" Now tell me, how are things going with Cinderfall, relationship wise of course" Meowed Gossipkit, shoving a microphone in Flintstar's muzzle. Flintstar pushed it away.

" Things are fine." He grumbled. Gossipkit clucked her tongue and wrote something down on her unicorn notepad she got at Walmart. It was pink and had rainbows and unicorns all over it. The pen was pink and feather-tipped with sparkles. Flintstar got a glimpse of her notes.

"Hey! She is not carrying my kits and our relationship is not falling apart!" He snapped angrily. Gossipkit nodded and wrote something down again.

Denies his falling relationship with the cat that bears his kits.

" Hey-" Flintstar yowled. Gossipkit shoved a paw to his lips.

" Hush!" She interrupted. " Everyone likes tragic gossip!"

Flintstar mumbled through her paw. Gossipkit grinned. And threw her notepad behind her. Prankpaw caught it with a large leap.

" Prankpaw! bring it to the lair!" Gossipkit yowled. Prankpaw nodded and sped away.

" Wait! No you can't!" Flintstar managed. Trying to race after the apprentice.

"Security!" Gossipkit ordered. Suddenly four large toms and a she-cat in blue jackets jumped from the bushes. The toms had name tags that said, Fluffyknuckle, Cuterainbow, Happyhearts, Bloodskull and the she-cat was called Prettypaws.

The toms tackled him while Prettypaws sat down and looked into a mirror.

" When did you get security!" Flintstar yowled desperately crawling away from the toms.

" You can order them online at Tigerstars " Gossipkit meowed, casually watching the struggle.

" I thought that website was fake!" Flintstar yowled, having Fluffyknuckle pin down his head. Gossipkit shook her head.

" No, you thought wrong. Though they were expensive." She said.

" What! Was Bloodskull the most?" Flintstar meowed in shock staring at the large ginger tom.

" No, Prettypaw's was."

The beautiful brown tabby she-cat looked up. Flintstar looked between Prettypaws and Bloodskull. Gossipkit almost giggled in amusement. Such a stupid tom. she thought in pity.

" But. But-" He started sadly before sighing and letting the toms drag him away. Prettypaws got up and trotted after them. The last gossipkit saw of them was Prettypaws tail.

" Okay boys!" She heard the she-cat yowl " Hit him hard!"

Prankpaw lept into the rabbit hole. His pelt brushed the sides as he crawled. In his pouch held the notes of reporter and leader, Gossipkit. His pen stuck out from his jaws. It was excotic blue with ballons on it. Each member had a pen, Fernwhispers was green with blood stains and Handsomefur's emitted golden light. The pathway opened revealing a small metal door. It played elevator music.

" Password please!" It said in a happy voice that Fernwhisper complained about. Prankpaw sighed. He hated the password.

" Gossipkit our savior." He meowed elevator music played again.

" Thank you!" The voice said cheerfully before opening into a large cave.

Inside Fernwhisper and Handsomefur were fighting.

"I want the music changed!"

"I like the music!"

Fernwhisper looked at him in shock. "You...like it?

Handsomefur turned his nose up. "Yes."

"Well, I was thinking we change it to something a bit more...awesome."


"Like, that awesome music that plays right before the character dies." Fernwhisper paused thoughtfully. "Like in Lion King!"

Handsomefur snorted. "Fine, you can ask. I'm going to go file my claws."

" Humph, claw filing is for idiots." Fernwhisper grumbled as Handsomefur left. Prankpaw padded forward.
" I thought Gossipkit told us to be friendly to each other" He meowed making Fernwhisper jump. The she-cat turned her head, fur bristling.

" well Gossipkit isn't here now, is she?" She snapped. Prankpaw shook his head and rummaged through his pouch. Finally grasping the papers he pulled them out.

Fernwhisper stared at him. " are those the interview notes?" She asked.

Prankpaw nodded handing them over to the medicine cat. She snatched the papers and read them.

" Pff! Flintstar's falling relationship with the cat that bears his kits." She meowed after reading the notes.

" Yeah, you think you can publish them into a great story?" Prankpaw asked. Fernwhisper turned his gaze back onto him.

" Think? I know."