WriterFreak001: While this story is certainly not my first FanFiction ever written, it is definitely my first Scorpion piece. You may have heard of my works for the Beauty & the Beast fandom; since I love Scorpion almost as much as I love CW's Beauty & the Beast (don't judge), I thought I would give my imagination a go with a totally different sort of show.

By the way, I am not a genius by any means; this story is just for fun.

Title | Deception

Fandom | Scorpion (CBS)

Description | It did not take a genius for Walter O'Brien to know there was a connection between him and Paige; with each day, the pull between them – whatever it might be – grew stronger, but when Drew came into the picture, it threw Walter in for a loop. Of all of the things he had ever foreseen, he never predicted Ralph's father's untimely arrival. More importantly, Drew seemed to be hiding something; can Walter and his team discreetly investigate Paige's ex without her finding out? What will Walter do with what he finds? Find out and see.

Rating| This fanfiction will be rated K for brain stuff and fluff.

POV | Third Person Omniscient

Disclaimer | While CBS owns Scorpion, I am the owner of this masterpiece.

Claimer | I am human; there are bound to be mistakes. If you feel like something should be changed, you have the power to send me a review/private message. I can't guarantee if I'll change it every time, but I do read all of my reviews and all of my private messages!


Written by WriterFreak001

Chapter 1

~ Scorpion ~

While the rest of the gang were downstairs working on their own personal projects, Walter O'Brien stood in the stairway with his arms crossed in front of his chest as he watched Ralph teach Paige how to play Chess. The kid was a natural; there was no doubt in his mind that Ralph would go far in life. He might even be the next Albert Einstein or even Bill Gates. Luckily for Ralph, Scorpion would be able to help him strengthen his mind. One of these days, Walter would like to test Ralph's IQ with simulations and see how smart the child truly is.

"Come on, Ralph," he heard Paige say as she picked up her son's backpack and handed it to him. "Time to get you to school."

Ralph's frown did not go unnoticed. Walter descended the stairs and made his way over to the boy. "Hey, Ralph; I have another riddle for you."

"Yeah?" Ralph's eyes lit up.

"Yeah," Walter smirked. "So, like last time, I want you to give me your answer the next time we meet, okay?" Ralph smiled so Walter continued. "If it has a quart capacity, how many pennies do you need to put into an empty jar?"

"That's easy," Ralph said as he swung his mother's hand back and forth. "The jar would only need one penny in order for it not to be considered empty anymore."

"Okay, okay," Walter nodded. "Technically, that wasn't the riddle I was going to give you; that was just a start-up to energize your mind. If you have an answer by the end of the school day, I might just take you out for ice cream."

"Walter!" Paige snapped. "Don't make promises you can't keep. What if we're on a case?"

"Then I'll take him afterwards." Walter said without blinking.

"And if I say 'no?'" She raised an eyebrow.

Walter knew Paige was trying to get everyone to eat healthier food, but statistically, one ice cream cone was not going to ruin anybody's diet. Well, except for Sylvester's…; usually one ice cream cone for him turned into four or five depending on how strong his appetite is.

Toby casually walked up to them and grinned. "You're not going to say 'no.'"

"Oh?" Paige challenged. "What makes you say that?"

"Do you even need to ask?" Happy chimed in as she continued to tinker with Cyclone's security system; Cabe had suggested they install a retina scanner to keep unwanted visitors out of the building and away from their expensive equipment. "He's a freakin' mentalist; no one can get away with anything with him around here."

"Hey, now, I resent that." Toby slowly drew his hands up into the air as he defended himself. "When Sylvester accidentally left the fridge open the other day, did I say anything? Nnnooo." Then, immediately, he smacked his head.

Everyone turned to Sylvester who was still working on his latest mathematical formula. Then he turned around, "Hey, Walt—why is everyone staring at me?"

"Toby can't keep his mouth shut." Happy said stoically. "Thanks for ruining half of our food."

Sylvester gulped. "I'll replace them."

"Aaaand I'll assist!" Toby said as he grabbed his fedora and placed it on his head. "Come on, Human Calculator – let's buy all of the junk food we can afford!"

As Toby and Sylvester left the Cyclone, Paige called out to them. "At least buy some veggies while you're –" The door slammed. "– out…"

"I wouldn't count on it." Happy muttered as Paige looked down to Ralph and smiled.

"They were right; I wasn't going to say 'no.' But you already knew that, didn't you?" Paige ruffed his hair as he grinned with a nod. "All right, my little genius; let's get you to school." As Paige turned around, Walter was scrawling something down on a strip of paper. He slipped the sheet into an envelope and walked back over to them.

"I wrote the riddle down and placed the piece of paper in here. When your recess comes, open the envelope up and read the riddle. When you have figured out the answer, write it down the first chance you get and then see if you can come up with your own riddle for me to answer the next time we meet." Walter looked up at Paige, "And, if your mother approves, all three of us," Then he remembered Drew as he looked back at Ralph, "and maybe your father as well, can all go out for ice cream. What do you think?"

Ralph smiled again and then looked at his mother. Paige mirrored the happy expression on her son's face. "I think he'd like that." Then she looked at the clock. "And we are going to be late if we don't leave now! Come on, Ralph; let's go!" As she hurried her son out the door, she turned back to Walter and said, "When I get back, we need to talk."

And then they were gone.

Walter frowned. What did Paige mean? Was she mad at him? Did he say something wrong? Walter tried analyzing the entire conversation, wondering what would have triggered Paige to say such a thing.

"If you think too much, Walter, you'll over-fry your brain." Happy said without looking at him.

As he started to make his way back up the stairs, Agent Cabe Gallo briskly walked inside Cyclone and said, "Busy?"

"Yes." Walter lied without blinking.

"Good," Cabe nodded. "Let's go."

"Where are we going?" Walter raised an eyebrow.

"I'll brief you on the way." Cabe replied as he started walking back towards the door.

"In case you haven't noticed, Agent Gallo," Happy finally looked up from her project, "three members of the team are currently unavailable."

"I realize that," Cabe replied. "I only need Walter for this case; it's a one-man's job. He'll be back later this morning."

"If it's security detail, perhaps Happy would be better suited for the assignment." Walter suggested.

"It's not security detail; if it was, I would be escorting Happy out of here; not you." Cabe Gallo tapped his sunglasses, and they fell over the bridge of his nose. "Let's go, Walter. Our client wants the best of the best, and until we can find someone who has a higher IQ than you, you'll have to do."

"No one has a higher IQ than me – at least no one alive." Walter blinked, not picking up on the nuance of Cabe's voice.

"A swing and a miss." Cabe mumbled.


"Nothing." Cabe shook his head.

As Walter followed Cabe, he turned to Happy and said, "Tell Paige we can talk after I get back."

"She may not be a genius like us, Walter, but I'm sure she's able to put two and two together." Happy rolled her eyes. "Go on, already. I want to see the look on Toby's face when I tell him you were abducted by the Feds."

"I'm not being abducted," Walter frowned.

"Today, you are." Cabe said as he grabbed Walter's arm and pulled him out of the building.

~ Scorpion ~


I figured this would be a good place to stop. Let me know what you think and if I should continue. :) I am open to all criticism. This is basically a tease chapter; if I get a significant amount of responses, I will continue. If I don't, then I will not bother posting any more for this story.