Epilouge-6 months later

"Jess, come on, if we don't leave soon we won't get to Stars Hollow 'til after midnight."

He was torn, he knew Rory was right and he didn't want to be driving that late really, especially with Rory pouting and telling him she was right. But on the other hand he was on a roll, he had written almost three full chapters this week, and what could be his second book was beginning to come together. He groaned loudly. "Ror, twenty more minutes, I swear that's all I need I just gotta finish this and we can go, promise," he looked up from the notebook he was scribbling in, his eyes pleading. Rory sighed, her eyes rolling as she made another pot of coffee.

An hour and a half later they were pulling out of the parking lot of their apartments. "I lost track of time, Baby, sorry."

Rory smirked over the top of her travel mug, "I knew you would," she said, "if you get tired, let me take over driving. I've had plenty of coffee."

As they passed through New Jersey Jess asked, "Who all is going to be there for thanksgiving again?"

"Mom and Luke, Sookie, Jackson and the kids, obviously, it is at the inn."

Sookie's willingly letting Luke into her kitchen?"

"In theory, though, I think Mom is handing out popcorn and letting people watch them fight." Jess chuckled before Rory continued with the guest list for Thanksgiving, "Lane, Zach and the twins, Babette & Maury, Miss Patty, Kirk and Lulu, your Mom, TJ and Doula and my Grandparents." She finished quickly, seeing the growing scowl on her boyfriend's face, as the people she listed became less and less desirable.

"Don't any of these people ha families?" Jess asked, frustrated.

"Liz and TJ are your family."

"Yes, but Patty and Babette aren't, and I'm pretty sure they'd like to be."

Rory snorted. "They'll have to get through me first."

"Why are your grandparents coming again?"

"Because, we'll be in Spain for Christmas, and I had to compromise, Thanksgiving or the next twenty years of my life being guilt tripped for not spending the holidays with them as an adult."

"What's our story about why we're going to Spain?"

"I thought we'd go with the truth; we wanted to have a vacation filled with sin and debauchery." She laughed at the look Jess gave her. "There's an installation art piece there that was done by and artist who was commissioned to do a piece in the Penn Treaty Park and I need to get background on him fr a feature story for the e-zine."

They arrived at The Dragonfly around 2am and were greeted by a relieved looking Tobin. "Little Lorelai, oh I was getting so worried, your mom told me you were going to be here hours ago and I didn't have your number, I was just getting ready to call her and get a search party set up to look for you all." He took a deep breath after his long sentence. Jess gave Rory an annoyed look, and she just smiled, familiar with the night manager's eccentricities.

"Well, we're here now, so you can stop worrying." Rory could tell the ramble was going to start again soon and wasn't sure how much her tired and cranky boyfriend could handle. "Tobin, I'm sorry we worried you, we got off to a late start. Can we have our room key?" Tobin handed over the key and Rory quickly pulled Jess away from the desk and towards their room.

"Late start, huh?" Lorelai asked, wiggling her eyebrows above her coffee cup.

"Jess was in a really good place in his writing and didn't want to stop." Lorelai's look said she didn't believe her daughters explanation. "Whatever, it's the truth. Think what you want to think."

They were interrupted by a loud bang coming from the kitchen, followed by a curse from Luke and frantic apologies from Sookie. "The show's starting." Lorelai said excitedly, causing Rory to giggle.

Jess woke up mid-morning, gladly accepting the cup of coffee Rory offered him. "Did you get enough sleep?" She asked after returning the soft kiss he placed on her lips. He shook his head and yawned. Rory had originally said no work while they were on their trip to Stars Hollow, but had acquiesced when she realized how difficult a time Jess would have without it based on his recent inspiration, especially since he didn't smoke anymore. He had awoken roughly an hour and a half after they checked into their room and began writing frantically, waking Rory during his search for a pen. He came back to bed several hours later and when Rory got up at her usual time, he was lightly snoring next to her and she left him to slumber away the morning. "Then you'd better drink a lot of that, because my grandparents will be here in a few hours." Jess grunted and took the coffee back to their room, hoping it and a shower would prepare him for the daunting day ahead of him.

Rory was getting worried about Jess when had gone back to their room a half hour ago to change into the oatmeal colored sweater and Burberry skirt, borrowed form Lorelai, she was wearing to dinner. She was beginning to think he had gone back to sleep and forgotten to set an alarm or worse gotten into another writing frenzy that she's never be able to get him out of. Luckily he was just in the shower.

Her grandparents had arrived a few minutes before and everyone was eager to get the meal started. Rory made her way back to the room, hoping his mood had improved and was pleased to find him just as he walked out of the room, dressed in grey slacks and a hunter green button down shirt. "Hey," he greeted her with a kiss, "you look upset.'

"I was just coming to get you, everyone's ready to eat." She said kissing him again. He happily kissed her back and she deepened the kiss. He knew that seeing him dressed this nicely always had an effect on her. He unwillingly wore a suit a few months prior and they barely made it to the dinner they had to go to. She pushed him into the door, pressing herself into him and eliciting a groan. They were interrupted by the shrill voice of Emily Gilmore.

"Honestly, you'd think this was Brazil. You two already live in sin, you don't need to give everyone a show while you're at it. Dinner is waiting on you." She added and turned to leave.

Rory and Jess both shared annoyed looks, "only a few hours," she said steeling herself for the meal ahead. She turned to her boyfriend with a hopeful look, "will you still love me when this is all over?" He wrapped his arm around her and led her to the dining room as an answer.