Alright here we go with my new story hope you all enjoy.

I have put a poll on my profile for who Sasuke should end up with x3 Pick wisely ;3

any way lets begin

*Disclaimer I Do not own Naruto or fairy tail their story and characters belong to Misashi Kishimoto and Hiro Mashima however this story belongs to me :D


"Flash back"



New World

At the base of the statues of Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju stood two shinobis. One had black hair, a white zip up shirt and black pants with black sandals. this was Sasuke Uchiha. On the other side stood a blond haired teen with a black and orange jacket which was basically rags at this point, due to the previous battles along with his orange pants not to far behind. He wore black sandals that stopped above his ankles that made them appear more like open toed boots. Both teens were breathing heavily. Both out of breath and down to their last sliver of chakra .

To think not even half an hour ago they were just working together to seal away perhaps one of the most difficult villains they could possibly ever face in their lives. Now here they were, going at each other to see who was stronger.

To see whose ideals would prevail.

"Why… why do you fight so hard for me?" panted Sasuke as he stared down his opponent. Naruto just smirked and gave Sasuke his oh so annoying grin "heh... how many times do I have to tell you baka... its because you're my best friend." Sasuke just stood there staring back.

"heh fine... I will admit, you are the closest thing to a friend I have ever had... but that means I have to kill you even more. That way I have no links to any one, I'm cutting all ties. It Starts with you... Naruto."

As he finished his sentence a Chidori screamed to life in his hand, soon starting to become covered in black flames as well a subtle sign of the famous eye technique. Naruto simply smiled "I never give up and I don't go back on my word I will knock some sense into you baka if its the last thing I do." He said before a Rasengan formed into his hand he knew it was risky but he added more wind element soon the screeching bell sound of the Rasenshuriken was heard. Sasukes eyes widened.

"Is he crazy if we clash with that we both won't make it out alive!" his widen even more " or is that his plan from the start." thought Sasuke as he remebered Naruto's words when they meet after he had killed danzo.

-Flash back-

"Sasuke you know if we do fight again.. we both are going to die"

"tsh what ever dobe the only one thats going to die will be you!" growled Sasuke as he was slowly starting to be sucked in to Obito's sharingan as the teleported away.

-flash back end-

'Well whatever the case I will win!' Thought Sasuke with determination as he dashed forward, running across the water. Each step sending drops of water splashing up into the air from the amount of chakra he was using to stay above the blue liquid. Naruto didn't hesitate either, dashing forward as fast as he could the world seemed to slow down as they thrusted their hands forward.



They both yelled each others names before everything went white. A small memory they both shared was when they were kids. Sasuke sitting at the lakes edge while Naruto was walking home. They both looked away from each other, but soon they both had a small smile. Now maybe at that moment was the little spark to their destiny of becoming best friends.

-Mean while-

In the magical land known as Fiore their was a guild that was as lively as ever. Chairs were being thrown around and tables were being broken by bodies as a huge brawl was going on in the center of the guild. To an outsiders perspective, it looked like a war was going on, an all out free for all. on the contrary to this was actually normal to the Fairy Tail Guild.

"Natsu you bastard give me back my boxers!" yelled a black haired teen he Name was Grey Fullbuster an Ice mage that had a terrible habit of stripping. "Excuse me miss may I borrow your panties" he asked to the latest member Lucy Heartfilia. she was the daughter of a very wealthy family but she doesn't want to placed in that category of people. she always loved guilds and ever since she was saved by a mysterious girl in the past with a fairy tail symbol she was determined thats what she wanted to be.

"Eep! As if you perv!"

Lucy screamed slapping him away with a giant paper fan that seemed to come out of now were. The brawl continued until a giant shadow figured that looked like a monster with horns appeared. "QUITE IT DOWN YOU BRATS!" Roared the giant as the guild all shook in fear and stopped immidiatly... well all except one.

"Ha that means I win WOOO! BLEH! " Screamed Natsu as he was soon squashed underneath the giants foot. "eh... who... is that" said Lucy in a shivery tone scared that this guild actually had a demon in their mits. "*giggle* oh thats our master don't let him scare you." said a beautiful silver haired girl she wore a nice pink dress that hugged at her modest breast nicely but was wide at the bottom.

She was the guilds waitress in a way her name was Mirajane and she was the guilds top cover girl. Lucy relaxed a bit before slowly walking behind Mirajane towards the master "Master I have the paper work that came in for you." she said with a smile.

"Ah Mirajane so nice to see you are behaving." Said the beast as it shrank down into a little old man. "Oh who is this a new member and a nice one at that " He complemented "Oh yes this is Lucy heartfilia she just joined today she came in with Natsu not to long ago?" replied Mira. "Nice to meet you." Lucy bowed politely. "The pleasure is all mine." he replied with a smile before taking the papers from Mirajane but before he could even read them a huge explosion was heard outside in the distance.

"What was that?!" was the question ever one had on the mind as they all walked to the closest window a couple daring to open the guild doors to peek as well "why do I have a bad feeling about this." mumbled Mirajane.

-at the explosion-

Two bodies were in the middle of a crater they were none other than Naruto and Sasuke their clothes ripped to shreds and cuts and bruises all over their bodies Sasukes eyes were back to normal. as his left eye bleed leaking slowly down his cheek. he was looking at the sky. he looked over as Naruto the best he could and saw him in the same position if not maybe worse in his thought but if he knew that idiot like he did he knew he wasn't dead. he could practically feel it in his gut.

"Awake now huh? " came a voice that made Sasukes eyes look back over to Naruto. Sasuke tried to move but winced and decided against it. Glancing down at his own arm, and immediately wished he hadn't. "Its just as you see it, if we move any more we will bleed to death." Sasuke winced and looked back up at the sky. "Why? Just look at you, why do you insist in getting in my way?" Sasuke asked. "After all I have done, after everything I put you through, so many times I tried to cut our ties and break our bond not once have you tired or thought of cutting the ties with me." Sasuke went on only to be cut off by a chuckle from Naruto .

" Heh... look you wanting to talk now that you can't move. if I knew this would get you to open up to me then I would have done this along time ago." Smirked Naruto. "the answer is the same and will always be the same idiot, you are my friend." He spoke with a half smile as much as his muscles could move. "dobe you keep saying that.. what does that even mean to you?" replied Sasuke. "heh if you want a clear answer, I don't really have one. The thing is...when I hear you going on about carrying all the weight on your shoulders I in a way feel the pain too." Explained Naruto making Sasuke's eye widen in surprise.

Did Naruto truly actually understand him he always thought that he never had any one who could understand his pain but her he is the only person that could possibly fathom it he was brought out of his thinking to Naruto going on "it how could I possibly ignore that?" winced Naruto. "heh well today I am hurting all over so there really isn't much I can do." soon the both faded into the darkness that was sleep but little did they know their lives were about to change maybe for the good, who knows. as they faded Naruto could swear he heard foot steps a lot of them .

-with Fairy tail-

Makarov was quickly walking with his children to the area that was smoking. He'd only brought his highest ranking wizards that were in the guild at the time, the only exception being Lucy since she was sort of following Natsu around "what do you think it could have been Master?" asked Mirajane as they walked more than Natsu suddenly stopped and his eyes widened.

"what is it boy.. do you smell something?" asked Makarov seeing how Natsu tensed up and his fist balled "yeah. Gramps, I smell blood, and a good bit of it." He growled as he took off towards the smell everyone in hot pursuit behind him "Hey wait for me guys" Lucy wined as she ran as well only to bump into natus back and fall back on her ass "Waah! hey what's with the sudden stop?" She groaned but gasped as she saw what was in front of them it was a giant crater almost the size of the town.

Inside the crater was two bodies both laying right next to each other. "Oh wow. what could have happened here. " asked Lucy in some what amazement of the sheer radius of the hole. Natsu jumped down and slid to the most stable point of the crater. then he started running towards the bodies followed by Makarov, Mirajane, and Lucy steadily sliding down, but not far behind. once they got to the bodies Mirajane had to cover her mouth and look away "Mira..what is it?" asked Lucy just catching up before looking over Natsu shoulder. she gasped covering her mouth in horror. the two bodies were bruised and cut all over but the biggest thing of all was they both were missing half of their arm. the boy with the black hairs left and the blond right arm were both cut above the elbows, leaving only their upper half of their arm .

"who could have done this to boys this young? They don't look a day older than you guys." said Makarov saddened by the scene Natsu stepped forward and placed a hand on their chest. he let out a small sigh "They're both alive! but by their pulse is weak , we have to get them taken care of and quick!" Just as he pulled his hands back a hand shot up and grabbed His arm strongly. It was the blonds hand. Natsu actually winced at the grip. Then blond let go once his eyes saw who it was.

He didn't know if he could trust this person. But to the Jinchūriki he didn't look that bad of a guy. Letting go, Naruto then fell to blissful unconciousness. Natsu rubbed his wrist seeing a red mark around it from the hand grip. "Natsu! Go get Porlyusica we are going to need her help for this I will take them back to the guild to the infirmary." Makarov Commanded as used his Titan magic growing into his giant form, he slowly and gently picked up the two boys before heading to the guild.

After he'd gotten them in the infirmary, Mirajane and Lucy helped bandage up their bodies Mirajane more use to seeing hurt bodies was calm and taking care of it at a steady pace while, Lucy had a little difficulty but managed to get it done. Finished up they sat down by the beds waiting for Natsu to come with Porlyusica. an hour had passed and Natsu came in with a pinked haired elderly woman she had a bag with her that was presumed to be medical equipment and potions she would need.

"*sigh* only you Makarov and your guild always find trouble for me. Stinking humans." She mumbled before setting her bag down in the center between the boys. "Their bruises and cuts can heal on their own it's natural." She started. "It's the missing arms that is the real reason I am even here." frowning she pulled out a syringe and blood bags, taking blood from both boys moments later. she then started with the blond as she got the preparations ready. First re-cleaned the cut arm, then started to apply another potion, then after began to work her magic.

A green aura around his arm started to stretch. I took a hole 2 hours before she was done, they both now had new arms! To an extent though, their arms were actually made of fake material that was constructed by magic to match the structure of the bone and its density. "I'm finished. It will take a couple of days for their body to adjust to their new arms. for some reason I can not feel any magic from them. do you know the reason why?" she asked Makarov. "I only know as much as you. I want to ask them all about them and what happened to them when they awaken. I will pay you a visit if I found out anything." finished Makarov. Porlyusica grunted "Don't bother coming to my home, you filthy human." She said before walking out only for Makarov to chuckle and shake his head at the old woman. As he looked back at the boys he looked down at their bandaged new arms and smiled maybe something good would come of todays events he just had to have faith that things would be ok.

well thats it for the first chapter :3 I hope you all like x3

AND I KNOW I SUCK AT GRAMMER ETC ETC I will try to find a beta as soon as I can ;3 but until then you will just have to deal with it :D muahahaha!

any way I hope you all enjoyed please leave me a review and PLEASE VOTE on the poll in my profile for Sasukes LOVER!~3 XD lol thats all for tonight see you next time on Fallen gods