A/N: So this is my first multi-chapter story I hope its believable and a good read. This is Liper once again as I just love that ship. In this there isn't any Calypso as this focuses more on the Liper relationship. Based after Blood of Olympus. Please read, enjoy and review. :D

Disclaimer: I don't own HoO or PJO

Leo knew he shouldn't be listening into this conversation but he just couldn't pull himself away from the keyhole. Leo and Piper had spent the afternoon training in the arena before returning to the house that the seven Heroes of Olympus shared. The two of them had walked in and found Jason with two bags under his arms about to leave the room that he and Piper shared. Piper had immediately pushed Jason into the room and slammed the door in Leo's face. The seven had been back at camp for almost two months now in which time Chiron had seen to it that they had a place to stay and it had ended up being a two-story house with rooms for all of them and their hobbies as a way of thanks. The Romans had travelled back to Camp Jupiter for the autumn and everything had been as normal and as quiet as physically possible for a demigod. Until now…

(inside the room)

"What are you doing Jason?" Piper asked quietly. She already knew before he answered, he had been distant for a while ever since she had left but she needed him to say it.

"I need her Pipes!" he said quietly.

"SAY HER NAME!" Piper screamed grabbing a vase off the side and lobbing at his head which he narrowly avoided.

"Whoa, whoa! Calm down, Piper!" Jason said trying to calm the daughter of Aphrodite down but a bottle of perfume was also flung at him.

"SAY IT!" she screamed.

"Okay! It's Reyna!" Jason said giving out a huge sigh as he slid down their bed onto the floor. "She's been gone what a week? I can't stop thinking about her – I need to be with her."

Piper also slumped to the floor willing the tears not to come – she hated tears.

"Now listen to me baby-" Jason began.

"Don't call me baby!" Piper said through gritted teeth, her fists clenched by her side. "I'm not you're baby. How long have I not been you're baby Jason – a week, two, a month – I wonder if I was ever you're baby in the first place?"

"Hey!" Jason exclaimed getting to his feet and raising his voice. "I told you from the start, that if you fall for me I might not share those feelings! I can't help it if your love for me was based on false memories!"

Piper felt like she'd just been punched in the gut. Tears threatened to come spilling but she forced them back.

"Get out," she muttered quietly.

"Piper-" Jason began once again.

"GET OUT JASON!" she screamed jumping to her feet and swinging the door open causing Leo who had been leaning on it to come tumbling unceremoniously into the room.

"Piper, I told you not to fall for me! I told you I was only going to break your heart." Jason began trying to justify himself.

"Jason that's cold!" Leo said picking himself up off the floor and standing in front of Piper who had withdrawn and was staring out of the window. "I hope karma, or nemesis or someone gets you back this for being so cold. There's no point trying to evade it – you've broken her heart and now I think it is time for you to go, mate." Leo said his fingers tingling on top of his magical tool belt tapping out a tune warning Jason not to try anything.

Jason eyed Leo warily before picking up his bags and heading out the door. Leo watched as Jason walked across the lawn, past the big house - briefly stopping to see Chiron- and then up Camp Half-Blood Hill where he lost sight of him when he crossed the crest.

Leo turned back to where Piper was silently staring at a photo of her and Jason taken at one of the camp fires which was placed on the dressing table in the room.

"Has he gone?" she asked quietly as she turned the picture face down.

"Yes," Leo said as a flurry of chocolate-brown hair rushed towards him and buried her face in the crook of Leo's neck. The tears that had threatened finally came spilling.

"It'll be okay," he soothed trying to find the right words to make his best friend feel better. He moved her over to the bed where she curled up into a ball and sobbed into Leo's shirt until it became thick with tears.

Leo sat there hugging his best friend until the tears finally stopped and she drifted off to sleep. It had gone nine by the time Leo moved out from underneath her and pulled a blanket over her. Just before he left the room he turned and whispered:

"He told you he would break your heart…"

He walked down the stairs to the living room where the four other occupants were lounged about on the sofas. Leo crashed down on one of the sofas next to the burly figure of Frank.

"He's left her," he said.

A/N: Sorry about making Jason out as a dick I just needed to break up him and Piper and cause some anguish in later chapters. I hope you've enjoyed it please review with any criticism or comments.
