue with Veemon when the teenager found out that the thing that she thought was a plush toy was really a living, breathing dragon.
One that inhaled anything edible he came into contact with and gobbled up all of her candy from her secret stash.
"Well, if it's not those Digimon, then what's got you so spooked?" Jun asked as she placed her hands on her hips as she followed the shorter girl.
"It's none of your business! I just had a weird dream, that's all!" Daisuke frowned in annoyance.
"Whatever." Jun sighed.
The two sisters continued the rest of their walk in silence, leaving Daisuke to think over the event that had happened a short while back.
There had been another eclipse in the Digital World, so Gennai and all the other Guardians had ordered the Digidestineds to bring their Digimon back to their own world or else they would be trapped in the Human World forever.
It was a heartbreaking event when all the children said their good-byes to their best friends and had to leave them, wondering if they would ever see them again.
The original Digidestineds were trying to figure out how another eclipse had appeared and closed the gates after only four and a half years but were coming up wth no answers.
Was her dream a vision of some new evil brewing in the Digital World and that Veemon needed her help?
When that thought crossed her mind, she stopped walking and shook her head.
"Nah, that can't be it. I mean, come on. If anyone would have these freaky doomsday dreams then it would be Kari, not me." Daisuke grinned as she ran a hand through her bangs to try and appear positive.
Her grin slipped off her face as she then stared at the pavement beneath her feet, feeling a bit unsure of herself.
"But then...why did I have that dream?" She asked herself.
"Daisuke, hurry up!" Jun yelled from a block away making the girl's head shoot up as her wide brown eyes roamed over to her sister.
"What are you doing; talking to yourself? Come on, I don't wanna be tardy on my first day unlike some people!" Jun yelled as she waved at her sister.
Puffing up her cheeks in anger, Daisuke snorted as she then ran down the street over to her older sister.
"Okay!" She shouted.
(Later on...)
Once Daisuke had gotten to her school, she went to the principal's office to get information on her classes before she was then told which room to go to.
She then walked across the second floor, scanning the numbers on the door when she found it and was curious to find a boy her age was standing outside of the class room.
He had slightly long caramel brown hair, peach toned skin and pretty crimson eyes that were tinted pink and seemed to sparkle with his emotions.
The boy was also dressed in a blue t-shirt that had a hood, light gray pants that cut off at his calves, white socks and had on the standard beige indoor shoes that the school demanded the students wear.
Growing bored, the boy then kneeled down and pulled a notepad out of his pocket and started drawing with an excited smile on his face.
"Yeah, that works. Red is definitely a power color. I'll give him the strongest attack ever. No one will expect that, especially from a Rookie." The boy said.
Hearing the familiar term being used, the raspberry haired girl walked over to the boy who was far too involved with his drawing to notice her.
"Better than Agumon. I'll call it Pyro Sphere!" The boy whispered excitedly.
"What cha drawing?" Daisuke asked as she leaned over him to look at the drawing.
To her surprise, it was a red dinosaur that had gold eyes, a white chest and black markings on his body.
He was designing his own Digimon!
"Are you designing a Halloween costume?" An older female voice asked making Daisuke blink as she looked up.
"Hmm? No, it's a Digimon. Don't you know anything?" The boy frowned as he continued his drawing.
Seeing the shoes that appeared in front of him, the boy looked up and saw that a woman with shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes was standing in front of him wearing a yellow blouse over a white shirt and a jean skirt.
Standing beside the boy was a girl he had never seen before and he noticed that her eyes kept roaming to his drawing.
"Well, Takato, despite your apology, you really don't seem very sorry about being late, do you?" The woman asked.
"Uh, yes?" The boy answered, but it sounded more like a question as he started to sweat.
"I-I mean no, ma'am. Ac-Actually I do mean yes! I-I mean I'm really sorry!" The boy apologized to his teacher nervously as he jumped to his feet.
Inside the class room, the students were all listening in as they laughed at the boy's attitude.
"I see. Miss Motomiya, it's nice of you to finally grace us with your presence." The teacher said as she looked at the girl.
Blinking at this, Takato Matsuki turned his attention to the girl who was standing beside him.
"Sorry, Miss Asaji, but I had to meet with the principal first!" Daisuke apologized with an easy going grin.
"Very well. Come on in then." Asaji said as he opened the door and led the girl inside.
Takato watched her as she went, curious about her.
The students all started whispering when they saw the girl and were curious about who she was and why she was transferring in a week after school started.
"Class, meet Daisuke Motomiya. She recently moved here and I hope you all treat her well. If you have any questions for her, save them for after class." Asaji advised.
"It's nice to meet everyone!" Daisuke grinned as she gave a wave to the students in the room.
"Now, why don't you take a seat over there?" Asaji crossed her arms and gestured her head over to two empty seats near the window.
Takato was peering through the doorway and saw that Asaji had assigned the girl a seat right beside his.
Walking over to her seat, Daisuke set her bag down on her desk as she then pulled out the chair and sat down, turning her attention to the front along with the rest of the class.
"Now, since our new student has finally arrived, we'll be going over the lessons for the test coming up." Asaji said as she picked up a piece of chalk and turned to the board.
Hearing the news of a test made Daisuke want to wail in despair.
Why did she have such rotten luck?
As Asaji droned on writing notes on the board, Daisuke tried hard to keep her eyes open as she tried to copy down the notes.
While she was writing, she was surprised to see a folded piece of paper land in front of her which made her blink in surprise.
Grabbing the note, Daisuke unfolded it and found a doodle of a dog puppet inside and the words 'Welcome Daisuke' were written above it.
Looking around curiously, the raspberry haired girl found that the person who passed her the note was a girl with auburn hair and hazel eyes.
She had a tiny part of her hair tied to the side of her head with a green ribbon and she wore a knee length green dress over a yellow t-shirt.
Attached to her left hand was a golden brown dog puppet that looked exactly like the one in the doodle.
The girl was waving the puppet at Daisuke with a smile on her face in greeting and the other girl smiled back, thought she was a bit disturbed by the puppet.
After TK Takaishi had told her the story of one of the Dark Masters known as Puppetmon, Daisuke wasn't very fond of puppets afterwards.
Yolei Inoue was also freaked out by clowns now thanks to the tales of Piedmon.
Soon enough, lunch came around and Daisuke was sitting in her desk as she took out her bento box to start eating.
Takato had been allowed into class after first period was over and was sitting next to Daisuke, unsure of what to say to her.
He kept glancing at her from the corner of his eye when the girl with the puppet then came running over to talk.
"Hi!" She greeted cheerfully making the other girl look up at her.
"Uh, hey." Daisuke said.
"I'm Jeri Katou! It's nice to meet you. We don't have many new students." The girl said.
"Ruff! That's right, Jeri." Jeri said as she made her voice sound a bit more gruff as she held up her puppet.
Daisuke's lips twitched nervously at that as she stared at the strange girl standing before her.
"Uh huh." Daisuke muttered, unsure of what to say or how to react.
"So, where did you move from?" Jeri asked as she made her puppet bark again.
"Odaiba. My family came from Odaiba." Daisuke answered as she tried to inch away from the puppet.
The puppet really gave her the creeps!
"Oh, that means you live around the water. That's gonna be a big change for you here." Jeri said.
"Well, I'll get used to it. Somehow." Daisuke shrugged.
"Hey, Jeri! Get over here!" A girl with blonde hair tied up in pigtails called.
"Coming! I'll talk to you later, Daisuke." Jeri smiled as she ran over to join the group of girls.
Blinking at the auburn haired girl, Daisuke then turned to face Takato who was also staring after him.
"Is she always so..." Daisuke trailed off, unsure of the word to use.
Strange seemed like a good word to use but eccentric seemed more polite.
Takato turned to look at the girl and gave a nervous chuckle.
"Uh, yeah. All the time. I'm Takato by the way. Takato Matsuki." He smiled.
"Nice to meet cha. So, what was up with that drawing you were working on?" Daisuke asked.
This made Takato perk up as he pulled out his notepad that had his drawings and the notes he had made.
"Oh, this? It's a Digimon! I've been working on creating my very own Digimon ever since the card game came out. It's so cool, don't cha think?" Takato rambled on excitedly.
After the final battle with Diaboromon was over, toy companies started manufacturing games based on Digimon since they seemed so fascinating.
Card games had been created along with video games and children had gone wild over them!
Kosuke had even drew images for them since he had seen many Digimon up close before since he had actual contact with the creatures due to his daughter and her friends.
"Yeah, they're pretty awesome! So, do you have a favorite Digimon?" Daisuke asked.
"I don't know. They're all so cool that I can't decide which one I like best. That's why I decided to create my own Digimon." Takato explained.
"He looks good. What's he called?" Daisuke asked as she leaned over to look at the drawing.
"Um, I'm not sure. I've been trying to come up with a name, but nothing feels right." The caramel haired boy frowned in thought.
Humming in thought, Daisuke leaned her chin in the center of her palm as she stared at the boy.
Now that she actually looked at him, he was cute, but it wasn't in the same way that TK or Ken were cute.
It was much different type of cute than them, but she still found the brunette to be attractive in his own way; especially his eyes.
They actually seemed to sparkle like rubies.
He would grow up be to be a real looker when he got older.
"I'm sure you'll figure it out." Daisuke said as she then started finishing off her food.
Takato looked over at the girl and smiled at her with a small blush tinting his cheeks.
(After school...)
Jun and Daisuke whined as their hair blew around them from the harsh wind that was howling.
"Oh no, the weather man didn't say there was going to be a storm!" Jun yelled above the winds.
"Come on! We gotta get home before we're blown to Australia!" Daisuke shouted back.
The two girls held hands as they ran off through the storm as people braced themselves while walking down the streets.
Soon enough, the two girls made it to their house and opened the door that was thrown open by the winds as the girls rushed inside.
Working together, the sisters fought against the powerful wind and pushed the door shut with a loud slam.
When they were safe, the girls then sighed as they turned their backs to the door and slid down to the floor, tired from their work.
"What was that?" Lisa asked as she walked out of the kitchen.
"The wind was pretty nasty." Daisuke said.
"Hmm, I saw it. I think it's going to rain tonight, so remember to keep your windows closed." Lisa told them.
"No worries there. Oh, I hope my hair doesn't look too bad." Jun whined as she touched her naturally wild hair.
Daisuke groaned at that as she stood up and made her way into the kitchen where she smelled the roast being cooked.
"Dinner smells great, Mom." The girl said.
"It'll be done in another half hour. Go wash up and start on your homework if you have any." Lisa instructed as she walked back into the kitchen.
"Fine." Jun sighed as she stood up and made her way to the stairs.
Turning around, Daisuke went up the stairs as well, happy that her first day had gone by without any troubles rising.
She may have even made a friend in Takato since they had spent all of lunch hour talking to each other and he had even showed her how to play the Digimon card game.
Hearing her sister in the bathroom, the younger girl opened the door to her room and walked inside and was stunned to find her D-3 and D-Terminal were both glowing.
"What in the-?" Daisuke gasped as she ran into the room.
Her door slammed shut behind her as she dropped her bag onto the floor in her shock when she ran over to her desk.
Grabbing her devices, she lifted them up and held them as she saw them glowing with a white light.
"What is going on here? Why are they glowing? Oh, man! I have a bad feeling about this." Daisuke groaned.
Just then, the D-3 and D-Terminal started to beep as the lights flashed wildly as the two devices then rose into the air and formed into two orbs.
Groaning at all the light and noise, Daisuke was surprised that her parents and sister didn't come into her room to see what was happening.
Squinting her eyes to try and see properly, the former Digidestined was able to see the two orbs of light fusing together which stunned her.
Pulling her goggles over her eyes to protect them from the bright lights, Daisuke watched as a new device appeared in the center of the light and she widened her eyes in awe.
Reaching her hand out towards it, the girl grabbed the new Digivice and the lights faded away and the device stopped beeping.
All was silent as Daisuke held the bulky Digivice in her hands and looked it over curiously to take in the new appearance.
The body was an off-white color while it had a circular black screen in the center of the device and there was a pink ring around the screen.
Attached to the body of the device was a blue strap that had a black clip that allowed someone to attack the device to a belt and there were two blue pear shaped buttons under the screen while a red round button was off to the side.
"Whoa! What happened to my Digivice? It just transformed. And where's my D-Terminal? Just what is going on here?" She asked herself.
Sadly, she didn't have any answers for what had just happened, but she knew someone who would.
To be continued...