Stolen Glances and Borrowed Time

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I really don't own Harry Potter. Mildly AU

It started in third year, after Hermione hit him. He couldn't stop glancing at her. Since then he couldn't find it in himself to hate her. After a year he realized he didn't even dislike her, and a few months after that he realized he needed her. Whenever his father Crucio'd him in anger over whatever had happened that day he thought of her. Whenever his housemates criticized him over Potter catching the snitch, he thought of her. No matter what happened to him, thoughts of the Gryffindor Princess made life bearable. It was now in the middle of fifth year. Umbridge had just disappeared days ago, and inwardly he was very happy about it. However in the mail his mother had just informed him his father had been arrested thanks to the Golden Trio. He sighed in relief thinking about his fathers incarceration. This meant no more Crucio's and punishments until his father was released. His musings were interrupted by the girl of his thoughts walking down the corridor.

"G-granger? What are you doing walking alone?" He croaked, mentally berating himself for loosing his composure.

"Malfoy? What are you doing sitting alone?"

Deciding to be brave Draco said quietly

"Why not solve both our problems and join me?" The look of shock the leapt onto Hermione's face was nearly comical before it was beaten off by an expression of suspicion.

"Now isn't the time for jokes, Malfoy." She spat adding an extra dose of venom to the last two words. Draco flinched slightly before replying.

"That's good to know because I wasn't joking. Please, join me." Hermione sat next to him stiffly making sure not even the edge of her cloak touched him. The two sat in silence until Hermione broke it.

"Why are we doing this? You hate me."

"Granger, I don't hate you. Despite how much I wanted to I'm beginning to doubt I ever did. I don't think I even want to hate you anymore. As for your previous question because I don't want to be alone any more. Granger, I need someone I can trust. Think about it, please. No one would ever suspect you knowing my secrets so it would be safe, for both of us. Besides surly there are some things you could never tell Weasley and Potter."

"M-Malfoy? I-Im sorry, w-what? D-do you need t-to visit M-Madame P-Pomfr-rey?" Inwardly Draco laughed that his words were apparently enough to put her into shock, but than mentally slapped himself thinking about what he had just said. He looked over at Hermione and expected to see a confused expression adorning her face, however he instead saw a pensive look painted onto her doll like features.

"Are you serious, Malfoy?"

"I am."

"Then I'll admit I see your logic. No one would suspect us of knowing anything about each other." Draco immediately suppressed the smile trying to slink onto his face and adopted the stoic expression he had been forced to learn.

"So you agree with me then?"

"Yes." The word ghosted through her lips and was breathed in the manner one answers a dangerous question, hesitantly and very timidly but with the most minuscule amount of determination. For a few moments Draco wondered if he had heard right and the two sat in silence.

"I like Ron." Hearing this made Draco's heart constrict inside his chest, he almost struggled to breath.

"Oh. Why aren't you with him?"

"He doesn't see me like that. I don't think he ever will."

"Oh." The silence continued until Draco decided it was only fair he tell her something.

"My father is a Death Eater."

"I know. I went with Harry to the Department of Mysteries."

"You what? You were there? Does that mean you helped arrest him?"


"Thank you." The expression now on The Gryffindor Princesses face was almost comical, Draco was barely able to suppress the laughter threatening to bubble out his mouth.

"I beg your pardon?"

"You heard me." Eventually both made to leave before Draco spoke.

"I'll see you tomorrow night perhaps?"

"I might be late I have to help Harry and Ron study, but I will be here." They both walked off opposite directions their thoughts skipping the same path. What to reveal the next day.

Hermione burst into the common room hoping to go into her dorm unnoticed. This was not the case. Ron and Harry were both sitting in front of the fire place, Hermione blushed slightly upon seeing the former mentioned boy. They each raised an eyebrow at her in silent inquiry as to why she was coming back so late. When she didn't answer right away they both grew suspicious.

"Hermione?" Think Hermione what would they both believe?

"I was at the library, geez you act like I have to tell you where I am every second of the day." Harry turned back toward the fire, accepting her answer but Ron was still staring at her suspiciously. As she turned to walk away Ron asked the one question she couldn't answer.

"With who 'Mione?" Of all times for Ron to ask a wise question.

"Your acting strange. If its not where you were it's obviously who you were with."

"You two aren't my guard dogs! I don't need to tell you where I am and who I'm with!"

"Just tell us you bloody daft Mudblood!" Without another glance in Ron's direction Hermione ran up the stairs to her dorm, furiously blinking back tears. Did Ron just call me a daft Mudblood?

Draco sat in potions stealthily gazing at Hermione. The reason behind this was simple, she had broken five quills in one class, she had dark circles under both eyes, and her eyes were slightly red. Remembering the deal he had made with her the previous night he penned her a simple note.

You appear mildly upset so I believe it might benefit us both to meet tonight. Room Of Requirement fifteen minutes after dinner.

With a careful yet elegant flick of his wand the message was sent. The Gryffindor Princess read the note and made a subtle nod in his direction. Satisfied he refocused on Professor Snape only glancing at Hermione every few minutes.

I know the first chapter is very short but it is only meant as the introduction. I also have another fan fiction, It Necessary, also a Dramione fan fiction. Take a look if you wish, perhaps leave a review?