A/N: Thank you for your reviews, favorites, and follows throughout this anthology. It has been a wonderful journey that must come to an end. This is a future spec fic. I wanted end the anthology by showing Kenna and Bash at the peak of their prosperity in life, love and wealth. Not that it doesn't continue, but this is the start. I'm expecting their eldest, Adela, to be about 12 1/2 at this particular time.
Many, many thanks to my beta, Tripp3235, who read through all the chapters to make sure they made sense.
Zenith: The strongest or most successful period of time.
Disclaimer: Not mine. All Reign characters belong to Laurie McCarthy and Stephanie Sengupta and The CW. I'm just playing with them.
Z is for Zenith
"I want to thank everyone for coming today," said Bash at the front of the gathering with Kenna by his side. "I also wanted to thank my wife for organizing this wonderful celebration." He turned to smile at her before continuing. "We are honoured that each of you are able to share this day with us. As most of you know, our marriage started rather inauspiciously, but we persevered, found love and here we are on our fifteenth wedding anniversary celebrating with our friends, family and neighbours. I could not have asked for a better marriage partner in that time." Bash leaned over to give his wife a kiss to the hoots and hollers of those gathered. "Let the celebrations begin!"
There was cheering and clapping in the crowd before it started to disperse. Bash picked up a goblet of wine each for him and Kenna from a table nearby and toasted her privately before moving around to greet their guests.
When it was all over and all the nearby guests had returned home, while the guests from distant places were all settling in, Bash found Kenna, in her cloak, out on the balcony from their bedchamber just looking out on their estate. Various things still littered the south lawn from the celebrations that day. A few servants were still working even now to pick it all up. He knew that this was his wife's favorite spot in the entire house and possibly the entire estate. Everything as far as the eye could see was theirs. They had worked hard together to achieve this prosperity and they had brought their two eldest children here and four others had join them since.
"That went off remarkably well," said Bash when he walked onto the balcony after putting on a cloak to ward off the chill in the air. It was early spring in the south of France and the nights were much colder than the days.
"Bash!" Kenna turned and smiled at her husband of fifteen years. "Come closer so you can warm me up."
He chuckled and wrapped his cloak and his arms around his wife. "You're freezing!" He lowered his head until he was cheek to cheek with her. "Why are you out here if you're so cold?"
She leaned her cheek against his and snuggled against him. "I wanted to watch the servants to ensure that they picked up everything. They're almost done. I came out here after tucking all the children in."
"And you didn't think to dress warmly enough?" He kissed the top of her ear.
"I actually didn't think they would take this long." She turned to look at him. "But I think that most of them are still washing the dishes and tidying the kitchens and the house. Besides if I were warm, would I have a loving husband wrapped around me?"
"If you wanted me to hold you, all you need to do is ask," said Bash looking his beautiful wife. "I'd gladly wrap my arms around you any time." He leaned in and kissed her cold cheek.
"Hmmmm," she said. "Maybe I ought to ask more often."
"Maybe you should." He closed his eyes to savour the moment.
After a few minute, when the last of the servants were heading in, she nudged him. "Shall we head inside?"
He straightened up and held out his hand. "Let us head in."
Taking his hand, she said, "Thank you for keeping me warm." Her grateful smile lit up her entire face.
Once inside, he pulled her into an embrace. "Happy Anniversary, wife. You've made me the happiest man on earth. I love you beyond measure."
"Happy Anniversary, Bash," said Kenna, searching his eyes and only seeing love. "I love you so very much."
They then closed the gap between them and kissed.
The End!
A/N2: Thank you for reading. Let me know what you thought of this particular chapter or the anthology as a whole. If you've not had a chance to review before, I'd love to hear your thoughts long or short.
Now I've got to start working on the continuations. See you at More Scenes from a Marriage shortly. :)