Hi guys, due to the angry, demanding reviews on this story, I am getting really annoyed and pissed off and so the chances of me actually updating this story has actually been reduced to near zero (: I've been trying to find the motivation to update this story again, I've been trying to revive my interest in it, but when you make angry demands on this story for updates, with absolutely no regard for the fact that I have my own personal life and my own interests and I have major exams coming up this year and I have hardly updated ANY of my stories in what feels like forever, well, let's just say by nature that I am a very angry and proud person and if there is one surefire way to ensure that I won't update, it's to make angry demands like that (:
So yes, I very likely will not update this story. Ever. Again. Partly, because it started out as a spur of the moment thing and hence I had absolutely no plot for this. But even more so, because of the angry demands that keep appearing which only worsen my mood and get me really, really pissed off and annoyed and angry. (:
If anyone is interested in taking up this story, please just let me know, and take it, whatever. I don't really care as long as you give me some form of credit, you can take the story and transform it into one of your own (:
I know, it sounds quite petty. Refusing to update just because one reviewer pisses me off. But I really am quite mad, and I am trying to handle this situation the calmest way I know how that my pride will let me.
I'm really sorry guys, I think (I hope) that a lot of you wanted to know what was going to happen next.
But I'm not updating. And if I do, it won't be until end November, when my major exams (which, by the way, will more or less determine my whole goddamn future) are over, and when I have the time to reread PJO, maybe rewatch a couple of DP episodes, and revive my interest in this whole universe, so I will be able to write something that isn't a crappy piece of shit.
Thank you so much for the support guys. I will do my best to get over my pride and update at the end of this year. I may update my other stories because I'm more familiar with their universes right now as opposed to this particular DP/PJO one, and because I know where I'm going with those stories and they make me happy when I write them, and not as stressed as this one does. But I cannot promise that I will update this before end November, or even at all.
I just thought that I should put this up here.